What does SE stand for?

what does SE stand for?

Sheep edition

somber erection


subtle e-peen

Faggot country, faggot phones

Shitcovered Erection



Ultimate kek.

Secure Execution (as in seLinux)

Apple is so good at marketing they don't even have to give it a meaning and normies will lap that shit up like the "E" makes it better.

Who cares, it's gonna be overpriced garbage anyway.

Shill edition

Sucks Eternally

>gonna be



That was hard, wasn't it?

Shit Eater.

Still Expensive

ITT asshurt lagdroid cucks

Superior ergonomics (Obviously)

Seriously, Everyone?

That's security enhanced Linux you moron.

iPhone Shitty Edition

/thread. You win.

be the man who wakes up next to you

""""Special"""" Edition

senior ed


hey, your keyboard is broken, bro. the quotation marks keep sticking

I see what you did there

just realised i added an extra be

Small Edition

Social engineering made fort mcafee

Sold Everything

Sorry Everyone

Still bEtter than android

fucking purchased!


Sexually Engaged

Small erection

That's the best you could come up with?

Salty Enzymes


That's bad and you should feel bad.

Still Eating your money
I have an iPhone but i know iPhonetards who will throw their money at this piece of garbage like it's any different from the latest one

Sorely Ebin

All joking aside, doesn't it mean "second edition?"

Super Edgy

>do you even biology


Well its quite logical. Apple already used S on phones like IPhone6S to signify Special. An upgraded model. Now they wanted to make a new IPhone (Small) but is also started with an S. To solve this issue they appended the e of edition. Altough both cases IPhone 6S and Iphoen SE are an edition.

Small edition?

Sony Ericsson

Shit Edition

Premium phone