Hello Sup Forums, I dun goofed;

Hello Sup Forums, I dun goofed;
>went to a friend's house
>he has a decent gaming laptop
>"you update it's drivers?"
>"lol I don't know what they are"
>Install one driver updating software (Driver Booster) and update drivers
>His pc has been crashing, even after doing a system recovery to before the installation

I know, I know, now I know that driver installing software are cancer after doing research, but I had it on my pc after the recomendation of a friend, and never had any issues with it.
What can the cause be? His windows 10 is updated, we checked.

Do I do a windows 10 reinstall on his pc keeping his files, or should I do a full reinstalation with a disk (probably will bring it to a pc technician and pay my bucks since the pc isn't mine).
I dun goofed and now I gotta pay the price, and I only wanted to help.

>Driver Booster

What else could you possibly hope to achieve? You're useless. Kill yourself.

swallow his cum as payment

This is why I don't mess with other people's computers, even if they're a mess and my intentions are good.

And OP probably bragged about "being good with computers" and that it would be a "piece of cake". Kek

To be honest, I did. I have assembled my own computer and fixed a bunch of friends and family computers, and never had an issue with them.

I want Sup Forums to leave

>remove drivers
>reinstall drivers

Not your personal tech support. Kill yourself and figure it out yourself you stupid cunt

Nuke the drive and do a fresh install

>windows 10
install gentoo

Don't worry OP, windows just werks unlike linux. It'll sort itself out and you won't have to do anything arcane or over the top. Microsoft only produces the highest quality software and personally approved third party drivers, unlike ganoo/losernix.

Install the superior operating system Ganoo PLUS Loonix.

find the right drivers by looking at your device manager and looking up the ven/dev numbers

Reminder to never install anything with booster in its name on any of your electronic devices.

I guess that I could look up the laptop model and install each corresponding driver, yeah.

>Driver Booster



Sounds like you are a retard

>went to frind
>he still uses Vista with an AMD card
>says that sometimes youtube videos are just a green rectangle
>update drivers
>now youtube is always fucked up
>have to go so I disable hardware acceleration, seems to work
>some days later he tells me that he had some problems but his amaaaaazing skype friend fixed it by installing some other driver version before reinstalling the last one
Fucking AMD

>Driver Booster

Please kill yourself, Pajeet

You could've just went to AMD or Nvidia's official website and downloaded the drivers from there. Driver installing software is known to break shit, don't use it.

>good with computers
>why use windows update when we can driver boost

Can you describe your problem more in details?

What happened when it crashed? What happens when you try to turn it on?

I'm not good with Windows, but I'll do my best.


lemme guess, amd
>updating amd drivers when it's working just fine
got what you deserved, just sorry it happened to your friends pc and not yours

Ok, I'll go to bed. Sorry.

If you get to a cli prompt, it probably means the graphic card driver doesn't work. So you should put the appropriate driver (which you may find on the graphic card seller website, such as Nvidia) in an external storage, then mount it, go in the directory through the command-line utility cd and run the binary.

Or you may just back it up and make a fresh install.