Need the best pc for 800-1000 € (pic unrealted)

Need the best pc for 800-1000 € (pic unrealted)

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aw little babby wants to be spoonfed? can't you even check the sticky you inbred faggot?
now leave off this board

don't help them

Look into desktop Apple computers
Macs are very user friendly



Just buy any alienware that will fit your budget user alienware is the best everyone on Sup Forums knows this

Go ask r/buildapcforme if you want to be spoonfed

dont wanna build

Buy Apple

alienware then


Apple or Alienware is Sup Forums consensus best

too much can go wrong and no warrenty if i screw it up

you wont get a good pre build for that price

do some fucking studying and build a pc you fucking pleb
>aw but its hard
its as simple as fucking lego, you did play with lego yes?

>its as simple as fucking lego, you did play with lego yes?
but I'm afraid to make mistake and there are so many cables
can't you just recommend me a great pre built for 800 €?



this does nothing

you wont find one you want
>its called a pc for a fucking reason
it has to have exactly what YOU want
at least pick the parts you want and pay a spastic to build it if you're so spooked
>even though most parts come with fucking plenty of warranty

I already picked the screen, keyboard, mouse, surround audio set up, I just need to buy the box now
just please recommend me something now and I'll learn about PCs later I promise

There are dozens of retard proof guides that explain everything.
It's hard to fuck up something if you follow instructions

Fuck off you underage inbred retard.

you're asking me to decorate your house
>i don't know how much hdd space you need
>i don't know if you want an ssd
>i dont know what case you like the look of
fuck off you pleb

just something good all around
for games,browsing, and University
just give give me your opinion is all I'm asking
What would you buy for 800€ please

You aren't gonna get a good prebuilt gaming PC for 800€
Just build it
It's cheaper and you'll learn about computers more

a surface pro for that price
not a fucking pc