Anyone know where I can find the drivers for Broadcom BCM43142 so I can actually do this damn Debian netinstall?

Anyone know where I can find the drivers for Broadcom BCM43142 so I can actually do this damn Debian netinstall?

Tried Google, lots of dead links.

Other urls found in this thread:

>He fell for the Plebeian Gaynut/Loserdix meme

Just get a mac, user, they support the most cutting edge industry standard software and don't pander to GAYMURRS XD like Microdong Wankblows

I'm actually converting over a Windows 10 notebook. It'll be a breeze once I find this driver but God help me until I do.

I have the same chip. With arch setting up WiFi is a one liner command thanks to the God tier wiki and the AUR

Does that one line command pull from the internet? Because that's what I can't get working in the first place.

Android tethering

This. A toejam eating, bird fucking hippie, who calls himself a Doctor from having honorary degrees is cock blocking you from having wifi drivers.

How stupid does this sound?
welcome to Opensores.

It's pretty shit. Someone on an IRC channel directed me to ISOs with non-free device support though, so maybe those will work

Just give up. If you have a broadcom wifi chip then you should just give up.


Unless this new installer doesn't work. Then yeah probably.

Wew lad

Are you making a router with AP functionality? then there's no real reason to waste time doing this on debian. Go for ubuntu/mint/fedora which will have this functionality out of the box. These distros respect your time.

Listen to as you are essentially living in 2003-2004 if you don't

I like Debian. It respects my freedom to have never used any other distro for a meaningful amount of time. 2004 was also a great year you cretin.

>Broadcom BCM43142

Did you look at this page? I know you can load drivers through a usb during a netinstall. so this should work, you should know the rest.

Here you go OP

This user beat me to suggesting this by a fraction.

Dunno about debian but I think you gotta enable non free repo in the sources list. Your fault fir choosing a half assed freetard wannabe distro maintained by people with suicidal tendency. At least you didn't fall for cuccdora meme
Install ubuntu, the superior debian or go Arch.

I tried that first. No dice. Oh well, time to branch out.

Just to piss off Mr Router I'm going to try installing elementary instead now.

Wannabe distro for a wannabe man. It seemed fitting. FINE I'll go memeOS.

>feel for debianfags bait

OP you need the UnOfficial non-free netinstall isos.

heres the AMD64 version.

That's where I went on the advice of the IRC channel. Got the ISO, wrote the image to USB, ran the installer and pooped out again at the network device step.

>netinstall over wifi
No Ethernet port?

Nope. This is basically a Fisher Price netbook.

haha. Holy shit. Debian can't get on wifi after an installer? My macbook's EFI "bios" can get on wifi. haha.

During. During the installer. I made this thread because I can't even make it to "after."

did you already aded the non-free repos?
did you already did:

# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade
# apt-get install module-assistant wireless-tools broadcom-sta-common

# m-a a-i broadcom-sta
# echo blacklist brcm80211 >> /etc/modprobe.d/broadcom-sta-common.conf
# update-initramfs -u -k $(uname -r)

# modprobe -r b44 b43 b43legacy ssb brcm80211
# modprobe wl


holy shit. what OS purgatory is this?
m-a a-i broadcom-sta

sounds like a homeless man with tourrettes.

I was going to say Romanian.

I guess we agree on the homeless part then.

this is not a matter on the quality of the software but if a certain piece of software can be distributed with another piece of software, there's distros that don't mind packaging non free drivers but op chooses a distro who does, the thing is knowing how to install that non-free driver.

What do you expect from an half freetard distro

>Just to piss off Mr Router I'm going to try installing elementary instead now.
If the firmware isn't available, switching distributions wont help. There is a reason people hate Broadcom even before Raspberry Pi.

Oh there's a bunch of Ubuntu support threads for this chip, to the point where one of the Debian posts was "hey someone tweaked an Ubuntu driver it's probably a bad idea but try it." I'll probably be able to sort it out.

heh, m-a is module-assistant a-i i think is auto install

Confirmed: the installer natively got the WiFi adapter working.

We eOS soon boys.

Try installing OSX on his netbook and see how it goes

Can't. (Just checked tonymac.)

>buying your Unix without hardware
Fools game.

literally the first reply is a macfag shill

so you guys get paid by speed or something?

Just use a distro that is not old as shit. Arch, Antergos, Ubuntu. I never understood why people use Debian and expect things working with no problems. I never had problems with Antergos, for example, because I receive updates and I am not years behind.

this is a classic issue.

You should give up on Dedian for that particular PC. Get Obanto or Fedora, it will work inmediately with no bullshit.

Prefer Obanto GNOME or MATE.

We do it for free.
It's an awwwwoooovement.