Hey Sup Forums, I have a question.
Does it worth the Nspire CX CAS over the greyscale CAS?
Also is it possible to replace the keypad to the new one with the trackpad?
I have access to a used one with the fucked up classic keypad.
Hey Sup Forums, I have a question
Pic related is the one I am looking at, would like to have the one with the keypad in OP.
Bump, my trusty old Ti-83 is dying and I need one for the coming exams. Phones are strictly not allowed.
Also /calc/ulator general thread, if you like.
HP 50g
Unfortunately I have no time to learn a programming language just to do calculations (tensors, vectors, mechanics stuff, diff equations)
also it has an extra usb port
I'd double check if the CAS models are the same if you want to switch out pads, I think the trackpad models may be newer and might not be compatible with the older CAS ones
darn, I was afraid of that. The classic keypad is fucking retarded and it's near impossible to get the Ti-84 keypads because everyone is hogging them.
So I have to look for one specifically with the touchpad or with the TI-84 keypad.
Ebay and amazon is fucking littered with simple non-CAS versions with bright "SCHOOL PROPERTY" labels.
What do you think of the HP Prime? Also does the 50g have classic algebraic entry and matrices calculation?
I really don't want to learn this RPN stuff, really looks like it is too much hassle for little or no gain.
I've never looked into the Prime. The 50g does support matrices calculation and actually defaults to algebraic mode, though you should really give RPN a shot. It's trivial to learn and pretty neat.
Using a phone is strictly not allowed and also using a phone as a calculator is stupid. No tactile feedback, retarded UIs, emulated screens are fucking small and it is generally slow as hell. I had to do it a few times when my TI-83 decided to crap on me mid-class and it was painful.
RPN might be cool when you do economics calculations or simple algebra, but I actually need several matrices and vectors to calculate tensors and use them for stuff. It's not about knowing the calculations or not, it is about making an accurate tempering on cast iron samples and designing press formers. I'm way over basic calculus stuff.
It is much better seeing and entering the calculations in algebraic mode then translating it into RPN.
use the pc version
>phones not allowed
>Use a PC!
Now I am sure Sup Forums is filled with underage highschool freshmen or even elementary students.
>using it in class
i never stated you should use it in class
I need a calculator in class and on the exams. Hence why I made the thread. Stay retarded, you save the university costs.
>using a cas calculator in exams
stop cheating
get a ti-89 if you want a good calc
Master degree, senpai. Half my exams involve furnaces, machining tools and chemistry labs.
The fucking calculations are not graded but I need to do them as efficiently and as fast as possible to buy some extra time. This is why I'm looking at CAS calculators.
Also the TI-89 is a CAS calculator and I like the nspire UI. I'm keeping the TI-89 as a last resort.
How come nobody mentioned Casio?
Why would they?
Umm... because Casio makes the best affordable calculators? They also have RPN mode.
whats the best scientific or graphing calculator for a phone incidentally?
ASOP is pretty shit, and most of the ones I found on the app store are pretty naff.
That feel when you are looking for a scientific calculator app for the iPhone.
Quit typing like a faggot.
Says the king of faggots
Wow great comeback user
Daily reminder that RPN is for faggoty underage kids who don't even use their calculator. That shit's counter productive as fuck.
>daily reminder that I'm a retard who can't into RPN
Stop shilling your useless bullshit, pleb. get a real job, you will realize how counterproductive it is.
I'm not shilling anything you dipshit, just making fun of you for ripping on greatness.