Why do people think light/medium gaming at 4k is impossible on a laptop?

Why do people think light/medium gaming at 4k is impossible on a laptop?

Why don't you fuck right off to Sup Forums


These are reportable posts. You add nothing to the discussion.

Processing power and limitations in the video card (typically onboard) prevent it from happening. You can upscale to 4k on some monitors, but it is a risky process and very very buggy.

I meant with laptops with dedicated GPUs. GPUs like the 860m which a lot of laptops have now.

They can run plenty of games at 4k with settings turned down.

gas yourself Sup Forumstards

>4k on a 13 inch screen

God bless you.



back to you go


4K gaming barely works on high end desktops, let alone a laptop.

Take your elitism to Sup Forums. Nearly everyone in Sup Forums owns high end GPUs. What do you think people are doing with them? CAD?

muh gaming

fuck off retard

take your shit to

it looks like youve posted on the wrong board! whoops! the board your looking for is

I played a fair amount of old games + CSGO on my rMBP when I had windows installed on it. IF the high pixel density doesn't break the games, it's awesome playing old games at super high pixel densities/resolution. But I swear, almost every game before like 2005 doesn't support custom resolutions and you have to mess with the game's files to make it work at 2880x1800 or whatever your laptop resolution is. I don't think Amnesia is even that old, but I had to change the display scaling in Windows to even get the game to play because if you didn't, it would fuck up the UI of the game and make it unplayable.


Nothing smells more like a normie than people who are embarrassed of who they were or who they are. This elitism just shows how normie this board has gotten. No wonder its shit.


The point of laptops is portability and battery life, if that wasn't the case people would carry a MiniITX with a screen attached to the case everywhere.

Laptop graphics are supposed to be weak in order to save energy.

What is the point of having a laptop that can run Crysis on high settings but the battery would last literally minutes?


Fuck off underage manchild



Go back to underage!