Face it. He's a try-hard. He calls himself Dr. Stallman despite only having honorary degrees. That would be like Kanye West calling himself Dr Kanye West. But he doesn't because even he knows that's pretentious.

If Kanye West is less pretentious than you, you're doing something wrong.

Stallman is a gargantuan faggot who calls himself a 'doctor' without having gained a PhD, destroys any credibility he has by acting like an ass "I'm not glad he's dead but I'm glad he's gone" and his only real claim to fame is contributing to the creation of Linux.

Without Linus and Linux the GPL and FSF would have faded into obscurity. They only reason anyone pays them any heed now is because of the (negligible) help it gave Linus back in the early days of Linux.

If anything the FSF should rename itself Linux/FSF, simply because the Linux project and Linus are the only reason anyone would pay them any attention now.

Stallman's work is just a footnote in the history of Linus's achievements. He should be grateful for that, otherwise he would be nothing.

Demanding people call Linux GNU/Linux is audacious.

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

Oh look, gee is posting nothing but pasta like usual. You pathetic virgins can't even compose a single unique thought

>all those words and yet you can't even get a masters

Richard please, you're embarrassing yourself.

Every day until the sticky is gone.

Terry for new mascot.


The whole GNU/Linux debate has been beaten to death. I don't think there's anything wrong with separating a person from their ideas. Stallman is definitely an ass, but I appreciate the GPL and his contributions to the gigantic clusterfuck we know as Linux.

To me his ideas just represent an idealism that nobody but Stallman himself can reasonably live by. Every new car on the road has proprietary software on it. No PC can be 100% free because every implementation of UEFI is proprietary. But it is good to know that someone is out there trying to spread awareness.

He's not spreading awareness, he's taking credit for the work of others to stay relevant. He's a sad little man.

Yes!!! Someone who has made his own Operating System and C based language!

School's out

The OS should just be called GNU.

Stallmanu's birthday should be a national holiday.

People who try to use proprietary software licenses should be shot.

T. Delusional Stallmanite

Stall man couldn't even get his masters, why do you think he would be capable of writing his own OS?

GCC was relevant before Linux wasn't even a thing. Someone would have created a FOSS kernal eventually and if not Hurd would have been used instead reaching the he critical al mass required for it to actually be good (i.e. not like it is today).

Linus is based but more for git than Linux which someone would have done either way.

what about Dr. Dre?

Bill Gates for sticky.

Stage name

One other thing. Make an image of Linus similar to the one of Stallman in the sticky. If you make something good someone might actually listen to you.

Without legs it isn't a chair, it's just two boards. What's your point?

RMS in the sticky is just a meme, relax

sadly some people take him seriously and think Sup Forums takes him seriously

it all started as just a meme.... you aren't actually supposed to praise stallman, he's a fat retard bum

>someone would have done either way

Stallmanites belittle Linus at every turn. Literally the only reason people know Stallman is because Linus used some of his work.

Terry Sup Forums 2016


I agree that he shouldn't call himself Doctor because honorary degrees are worthless, but he's still a pretty cool guy. Honestly though I'd like for Terry to be on the sticky.

It's the other way around senpai, the only GNU thing Linus has ever used is the license, GNUfags where the ones that adopted the kernel

>the only GNU thing Linus has ever used is the license
Oh, and GCC

Plenty of people have written compilers, they don't deserve to be called doctors for it.

Freetards belittle Linus while overstating Stallsham's achievements. Fucking communist scum.

Stallman has published papers and is a pioneer in AI, Linus has literally zero research

A chair isn't named after just the legs.

Linus has an honorary doctorate too.
Linus doesn't go around calling himself Dr Torvalds.

Neither is it called Stool/legs, it's a culmination of two things and the most widely held name is what it is.

Just like Linux. Calling a chair Stall/Legs is just as pretentious as calling it GNU/Linux.

Go to bed """"Doctor""" Stallman

Totally agree OP

Stallman is trying to piggybag Linus

Why do you even care so much? Just let him do his thing, he's not hurting anyone.

Obvious bate. He's done more than you. If you've made enough of a recognizable contribution to warrant receiving an honorary doctorate I think you've earned it. At that, you've earned it in a way that money can't necessarily buy as is largely the case with any other doctorate. Sure, he's cooky, but he's not dumb. Honestly, meme aside I do kind of admire him for his passion for learning and freedom. He's right you know. He's right about the pitfalls of proprietary software and that the only trusted model must be the FOSS model. He's probably just way before his time. I don't think people will care about this cause until the general public holds a basic grasp on programming and by that time he'll be long dead. Hope I live to see that.

>Without Linus and Linux the GPL and FSF would have faded into obscurity.

Linus writes beautiful code. He has published some side projects that he wrote all on his own and the code is just wonderful. He also lives in the real world while still maintaining his open source ideals and supporting himself through his work.

RMS is basically a homeless loser who hasn't made any real contributions in the last 20 years. He is still super butthurt that Linux beet HURD (but hey, HURD just got basic sound support in 2016!) and basically tries to claim Linux because Linus used GCC and the GNU coreutils. He survives on the charity of others and speaking engagements where he spouts his insane, paranoid, philosophy. Basically he won't be happy until all the programmers are homeless hackers like him and all the companies are shut down. How people are supposed to support themselves and their families in that scenario aren't things he has to deal with because he is basically a permanent grad student. He does make some good points about privacy, but for him, there is no middle ground. Anything that may reduce your privacy even the slightest bit (like movie recommendations on Netflix) is evil according to him, and must be destroyed. In a lot of ways he show classic signs of mental splitting, which is a classic symptom of mental illness. To top it off, when he does write code, he does so in the style of the awful GNU style guide which is a crime against humanity IMHO.

So, in a nutshell:
He's a bird-fucking, self-absorbed, power hungry, toe jam eating pedophile that thinks everything should be free and everyone should be forced to share, who looks like he hasn't showered in years so as to create a static shield around his body to protect from aliens. He also created an OS without a kernel because he's basically Steve Jobs gone communist. Oh, and he calls himself doctor though he holds no PhD.

Have some respect for the dead, rip.

Lots of people have done more than me, doesn't give them the right to dress themselves in borrowed robes and call themself a doctor.

Disgusting Stallmanite communist


GPL doesn't advocate freedom, it advocates Stallmanism.

According to freedom one, I can run software for any purpose. True freedom indeed. So since I can use it for any purpose, does that include running a script to remove any traces of GPL licenses and re-licensing it all as BSD/MIT? I mean, that is true freedom.. to be able to use software for ANY purpose

>hurr yeah well it's freedom provided you do exactly what I say

Fuck off Stallman. Pretend Doctor. Genuine faggot.

you guys must be real shit losers to point out others instead of doing something meaningful

>pretending to be a doctor when you're not is meaningful

Stallmanites are actually retarded.

He do not write any code.
He do not read any code.
Did he write any program ?

What should the sticky image be? I vote for a shoop of Linus, Terry and Gates looking heroic as fuck.

Stallman is a fat fucking nutjob and admitted kike. He scammed others in to copying UNIX tools so he could slap his name and his restrictive license on it all as if he created it. Well fuck you Stallman, you don't have many years left in you now and only a few freetards will care when you die.

I second this. Also an image of Gates my scare away the fucking freetard Stallmanites

I vote Louis Rossman



Fuck off memelord this is a tech board and terry is a fucking retard that things privilege escalation never happens.

>Face it. He's a try-hard. He calls himself Dr. Stallman despite only having honorary degrees

Disregard the fact that it is more difficult to get a honorary dr degree and the fact he got 12 of them + 3 professorships like wtf are you even old enough to be alone on the interwebs?

>Stallman's work is just a footnote in the history of Linus's achievements. He should be grateful for that, otherwise he would be nothing.

i cant even really estimate the level of retard you are. a giant part of todays economy is driven by things that came from or where inspired by rms

>Demanding people call Linux GNU/Linux is audacious.

getting this butthurt over an opinion

Masters in EE who made his own OS. Fuck off back to tumblr

>made his own OS
That doesn't even have fucking network stack and basic security. Time to fuck back to 9gag underage piece of shit

>Demanding people call Linux GNU/Linux is audacious
Nice tweet, but I am using the Linux variant of GNU.

Come back when you actually are able to fucking post on 4chinzz summer child

If that was true, then he'd be advocating for people to name the system GNU without reference to Linux. This is obviously false.

What a good thread op ;^)

>Can't go online
>Shills a useless brain dead piece of shit online
How is it like being an edgy 14 y/o?

>more difficult to get an honorary degree

Are you retarded. Torvalds has one. Gates has them. Kanye has them. Rowling has eight.

You can get honorary doctorates for donating to institutions.

You're a retarded Stallmanite upset Sup Forums isn't his freetard circle jerk anymore.

Are you retarded. That has nothing to do with anything.

>Sup Forums isn't his freetard circle jerk anymore
I'm afraid *now* it is. In the beginning it was just trolling, but now I'm sure there's a lot of people taking it seriously.

>having a honorary doctorate is really hard
>except all these people that got them for nothing

Face it Stallmanite, your time is over.

He couldn't get away with that, but if he could you would be a fool to assume he wouldn't be telling his virgin army to shill that.

Time to boot into your piece of shit Memple OS, faggot

meant for

Enjoy Microsoft you shill

So you're a mind reader now? Well that's it, it's all over, we have a mind reader here. The mind reader obviously knows the truth.

I will, along with billions of other people across the world. Enjoy free software, all 12 of you.

>Prajeet reveals himself

Here's 300 rupees, Rajesh.


rms is a suckass jew who does nothing but try and invent pathetic excuses for people to pay attention to him, Ive literally never seen such a jewclown any where in the world, he is the most annoying obnoxious stain on humanity. I hope he dies soon


Let be honest here, there's no way Stallman uses a toilet. Look at him. Complete street shitter.


thats why he is a meme on 4chin idiot. the problem is in people like you, who dont recognise him for what he is.. a meme.

Nice projection prajeet

>thats why he is a meme on 4chin idiot.
right, he doesnt actually travel the world and make stories about how he is a doctor and designed an operating system, thats just a Sup Forums meme

you both obviously dont got any degree
to get a degree is relativly easy to get academic acknowledgement for your work is quit more difficult

It's true. Look at the fat slob. You know he shits in the street.

I know you shits in the streets, rahesh

>there's no way Stallman uses a toilet. Look at him.

Not impossible considering the people he hangs around with.

That's right! Sup Forums obviously knows more about life and computing than some random fat guy in a red shirt!

Considering the brain dead you are shilling you shit on yourself

Yeah a degree is easy as shit. A masters is hard. A PhD is very fucking hard.

A honorary doctorate is easy as shit.

How about you go squat next to RMS in the street and discuss this with him over a nice curry induced shit?

>A masters is hard
For you, faggot

Stallman confirmed for having a coke habit

>Plenty of people have written compilers
Right, but not plenty of people have written the most used compiler in the world now have they?

How about you ask your nurse at the mental health clinic to change your diapers, shitbrain?


Nice squat, now take your poo to the loo, rajesh

>A honorary doctorate is easy as shit.
How many do you have?

I'll have to email Stallman fist, I've never street shit before and he seems to be an expert.

Can your cuck OS run network stacks?

Holy shit Stallsham is a pajeet

Poo in lol Stallman

What a fucking POO

Stallsham confirmed for street shitter. Shame his PhD isn't in using a toilet.

This. Make Torvalds or Davis the sticky guy instead.

Literally who

You some sort of NIGGER CATTLE

What are you trying to say brainlet? XDD


If I give you some tendies and num nums will you calm down? :D

Fucking CIA niggers

Never knew mental hospitals let patients use computers xP