And the people were raging about the predefined responses

And the people were raging about the predefined responses.

Just kill me already, this is not the future I wanted

>Year 2031
>Everyone communicates by clicking pre-determined responses and questions from their iSlab 6S phones.
>Responses have been provided by the government, to make sure that they don't offend anyone.

Wouldn't really even bat an eye if this happened.

I would want to offend some people

I assume the goal is to have pre-defined responses be shit you were going to say eventually, not sure why that's bad

This is obviously about getting more chatting data for their AI research and what not.

Wow this AI shit is getting pretty crazy. Google is something else.


Who is going to use it?

Americucks are stuck using SMS for god knows what reason and the rest of the planet uses whatsapp.

Its a messaging app, its useless without users

>Who is going to use it?
>Americucks are stuck using SMS for god knows what reason and the rest of the planet uses whatsapp.
>Its a messaging app, its useless without users

>Feeling superior because he uses a 3rd world messenger owned by Facebook with a subscription fee

The sad thing is that that is believable.

There is no subscription fee.

And how is not better than SMS?

SMS cant share files, videos, pics or do groupchats properly.

>share files, videos, pics
Why even?

that won't work

i was raised in a dumb hick environment and have a stressful job so i have a habit of using exceeding amount of profanities in every way of communication including communication with my superiors.

There's SMS and MMS. Both are standard on all American phones and have been for years.

>in a group with classmates
>share useful pdfs and pics for an upcoming test

>in a group with friends
>share videos of that party you want last night to make fun of drunk friend

etc etc

I really dont know how you guys can live without proper groupchats. literally makes your life so much easier.

>get sent photo of hamplanet in pool
>audible countdown starts
>must comment, like and share in 60 seconds or go to social encouragement camp again
>look over approved comments
> "amazing!!", "love it!" and ... "cutest hippo ever!!"
>I smirk at the apt machine classification error
>ear-piercing alarm sounds
>it was a ruse
>the person manning my phone's camera saw me smirk instead of cry in outrage
>forgot that machine learning was banned after it kept misclassifying transhomonormal enterogendered carp-kin as pink haired women
>this was my third strike
>I have no more genitals for them to remove
>my head will be next

>rest of the planet uses whatsapp.
I bet you're german.

The only remotely """"""""""white"""""""""" people I know that use this garbage shitskin-exclusiveâ„¢ messager are germans

The rest of us white folks use either traditional SMS or facebook messager

>Not just using Skype

WhatsApp is poo in loo tier

Not really true.

Entire Europe uses it.

Only america is still using sms garbage regularly.

>The rest of us white folks use either traditional SMS or facebook messager

retard americans

go to Sup Forums right now and ask who uses whatsapp.

Literally everyone in the planet besides america

only person I have ever met who used it was german

>Literally everyone in the planet besides america
Yeah, every turk, indian and pakistani

Yep, even those nigger are smart enough to realize how much worse SMS is.

But I dont blame you, I blame your education system.


kek, identify as an intestine?

Damage control

>how much worse SMS is.
Not really. SMS is superior in every possible way for peer 2 peer communications

>free as in beer free as in freedom
>doesn't require id exchange, invitaition and shiz
>doesn't require shitty botnet 3rd party applications
>will work in bumfuck nowhere because all you need is little GSM connectivity and no access to data

uk here, the majority of my contact list are on whatsapp.

Damage control about what?

Why do I think I care what some Indian is using in his phone? They also use gasoline to power their cars, does that mean youre going to stop using it? Fucking retard.

SMS is a shit and I still dont know why Americans keep using it when there are hundreds of better alternatives. It doesn't even has to be whatsapp, use telegram or whatever but using SMS is just retarded.

>free as in beer free as in freedom
Who gives a fuck?
>doesn't require id exchange, invitaition and shiz
Neither does whatsapp. Only needs a phone number
>doesn't require shitty botnet 3rd party applications
Go live in a cave if youre going to worry about applications on a smartphone.
>will work in bumfuck nowhere because all you need is little GSM connectivity and no access to data
>living in places without 3g or wifi
just kill yourself.

None of that makes is worth having no proper file sharing or groupchats.

I dont expect you to understand it, maybe some day you will live in another country and realize how much you are missing. Its like people who grew up without internet, they say they dont need it.

Have you actually tried using the mobile Skype app? It's pure dog shit. It's atrocious. Just like their programs on every platform.

>maybe some day you will live in another country and realize how much you are missing.
A country with enough brown people too poor too afford a proper subscription who have to resort to shitty 3rd party applicashuns where it makes a difference?

Guess not

>Americans stuck using old standard when everyone has moved on

How surprising

yes because USA isnt full of niggers and brown people right?

I have a phone subscription that gives me free SMS. But that doesnt mean Im going to use it.

Finn, everyone in my contact list uses it. Literally everyone.

Whatsapp and all the other shit is available as well, SMS and MMS don't incur data usage though.

This is only the beginning.

Just wait until AR glasses hits the mainstream, it'll provide us the perfect catch phrases to women, nothing will be natural anymore. We'll become so dependent on technology that our short term thinking will be practically non existent.

We'll soon rely on AR glasses to tell us exactly where we left our headphones or our fap lotion.

SMS requires your phone number, which in a way is your ID. But WhatsApp does the same thing.

>Who gives a fuck?
I do user. And people who are white enough that sms is a functionality coming ootb on every device since 1995 including modern tablets.

>Neither does whatsapp. Only needs a phone number
So you already have all you need for a quick text message

>Go live in a cave if youre going to worry about applications on a smartphone.
>>living in places without 3g or wifi
Oh pardon that I actually leave my room sometimes.

Who the fuck says yummy

>I use free software because I'm paranoid. End to end encryption? That's for brown people

You dont get it because you live in europe which is fucking tiny, but for instance, here in Canada there are extremely large sections of the entire country (continent) that dont get 3g with a lot of providers (most providers), or at least not well enough to reliably use a messaging app. Its the price you pay for having endless amounts of beautiful countryside/undisturbed wilderness

Like I said
>white people

You will when the gubermint gives you that as your only predefined response.

My phone subscription gives me unlimited whatsapp just like SMS. But if you dont download any pics or vids and stick to messages and audio the daily usage is almost insignifcant.

That is no excuse for using SMS. Who lives there?

In the cities, even the tiny ones, there is 3g/wifi everyhere.

Americans aren't allowed to comment on other countries' whiteness. A mongrel nation.

>End to end encryption? That's for brown people
>License: proprietary

No you fag I just said Skype cause why the fuck not you whiney bitch

Where in the third world do you live if you don't even have 3G, not to mention 2G?

I think you'd made pretty clear that you'd rather use a shitter alternative just so you wouldn't have to use WhatsApp. That's kinda retarded, friendo

This. This americunts here saying whatsapp and other messaging systems are for niggers, when they live in a country so full of shit it doesn't even have internet access everywhere, apparently. And talking about phone suscriptions, too... like, what do you think we have for our internet connection outside our home?

>using SMS

Its probably the reason America is one of the only countries Apple has almost half of the phone market. They are all cucked by iMessage

They have no choice but to stick with SMS. Their mobile and internet operators have cucked them so nicely. So, not to feel inferior, they pretend like SMS is the superior way of communicating. Disgusting.

>mfw I have an iPhone but Im not american so I never once used iMessage so I cant feel superior to green bubble fags

You see, that's where digitalization goes all wrong.

Sure, it makes things easier, but for many things that comes with a price: To digitalize something, you need to reduce the information, you lose something in that process. Little by little, you streamline society to fit into a database. What is your name? Your hobbies? Your likes? That is who you are now. A or B? Winner or loser? Fuck you. It's getting tougher and tougher to be an actual person.

>Shittier alternative
I am sorry my phone is not shit and my Skype works perfectly fine I understand that this is egregious!

Lol is this real? People get prompt for text conversations now? Wow. Soon it will just be on person's bot talking to the other person's bot.

We armicans have large swathes of unpopulated land and it is very nice when you have virtually no service to be able to send some measage to the world around you.

Purebreds are more prone to genetics-borne physical and mental sickness.

I don't even understand what this is

wait, so it's not a joke that americans still use sms?

holy shit user. you guys dun goofed

>becuase the US only allows people to immigrate if they are well educated and/or well funded.

All the "brown people" in America are probably smarter than your average european.

finally i can talk to girls

thanks google

>thinking USA is the only country to do that

can you even point Europe on a map? lel

The future abandoned messaging app from Google gives you suggestions on how to reply based on some weird AI shit.

Don't worry, no one will use this app and even if someone does, Google will just kill it anyway.

That must be what the nignogs told your mother.