Buying Scamsung

>buying Scamsung

Old news, but seriously we need laws to stop this shit,kikery is beyond imaginable

>Current year

Hahaha no way that's actually true. I don't own a samsung ssd or anything, but holy fuck.

>complaining about collection of private data while using windows
>while being a fat NSA-loving american

>while being a fat NSA-loving american

You can buy american technology even if you don't live in America, you know that right? In fact, 90% of the big tech companies are based in America anyway, so you don't have a choice.

literal lmao.

i dont buy shitty ssds that require firmware updating

I still can't believe their 840 EVO SSD's lost over 50% performance after a while and it took them like a year to fix it via firmware update

this is why i will never buy a Samsung SSD and I have no idea why the idiots at reddit/Sup Forums is recommending them

Are you implying samsung is american?

The 850 is doing great. The 840 skit is weird.

no but the manufacturing process is not all done in south korea. it gets passed to america where it is fitted with nsa backdoors. just like with any tech made in america, it'll have nsa backdoors.

>download update iso
>boot it from usb stick
>update firmware

Holy shit I was initially thinking about getting one. Thank you OP
>unfamiliar with ssds
>hey Samsung is a big brand
>prolly good

so you don't buy SSDs at all

The 850 EVO (and pro) are the best sata 2.5" ssds you can get, both in performance and longevity. In fact, the 850 pro has the highest endurance out of any.


The hardware side of their SSDs are unmatched by anyone save for MAYBE Intel. It's no exaggeration that they have among, if not the best SSDs on that market.

The shit they're doing with their Magician software is a whole other story.

>not Crucial
>not SanDisk

Samsung is overshilled.


Why do you have to fucking upgrade the firmware of a ssd?

show me any company nowadays that isn't a total scam

I recently bought a $1000 dell laptop, and goddamn do I regret it. I thought with a brand that big, old and serious, I'd be buying something worth the money, not a piece of shit that has years-old bug-filled audio drivers, usb ports that fail to work at all with random usb3 disk enclosures, other driver bullshit like diagonal screen tearing all the time (thanks nvidiscum) and being unable to fucking run linux on this thing (thanks again fucking nvidia scum!)

Literally every fucking company out there just produces polished gold turds, I can't trust anything anymore

To prevent planned obsolesce happening too early

My toaster has an NSA backdoor so I believe you.


This is exactly why I got a MacBook. OS X sucks dick on the daily, but the hardware isn't total shit.

Whats another good SSD brand that isnt USA made crap?

>not building a beast every day PC for $700 and using a $200 tablet for on the go.

You got what you deserved.

Is this true? I'm kinda shocked to be honest...

It isn't true. All he needs to so is authenticate his drive but he's probably a shitskin and it's probably stolen.

No, Samsung only collects basic shit to make sure the drive is legit, they're not collecting your login credentials or credit card info.

So you paid 3x retail for your hardware because the case has a fruit on it.

Hey everyone, let's all take financial and tech advice from this guy!

typical winfags

>being this autisms

>I couldn't be bothered to read the post being replied to by the post I replied to: the post

Hey I am get fucked

In other news Wincucks think Samshit is a good buy.

durrrrrr old news

>i couldnt be bothered to make my post coherent: the post

>Agree to it and upgrade firmware.
>Uninstall Samsung magician and wipe it entirely off your computer
>Firmware update still remains on SSD
>Spying software removed