I indent with spaces instead of tabs

>I indent with spaces instead of tabs

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is that the apparition killer?

>I have autism

I cannot even begin to imagine the diseased mind that would do this. How badly do you have to be beaten and raped by a parental figure for this to happen to you?

I know, spaces are retarded

Indent with whatever they fuck you want, it won't make a difference until you begin to work on huge projects and using tabs actually save quite a lot of space if you're short on storage.

Spaces are superior, you still use tabs, but let your editor convert them to spaces.
It allows better code formating and 100% compatibility with every editor.

Sure if you mean stone age editors that dont let you customize your tab width and make it more visually pleasant without needing to convert the amount of spaces
Pic related is you

>not having full control on the style of you code regardless of the editor
>not programming in column sensitive language

You can convert it back to tabs if it's required by your autism.

>this amount of autism


>Caring about something as trivial as "spaces vs tabs" because you use a shit IDE/Text Editor.

Tabs give you more control over code style you dumbshit. For one person it could be 9 billion spaces visually and the other one 1 space

Literally every editor sticks tab characters in when you press space. What's the issue with compatibility.

You're trying too hard, m8.

You've never actually used an editor which lets you set tab and space widths, have you?

You sound clueless

>You can convert it back to tabs if it's required by your autism.
No, you can't; that's kind of the point. Proper tab-based indentation can NOT be reconstructed from spaces-based indentation without losing information. Tab-based indentation is a strictly richer formatting model that contains more information than space-based indentation.

Kill yourself.


That's a shitty approximation, user.

Proper code layout uses tabs for block indentation and spaces for in-block alignment. If you flatten this all down to spaces, there's no getting the distinction back. That button in your editor probably converts *all* sequences of N spaces to tabs, which is not what you want. Only the block indentation should be converted to tabs.

>I indent with spaces instead of tabs
>in emacs

I just realized I said puts in a tab character when you press space, and now look like a retard.
I meant tab character when you press tab

set nocompatible
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
set cindent
set ai
set si
set sw=4
set ts=4
set et
set hid
syntax enable
set wrap
colorscheme default
set tw=79
set lbr
set nu
set rnu
set formatoptions+=t
set mouse=a
set nohlsearch
set smartcase
set ignorecase

There is no problems in what you're describing since you aren't using elastic tab. Also you're doing something wrong if you do something else than block indentation. You create inter-line false dependencies.

Are you using vim instead of vi?

PEP8 specifies spaces.

>why not both
My Tab key inserts four spaces.

ye i stole this config from a friend


Emacs default tab width = 4 * space is god tier

I use both :^)

>what is M-x tabify/untabify

That's soo cute, his mom is taking the photo

You're a digraceful human being to do what you do. I'm absolutley mortified at the thought of you doing that. I'd rather punt my 3 year old niece off of a downtown building's terrace then listen to your nonsensical rambling. I hope you understand that you are a complete and utter sin and that what you're doing is socially unacceptable on all fronts you egocentric piece of garbage.


It's in the Airbnb style guide for some reason.

And I follow it to the letter.

> I indent manually
Freetards pls

No. The Apparition Killer doesn't have a hilt.