Apple's future = India

Apple CEO shares plans for the company's future in India

> Exclusive: Tim Cook on just what exactly Apple will make in India

Apple's CEO Tim Cook is on an official visit in India, meeting up with the government and carriers to talk about the company's future in the country. Amidst those talks he went for an exclusive interview on NDTV, where he shared Apple's plans for making a move on the Indian market.

For one, Apple sees India as having an "enormously bright future" and it's one Apple wants to be a part of. "We're here for a thousand years" were the exact words. Tim Cook sees the rollout of 4G as key to both India's future and Apple's part of it.

Tim Cook was clear that he sees talent in India, and it's talent that needs to be given a chance, hence the opening of the iOS app development accelerator, planed for next year. Additionally, several hundred million dollars will be put in the Maps development facility.

Apple's CEO was clear that indianisation of the company will take place, unlike what many other companies have done to adapt to the local market. Apple remains a California company, no matter the market, is the summary of that topic.

> indianisation of the company will take place
indianisation of the company will take place
> indianisation of the company will take place

> apple
> into the loo it goes

Other urls found in this thread:

Introducing... iLoo

Tim Cook - Jim Cramer interview
tl:dr Tim, everyone says Apple's best days are behind them, what do you say to that?
>huuur people *love* our products
>huuur we predicted a huge drop in sales so its *ok*

Pajeet, my son

You must choose

Open marketplace of software

Or designated shitting store

>applel's new HQ


God I love being able to mock people. It boosts my self esteem when nothing else will!

>designated shitting store

>pajeets btfo for over a year
>everyone having a laugh at MS/google
>suddenly applel's turn
>mactards go full AIDF and Sup Forums is now SJW

Guess we finally found out who the real curry niggers are.

Whatever happened to Apple wanting to assemble in the US?

Evaporated when they decided they liked jewgolds more back in 2010 and shipped it all off to China.

>Sup Forums is now SJW
I don't think you know wat SJW means.

yo does anyone on Sup Forums wanna make a startup? We're going to make computers that come standard with Linux and an over-priced hispter-shit case design and sell it for $2k entry price. Any takers?


fuck, Steve Jobs is rolling his grave.

people think something is SJW if it's not MRA

I'll make the logo that goes on the lid.

The massive Indian racism on here lately is really weird to me.

oop in loo, deepak

I'll buy one only if it's all free software. No blobs, no proprietary BIOS, no proprietary drivers, no botnet period.

Did it touch a nerve, Rajesh?

>it's racist to hate feces

>expanding markets because home territory has gone to shit
>went to an already shit market
How are they going to wagon wheel themselves out of this one?


mac pros and maybe imacs are assembled in the US.

Trump was fucking right
Remove curryniggers

That guy steef or whatever died of eating vegetables and so this new guy is going in a different direction

The Sup Forums cancer is terminal.

pajeet you have to go back

Okay, Jon.

This is a smart business move.
India is experiencing high growth,
and Apple would be wise to take 30% of their poopees spent on apps,
not to mention iAds,
in addition to selling phones at premium prices.

You can see the frustration on Cook's face as he
tries to say the "right" things over and over.

>Are you going to come back in a few years with a
>phone made out of shit just for India?

Perhaps he could make Siri a great English tutor.


Applel already does that.

So some shit company is going to make some shit in a shit country. Why is this news?




india's economy is growing faster than china's and US's combined

We are the future. Our CEOs are taking over the world. English will be replaced by Sanskrit as the business language of the world

wait until China invades


You can't even walk down the street without slipping in your own shit.


fuck off

here, have a glimpse of the future. everyone in india is already living like this


Nope this is your future

>everyone in india
Reality shows a different picture, dipshit.

India is not and never will be more powerful than a white country in terms of military power because it's a shithole. When WW3 happens prepare to be annihilated by Russia.


imagine the smell. ayyyy

You albino burger Russia and India are friends and allies since hundreds of years. Its you who will have to face the wrath of Russia, China and India together.

The butthurt weeboos in Sup Forums make me swell with pride that we are not this degenerate yet.

Ye m8

>a future
Their freeways are filled with destroyed and overturned trucks and transportation vehicles,
their drivers are reckless idiots who endanger everyone's lives. It looks like the leftover junk and destruction following the end of a war.
The way they treat their infrastructure is by abandoning it instead of repairing it or replacing it.
They are a people who treat their technology like they treat their health, and considering how they have the worst hygiene in the world...

To speak of programmers is even more depressing.
Most Indians are point and click idiots who can't function without a GUI.
They can't code, they can't build programs from the ground up. That's why they are usually relegated to support, which they also fail at because they have the crappiest English on this entire planet.

They aren't even capable of organizing population control unlike Chinks.

I don't see this "future". The main and most basic step of establishing a business is analyzing the societal and cultural capacity and nature of the focused region. India fails in any and all points unless Tim Cook is thinking of being the "savior" of India to feed his ego and "get the children's shit together" by teaching them with his superior and educated hands. Arrogance.

>public toilets so filthy and overused people shit in the ocean
>Reporter asks why the toilets aren't cleaned
>"well that's the city counsels job"

Poor people in a nutshell. I'm literally doing nothing all fucking day and yet I can't fix anything in my life because it's "someone else's job".

I work with poor people, I hate them. They deserve what they have (or don't).

>mfw they're literally conquering silicon valley
U mad white boi?

With the number of Indians in the earth how is this not a surprise? All the chinks will chase you curries away.

The time of the chinks has gone by. Their economy is on the verge of collapse. And their populace grows old. India on the other hand has around 500 million young people in the age group of 20-30. It is a young nation. They are the future. Bow to the low white faggot. It's curry time.

Then why is the whole country covered in feces?

Sup Forums ruins everything

>one of the world's nuclear nations


chinks are worse than indian. Those slopes shit literally anywhere

Just the dirt poor areas of central India, coincidentally with a high concentration of Hinduism
If you look at parts of India like Kerala, Punjab, and the States near Tibet where Hindus are a minority the street shitting is at 0%

Look up the "poo in loo" entry on know your meme

if the poor are so poor shitting on the streets and on the beach is common place 24/7, the whole country is the problem.

Jesus, Syre feels like IIDF is at full force today. If only they put much effort as ending theirpublic defication crisis.




China doesn't let other countries get more powerful than it. That's the way it's been since the dawn of mankind

Even when the Mongols or Japan have the upper hand for a few decades, China comes back, shuts them down, and they never rise again

Well yeah, they elected an illiterate tea boy as their prime minister

You are wrong rajesh, we are not likings currynigger.

>tfw trump gets elected and they have to pay 35% tariff on imports and have to move back anyways

Both are shitholes. One is diarrhea and the other is explosive diarrhea.

what street did he shit on?

Talkatora Rd, Aishbagh, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226004, India

It does look like a designated street. Also

> Labia Hair Dresser
What the fuck you subhumans??!!


You weeb fags talking politics. BWHAHAHAHA. We are a nuclear nation you autistic weebo. China invading us...? Now i know why your mommy doesn't hug you.

> No clue about reality other than anime fag detected.

What can china do when we are a nuclear nation you anime degenerate. WHAT?

Nice try burger weeboo.

A country which has a GDP per capita of < $1500.


You parjeets truly are incompetent.

You still exist...?


>Ukraine is Russia
Umm sure ok

>calling others incompetent
>using botnet browser

nicely memed senpai

What makes you think I actually use it?




Ofc, I will not post my main browser, Fx. I could easily be identified by its unique looks, I'd rather use a dummy browser

Get your lols at

>yfw applel's new HQ

This is no surprise. Trump wants to make H1B visas harder to get, so the next step for companies that rely heavily on these is obviously to flag out of the country entirely.

will a Trump president prevent those faggots from exporting jobs to India and other shit countires??

Looks like they won't be engineering the iPhone to survive a drop into the toilet after all.

You bet your ass he will.

India is still extremely poor. half the population still subsistence farms. THankfully, we're democratic and enjoy consistent and significant economic development.

whites are mostly scared because even at this stage will will do the same for cheaper.

inevitably it will not be long before there are 100X more of us in the candidate pool for schools and employment, with access to comparable infrastructure and development in terms of healthcare, nutrition, sanitation, communication tech and services.

Your best option is to get on friendly terms with us because we're democratic and non-Islamic unlike CHina and the Islamic world, and we're not interested in genociding or converting your sorts, our nukes are for deterrence.

we don't have anything against CHina, I'm not concerned about it because I think democracy is messy and requires building popular consensus but I much prefer it, I do not want Chinese model as a whole even if I had the choice.

Anyway, I'm from south india, we don't have the same sanitation problems here, my state has met all the millenium development goals.


Came from /fit/. Redpillers have been trying to turn that board into another white neckbeards circle jerk for ages. They didn't realize that alot of the posters were black and that most /fit/dozens aren't social rejects that need to turn to racism for self esteem. They hit the jack pot with the poo in the loo meme because Indians were stinking up gyms everywhere. It was kinda funny at first but then the neckbeards on the board just got carried away with it. It's the same thing on Sup Forums. A funny meme at first but now it's just obvious racism.

pajeet detected. dont you have some streets to shit on??

>flag out of the country entirely
This will just cause them to pay the 35%+ tariffs on imported goods.

They won't be able to afford to move overseas, the tariffs will be high enough to make it unprofitable.

Tariffs aren't just to punish China and Mexico etc, they are there to punish the companies that ship jobs overseas too.

Yeah OK burger. Go back to jerking it over your pony pillows.



Steve would never have allowed for this