XPosed framework

I just installed CyanogenMod 13 and I'm about to get xposed (I know nothing about either)

anybody know some good programs to install?
picture unrelated

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Get GApps if you want the play store
ARM/ARM64 depends on your device (look it up on the cyanogenmod device wiki)
CyanogenMod 13 is Android 6.0 so choose that
Nano has been moat successful for me for a pretty non-bloated install
Also download amplify from xposed for a better battery

The device wiki doesn't say anything about if it's ARM or ARM64... this is the page wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Klte_Info

I don't want GApps as I don't use anything Google makes and would prefer not to. I've heard of fakestore and f-droid, I'll have to look more into those.

>Nano has been moat successful for me for a pretty non-bloated install
wat? a nano version of cyanogenmod or xposed? or nano the text editor?

>I don't want GApps as I don't use anything Google makes and would prefer not to. I've heard of fakestore and f-droid, I'll have to look more into those.
You can get around purely with F-Droid this days, unless you want normie stuff that lacks a web version, like WhatsApp
You can try the microG project, some people here are running it in their daily driver successfully

See pic related
Sup Forums filter is dumb

This was the floating stickies app from fdroid

Fdroid is a nice play store replacement app and you can get around with it*

Looks like I'll need that for .... anything that runs google play services.... and here I thought android was open source and nice, seems like something apple would do (making apps rely on their app store)

Nice I'll get that... if I can figure out where that is

I've found the download page for xposed but I'm not sure which one to get, there are 3 sdk installer versions and then there is arm or arm64 and I have no idea how to tell which one I should be downloading... here is the link dl-xda.xposed.info/framework/

>Looks like I'll need that for .... anything that runs google play services.... and here I thought android was open source and nice, seems like something apple would do (making apps rely on their app store)
It's open source, just not really libre
Though it's strawmanning to call it open source nowadays

But yeah, Google is a cunt and has basically made Android rely on their closed source botnet

Your processor is 32bit this means its ARM
Sdk23 is the sdk for marshmallow so get that one

For getting good battery, I definitely get Amplify, PowerNap, Pixel Battery Saver and SetCPU.

For everything else, Blackmart and Lucky Patcher for doing immoral stuff. Lua player for pop up video, and tTorrent is a personal favorite to name a few

Is telegram any good? I've heard good things about Bleep, but knowing bittorrent it probably won't work very well

are there any apps you would recommend for a firewall? my android system is taking up all of my mobile data (I get 200mb and it takes up 50mb/month) and it sucks, so I was wondering if you could block that traffic with a firewall or some other root program?

From F-Droid

>Blackmart and Lucky Patcher for doing immoral stuff.

what do these do? what kind of immoral stuff?

>Lua player
Thanks for this

Not him, but Blackmart is a "black market" for pirated apps. I don't use it, I think aptoide and mobilism are safer.

Lucky Patcher is for patching out license verification, free in app purchases, blocking out ads.

are these battery apps anything like Greenify? I've only used greenify and I have to say it is pretty great

>Not him, but Blackmart is a "black market" for pirated apps. I don't use it, I think aptoide and mobilism are safer.
>Lucky Patcher is for patching out license verification, free in app purchases, blocking out ads.

interesting, thanks for explaining. I also have cm13 & fdroid, & don't use Google for anything. I'll def look into aptoide & mobilism.

Keep in mind mobilism is basically a warez forum (they have an app though), but aptoide is a full blown marketplace and they scan/check the apks automatically to see if they correspond to the signature on google play - if you see a green badge next to the app for example.

For mobilism, I also update the apps to virustotal before installing.

Tfw samsung bricks when i try to install custom firmware + xposed

Muh xprivacy

what's virustotal?

A site that analyzes files for viruses with around 50 virus scanners

I guess it was self explanatory in the name. so updating apps to virustotal is to make sure they are clean?

Uploading to virustotal scans the file for viruses
>updating apps to virustotal
Nice grammar btw

I was just repeating what id read above:
>For mobilism, I also update the apps to virustotal before installing.

are you under the impression that thats just not some stupid kid?

>Using CyanogenMOD

Shit became outdated when KitKat was the new hotness. Now they suck Microsoft dick.

Im compiling cm11 atm
This download is big af
Cm11 was released for my device so I decided to get it myself

what's the new thing then?

Oops I meant uploading.

You're mistaking Cyanogen with Cyanogenmod.