Lmaoing @ the niggers who say gaming isn't possible on linux

Lmaoing @ the niggers who say gaming isn't possible on linux

lmaoing @ the dumb stupid nigger cattle

Blizzard games run fine in wine

carlito mi amigo can i update my el fake ipodo on your el computerino
you use el "leenix"?
whataaever, homes

Agreed. If TempleOS had the capability to play muh children's vidya I'd likely be using it, it's so fast. It's a shame he only implemented "what God wanted", because he's talented as fuck.

I know. But winkids always talk about how Linux has no gaming support.

>tfw living in a south texas town filled with old people
>tfw i'm the only computer literate person outside of the nearest city

i play dota 2 on linux, obviously lower fps than botnet 10 but i cap it to 60

blizzard games, sure. A lot of the time wine either runs, but with issues, runs like shit, or just won't run. Gaming is possible in Linux, sure, especially with vulkan api hopefully being more supported in the future - but the issue is that GENERALLY it's difficult.

what game looks sick

Toontown Rewritten

Best game ever. Had so much jellybeans

what is the worst race, and why is it mice?

Who is the worst user, and why is it you?



Id rather play openarea with random bros and shit talk

I'm living in a south texas town as well. There isn't much people around here who can use a computer.

Be my friend.

>wasting your life with gay men

I'll be your (boy)friend.

>Not wasting your time with gay men


OpenMW is the best MW

>not having a toon as the master duck species but having it as the peasent mouse
Kill yourself

>55 laff and in sellbot hq
Kill yourself

hell yea my nigga

I hope Linux will catch up on this, because anything newer than 7 is an atrocity, and after I'm done with 7 (knowing myself, I'll probably use it even after they stop supporying it) I'll move to Linux Mint (: