Is there a faster card than the 295X2? Will there be one this year?

is there a faster card than the 295X2? Will there be one this year?

I remember seeing announcement posts about a 395X2 in December 2015 but nothing ever came of it. I certainly can't find any for sale.

I am looking to build a quad-GPU build with maximum outright performance for a client. Money is essentially no object.

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There have been faster cards? I'm pretty sure the 980 to beats it in everything

I have researched that card
benchmarks appear to say it is slower?

Most of the sites I've read that prefer it, say because of lower power draw and quiet. But this will already be a dual-psu build, power draw is not an issue, as in the OP I'm looking for maximum outright performance (in a desktop case)


Anyone? I am about to go ahead and order 4x.

Should I post an entire PcPartPicker? Would that help?

>hurr durr two 295s are worse than one nvidia curd!
are you getting paid for this bullshit?
or are you really this fucking retarded?

no but post it anyway so we can laugh at your shitty decisions

the fury radeon pro is better

both amd dual card wreck any nvidia card.

Search up Radeon Pro Duo
Its the same concept behind the 295x2, this time with two Fury X chips

You can run only 2 of them since they already count as 2 cards each one (the 295x2 is basically 2 290 slapped together).

If you want a quad gpu setup right now, get 4 Titan X.

There's the devils 13, which is 2 390x on a single die, air cooled.

>Single GPU card faster than AMD HOUSEFIRES


But to be fair, multigpu sucks dick. The 1080 beats the 295x2 in most benchmarks, finally, but I'd wait for ti or Vega.

Give him four GTX 980 Ti or 1080s.

Nothing AMD has right now is worth buying since its old architecture from fucking 3 years ago and the Fury/FuryX is a flop

AMD actually dominates multi GPU performance.

Nigger what the fuck are you even saying right now?

>Actually shilling an ACTUAL 4gb card in the year 2016
>Console upgrade coming
>fuckheug amounts of vram are definitely going to be needed
>FuryX wasn't just a proof of concept they wanted to cash in on

Fucking kill yourself.

In six months when AMD has an 8GB HBM2 GPU i will shill it to the ends of the earth, but the FuryX is a god damn WASTE of money.

Now throw a current-gen dual GPU card in there (Pro Duo) and see how it goes.

>3.5GB is enough, goys!
>Except if it comes from AMD

3.5 is enough when you're paying 300 bucks for it.

You wanna go spend 650 on 4gb, go right ahead dumbass.

Or better yet, encourage him to get the Pro Duo, for 1500. Encourage him to get four them.

Because you're a goddamn retard.

I'm still on a HD5870, 1GB. Still performs fine, vram isn't everything.

Okay, let's be objective here.

OP has a "friend" spending untold fortunes on a PC. you think "fine" is gonna cut?

Besides that, your "Fine" is not every ones Fine.

You can enjoy 5FPS at 480p, great. Not every one can.

>2 390x on a single die, air cooled.
>Air cooled

I'm playing at 1080p nigga, Just low-high settings.

Fury X will be fine, it trades blows with 980 ti and actually pulls ahead in multi gpu performance.

Stop looking at the specs and start looking at the benchmarks.

>low-high settings
>Stop looking at the specs and start looking at the benchmarks.
As an official paid AMD shill I am going to have to ask you to stop posting, you're just making my job harder.

>what is the pro duo

>wanting multi-gpu garbage

>mfw its cheaper to get two fury X's

Let me break that post down for you if your reading comprehension is that bad.

>1GB HD5870 still handles modern games fine on a mix of low, medium and high settings.


>Fury x trades blows with the 980 ti, and scales better in crossfire.

i run 8x 1080 already
it was hard to cool them

His graph represented that CFX scales better than SLI. It didn't imply that the Fury X was a commendable card. For the same price, you can get a R9 390 which overclocks fairly well, performs on par with the 970, and scales better on CFX. Pretty much everyone on Sup Forums lacks reading comprehension apparently.

the AMD Pro Duo

Maximum outright performance? 295X2?

The consumer-grade GTX 1080 is more powerful than the 295X at about half the price.

The 295X is not even remotely close to maximum performance, ESPECIALLY if you're looking at "money is no object" builds. You're going to want to look at Pro Duo if you're dead set on AMD, or Nvidia's Tesla line if you're interested in maximum performance.

AMD driver support is awful.

AMD multi gpu driver support is non existent.

You don't want a multi gpu, especially an AMD one.

There is a dual 390 card, it has 6 fans

Except when it works it scales better than SLI'd cards, and DX12 looks like it'll fix a lot of the issues

Nvidia still pulls ahead with overclocking.

With DX12 amd is just shoving the multi gpu responsibility onto the dev. They want nothing to do with it. So far the only DX12 game with crossfire support is ashes, an AMD sponsored game.

Devs always complain about how amd doesn't respond to their calls and cries for help so I really fucking doubt crossfire will improve. Multi gpu is already a niche and crossfire is a niche within a niche. Nobody sensible spends any sort of money on multi amd setups.

Then get 4 1080s. The Radeon Pro Duo is shit, expensive and only 4GB.

Hi, OP here

Thanks for the info, I was not aware of the Pro Duo.

I ordered 4x of these instead of the 295x2s.



special thanks to all the unhelpful people in this thread like you

who is basically anyone except the three i quoted in >just use nvidia
obviously I'm going for dual-quad crossfire and this isn't an option, as stated in the OP this client wants maximum performance, there is no dual-quad SLI possible in an ATX motherboard with only 4 x8-x16 slots.

just to be clear the ONLY way to have 8 GPUs in your ATX system is to use AMD, those are the only responses which are possibly helpful

guess I should have put that in the op but I figured Sup Forums would intuit, given how much arguing over GPUs goes on here

Your client is a dumbass and your a dumbass for enabling it.

Enjoy spending 4000 of his dollars for a fucking 5% increase.

I know you're just bullshitting but Linus built a computer with 8 fury nano and the drivers crashed every 5 minutes. He had to decouple it from windows using some sort of trick before attaching it to the vm.

the total cost of this PC is over $20k, the Xeons alone are more than the total cost of GPUs, I do not think he will mind

What's his address OP, I need to send him a Tee-Shirt.

I sincerely hope you are going to water cool the Pro Duo's properly with EK full cover blocks...because having 4 of those shitty AIO pumps running in the one system (Plus possibly more if you are mounting them on the Xeons) would drive anyone fucking insane from the noise...if the client is spending 20k, I'd be building them a full custom loop to cool the thing, and have it remain dead silent at all times.

Ouch for AMD.

>fury x 1% behind Titan x
>Bad for AMD


DX12 doesn't support multigpu. You don't want to go there.

It does it differently, and potentially better, a Fury X + 980ti Cross-SLI has already been tested

Ashes dx12 doesn't support crossfire.

>if the client is spending 20k, I'd be building them a full custom loop to cool the thing, and have it remain dead silent at all times.
I am ordering all the parts to bench test, then sending them to a custom case vendor in Canada who is designing the case and water cooling system

I do not know much about water cooling design, having only used AIOs in the past, so it's for sure out of my league. The chop shop has CNC and waterjet, says they can make their own waterblocks custom-fit to whatever GPUs we end up with

What's he plan on doing with that system? Just wondering. Must be pretty rich.

Minecraft at 5k, 244Hz, Singleplayer

He hates lag, has high functioning autism and fell for the 5k meme

He is a regular finance guy, works every day at the NYSE. Doesn't know too much about computers except the basic "more is better," which he is demanding pretty hard.

This computer is for his home. We are still in the air about choosing displays but the ultimate goal is to tile a wall in his home office so I am thinking 6-8 identical 4k with small bezel. Preferably IPS.

this isn't me btw

Yeah, if I worked as a trader at the NYSE and made as much as they do I'd probably drop $20k on a computer for shits and giggles too.

Quad Fury X's

Have you looked into projectors? Fuck having multiple screens, just make his whole wall the screen.

It must be this way. I could not fathom spending or even having that much money to spend on a computer.

He also has 10G ethernet wired through his entire home. As in, 10 gigabytes download or upload bandwidth, 24/7. The "ISP" is a special provider for low latency high frequency trading. I believe it's a straight connection to either bloomberg datacenters or NYSE itself.

Rich people are absurd.
I do love working for them though.

>10 gigabytes
sorry that's 10 gigaBITS, I am dumb
hope its still absurd enough that way

You need something like that for HFT, you literally need to be as close to the exchange as possible for it to beat out other people trying to do the same thing.

Not bad at all actually

FirePro w9100

Gonna be like $3500 per card

This guy sounds like a dick, I hope you're making a pretty good commission off of this.