Do you guys think the market will be oversaturated with CS graduates by the time I graduate (3 years)?
Do you guys think the market will be oversaturated with CS graduates by the time I graduate (3 years)?
CS graduates? Maybe.
CS graduates who can actually do shit? No.
I'm also scared of this as it seems everyone is doing CS right now
lol, what do you think?
It already is oversaturated.
I'm wondering whether to take this or Computer Engineering.
>be 20 years ago
>everyone is worried market is soon going to be oversaturated with CS graduates
>10 years ago, nobody but true nerds into CS because muh oversaturation
>companies desperate to hire more CS graduates
>lots of people go into CS
>everyone worried the CS market will soon be oversaturated
In the meantime, the market has only stopped growing when there was a scarcity of CS graduates. Never has it been oversaturated, so don't assume it will ever be.
Who knows what kind of job opportunities will there be three years from now? Just do something you enjoy and have fun while you learn a skill.
Three years are nothing when you're older. You can complement your training with something else down the line if the need arises.
Am in a software engineering program. On average, the students in my program simply cannot produce quality (or even at all correct) code or bother with recent technology.
75%+ just do the bare minimum, learn nothing outside of school, and pass with C's and D's. This goes for comp sci as well.
So no, it will not be oversaturated. If you are good you will find a job and your work will be appreciated and paid for.
Just to give an example, there's a WordPress club at my school. They all make WordPress websites with permade plugins and pretend they're Steve Jobs. But then they can't fizzbuzz.
>pretend they're steve jobs
well, they use others code and call it theirs
It already is idiot
>doin cs beecaus you want a job
make your own job really if you haven't created shit in 3 years time vbut have perfect grades you still won't get a job EVER EVER NEVER.
You can learn everything you need to know at the end of year 2.
>Wordpress club
What the actual fuck
Good luck competing with the fleets of pajeets for one job.
Grab a few internships and you'll have 0 problem finding a job
it already is.
you don't go to college to learn, you go to suck dick and lick boots of people that could give you a job in the future.
grades mean jack shit.
All you need to do is find a book that teaches a particular niche.
Find networking, programming, or Databases and pick a specific niche. Then you find a book and fucking learn the material about your niche. If you want a job, go out and fucking talk to people that have jobs in your field. Then start fucking applying for entry level positions and continue working on your network. Figure out what niche is needed in your area and git gud!
If you are on the east or west coast, databases would be a good place to start.
if you are scattered in the midwest, CRM and ERP customization is a thing.
It's not that hard guys. Don't fall for the fucking CS meme unless you get accepted into top 10 tier school
same fag. BTW, fucking learn how to set up a fucking network and program shit before going to college. Go play with electronics at a tech school for 1 year if there is an opportunity, embedded systems are going to be HUGE
>interested in low-level network programming and operating systems
>really get into my university CS classes on these topics and get A's
>time to get my first internship
>get an internship with a large but good local company
>end up tossed into an Enterprise™ Java™ Development™ team
>muh design patterns and muh Java EE and muh Eclipse and muh Maven and more design patterns
i'm thankful that i at least got an internship to put on my resume, but this isn't really what i wanted to do
a-at least i'll be employable, r-right guys?
It already is lol
> databases
> CRM and ERP customization
> CS meme
Wow. Is Sup Forums only "gadgets" now?
I don't have a degree. Turn CS into hobby and interest, and you won't even need to care about such fears. You'll get good naturally and potential employers will figure it out.
CS is only a tool for understanding the fundamentals and mathematics behind software and hardware that allows code to execute on your machine to get shit done.
Don't get me wrong. If you wanna do CS to perfect robotics, go ahead. If you want a job, you MUST learn a niche such as software customization for ERP software suites. The real world wants this shit. Not algorithms that you think are cool. If you get in at a company and start from the bottom, you can git good by making the company look good. You go to the top and all the sudden you become head hunted.
My point is, get in at a tech job opportunity and start reading up on books that teach the niche your company needs. Forget the Computer Science. You can learn more on your own than from a sub par professor who cucks you out of $5932 for tuition.
Only good answer.
A shitton of people being mediocre doesn't oversaturate anything, what gets you is business maybe taking advantage a couple of years of paying shit for the job til they realize they need to pay better wages to attract the ones that can actually make it.