Is space colonization possible?

Is space colonization possible?


It's possible but I think the human race will go back to the dark ages before that happens.

yes, but we are too busy trying to exterminate ourselves.

This, we will have a cyber punk era battle angel Alita style before that happen

Possible? You bet your ass. Far too expensive, though (for now).

That movie sucked

'We' are also busy with mo monies fo dem pogramz.

No. The universe is incomprehensibly big and all the worlds next to us are dead rocks. We will be lucky to have a manned Mars landing sometime in the next 300 years.


But not economically feasible

We have better things to spend our time and money on, like welfare for niggers, and drawn out wars against sandniggers

And also safety for astronauts because we are not russia and don't send random cadets up there with a picture of putin in case they need to think of the motherland before they die

>dark ages
what do you mean?

I think you are lost. This board is for consumer technology and anime

we're already in them

data is horribly fragile compared to text. much of what we have "written" will be lost, corrupted (in either way), or censored.

Is your mom colonization possible?


>space colonization
Why would you do this?
There's nothing we currently can harvest from anywhere outside earth that could be of use to us

>visiting huge spheres of gas
Other than tourism I don't see the point


Mining. That which is found in scattered veins due to eons of seismic activity on Earth can be found in large floating chunks in space.

Also, you know, it would be nice if the next extinction-level event didn't actually drive us to extinction.

yes but people's souls are weighed down by gravity

Alright here is how it will go, we send like a hundred mining/constructing robots on some planets, they start plants for multiplying and building a huge space station like OP pick related, the robots will multiply exponentially so it's possible and shit as they will manage the whole shit instead of like Pajeet

1mm piece of shit hits it and it's almost destroyed

I wonder how thick the walls are