Which tech do you use to stay fit?
Fitness trackers, mp3 players, workout headphones etc.

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Mi band and I use cheap Chinese headphones and a cheap Aliexpress mp3 player fit workouts. Mi band is really good in tracking activity and sleep.

you mean fagtech general.

This little machine

Mi band does the job along with the official Xiaomi Mi fit app and I also track calories with MyFitnessPal

>fitness is for faggots
>wonders why Pajeet got the job and the women instead of him

I used to be a competitive powerlifter before ripping my scapula so I have tons of lifting tech:

13mm lever belt
Neck harness
Olympic shoes (wooden sole)
Dip belt
Assorted 0.5lb/1lb microplates for small overload/PRs
Liquid chalk
Hundreds of reference manuals from Russia/China/US on stretching, mechanics of lifts and programming

Hopefully my surgery goes well and I can keep acquiring dank tech, it's a lot of fun

I use the cutting edge tech that is iron weights, Olympic bars, and a notebook. And coffee. I've never seen anyone wearing a fitbit that was in shape or had any idea what they were doing. They aren't accurate, and knowing how many steps you walked each day is useless. Walking is not exercise.

>Walking is not exercise.

Are you retarded?

If you're under 30% BF he's right it basically does nothing short of walking a marathon a day

>it's not exercise if you're not lifting

What are 10 mile hikes and hillwalking, please keep falling for the /fit/ meme even though their idol Zyzz died of a heart attack from the intense cardio of sitting in a sauna

Are you???? Walking makes you better at walking. Your body adapts to the stress of it after about the 5th walk. If the goal of your fitness regiment has anything to do with weight loss or muscle gain, walking will not get you there. Period. There's a reason you don't see any athletic looking folks "power walking."

>he doesn't know about the sport of Orienteering

You're a full-on newfriend pleb, there's a whole sport built around power walking while staring at maps and compasses in the middle of wilderness. Check it out on youtube, it's fucking intense.

One douchebag dies of a heart attack, so obviously pursuing anything more than a hikers physique is dumb. Sounds legit. Have fun with your ankle weights.

good job pursuing any kind of impressive physique while being natty desu

Aw shit dude, standing in the wilderness staring at a map and a compass trying to get my bearings and know which way to walk sounds so intense!! I've been a fool doing squats this whole time.

>went from chubby to slightly chubby/average no muscle

am I supposed to be impressed?

I'm just poor, try living on potatos/apples and water for a month. Great way to stay fit.

Fit wearables are bullshit, just go and do your thing until you can't do any more.

Your body is the best fitness tracker out there.

All I use are these


if you dont remember all your lifts in your head then you're retarded.

6 years lifting here.

Are you fucking kidding? White women don't like pajeet. White people find pajeet repulsive on all levels: gross accent, uncanny valley appearance of white facial features but dark skin, small dicks, gross culture, gross food. Pajeets may get the job but only pajeet women will mate with them.

>nothing but carbs and sugar
>"Great way to stay fit"
Not a great way to stay healthy though

That or following a retarded plan with way too many accesory lifts.

Tech for fitness is for pussies. I'm not even joking. You're either a skinny bitch or a fat faggot

you run everything apart from the steep uphills and the whole point is to know where your going. Typical events in the UK are over two days and involve >12hrs running. Your looking at running 80km across mountainous terrain to win.

>Not a great way to stay healthy though
Living less as a poorfag doesn't seem so bad, right?

Fell runners are pretty bad ass.

But still, fuck fit tech.

You could always live healthy as a poorfag then kill yourself, better than slowly wither away

>being a fucking beginner

go back to school with your full body routine, retard. Idiot newbies like yourself who bash on isolation exercises are always hilarious because you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about and think you know it all since you've done starting strength/5x5/whatever your beginner full body routine is.

8 years lifting here, junior. Its a habit I've always had. And it's a good one. Probably not always necessary but I enjoy writing it down. I was a science major. I enjoy recording data. Fuck off.

Ehhh you would be surprised how expensive fresh fruit and veggies are in East Europe, even whats in current season.

t. body part split fag doing sixteen varieties of curl

Don't forget to not miss Leg Day lmfao amirite :^^^)

Then use your phone like a normal person instead of being a special snowflake that use a notebook.

Just eat less (or more) and go to the gym you fucking mongs.

Sorry to hear it. I'm a poorfag too, but here in South America produce is cheap as shit. Just bought all this for US$4.5

I bench 140kg for reps and squat 200kgs for reps.

Saying full body routines are the only way to go is retarded. They are great for beginners but if your goal is to have a decent body alongside decent lifts then I'd hop on something like Layne Nortons PHAT routine.

Lol have you ever been to a legit weight lifting gym? Literally half the people at my gym carry around some kind of little notebook. But yeah, I guess I totally bring my $1.00 notebook to get attention. I want people to see that I'm special. Maybe I should upgrade and get a trapper keeper.

Being a hipster just because other people are does not make it ok, especially when you're still going to carry your phone around as well.

Do you still take notes in a notebook whilst on your computer as well?

What the Fuck are you talking about? You have it backwards. Recording workouts on paper is like a hundred years old. The only people using their phones for that are hipsters.

>wanting NSA and ad companies to track your lifts by storing the data in your smartphone

My fucking sides

>200kgs for reps.
are you sure you don't mean lbs? 200kg is olympic level

are you retarded or never been in the forest?

>using kgs
>metricfags btfo
Speak american faggot
Make america great again 1 pound at a time

it's pretty cheap in russia, bananas are cheaper than tomatoes
you have retarded taxation system for these things in poland/estonia etc.

>Not just using a chair


I've been in the forest yes. Never seen any bodybuilders training there though. There's not really much in the way of weights. And the rocks aren't labeled xD

No. I mean KG.


my uncle was a lifter, local heavy athlete with decent results, his back is killing him now, has zero stamina and can't do much of physical work

friend of my father was a boxer, he can walk 20km in the woods with pulse of 60 and chop wood like nobody's business

both are 50

I fill my fridge with less food.

All lifters aren't created equal. And I wouldn't recommend lifting alone. Cardio, particularly the HiiT variety, is important and has its place. You're right, there are a lot of fat ass power lifters who could use some endurance work.

Why would you want to age past 40?

Swimming is better for your knees regardless

>but being the fat insecure fuck i am, ill go nowhere near a pool.

Such is life

dunno, liking being alive?

Barring depression, you don't just get to an age and decide you've had enough life you fucking underaged retard. I hope you think about this shit when you near 40.

why do you care about people you don't know?

I know i shouldent, but in case you didnt read one line

>insecure fuck

The vast majority of utterly useless fitness tech is used unnecessarily by tubby retards who rarely, if ever, actually put in any real effort when it comes to the actual exercise/training aspect.

Gawking at some strap-on peripheral isn't training. It's masturbation.

How many steps to you take today, user?

>was a lifter
>was a boxer

Looks like they both stopped. Why if your father's friend still seems perfectly capable?

Sports shoes and dumbbells
thats all you need

for people who actually lift


Pretty much the only "fitness" device I have is my trusty old Garmin Forerunner 305. The GPS is a blessing for outdoors training. I don't even use the heart rate monitor functions it has.

vidya gayman music through google music play and my galaxy s6

>your father's friend still seems perfectly capable
that's my point, fighters always end up with better health than lifters, throwers, jumpers

best sport is fighting(personally dislike box legs too vulnerable, they never learn to watch for them)

never met not healthy ex fighter, evolution is a bitch 100 thousand years of war made us that way

A pile of wood and axe and a saw works for me.

What I actually use is

>Door frame pull-up bar
>A pair of dumbbells
>An ab wheel
>Running shoes

I used to be more creative with my workouts, but these days I simply do pull-ups, chin-ups, bodyweight rows on one day, and push-ups variations and shoulder presses and some other shoulder stuff on other days. Every now and then when the weather is good I go outside for a run. It's really not much, just half an hour to an hour every day, but I still get complimented quite often on my body, which still feels really weird.

running only when you feel like it is bad for your heart

>Which tech do you use to stay fit?


Save your knees and get a bike for cardio. There may come a day when you have to run for your life and your knees will be fucked from your high impact running workouts

don't you have to pedal like a crazy motherfucker to even get comparable results to running?
I never run out of air while cycling but i literally die for air after 15min of running.

a lot of people get heart attacks when do that after 26
everyday is always better if you lead sitting style of life,not whole hour but 15-20 mins but consistently and start slow


kill yourself poorfaggot

>If the goal of your fitness regiment has anything to do with weight loss or muscle gain, walking will not get you there.
Great because there are many other reasons to walk, or practice in general.

that's not because of lack of stamina

when you run a lot of organs move and if you do not have muscles to support it, it gets harder to breath that's why cyclists can't run for shit
cycling and running exploits different groups of muscle, not that it matters for heart

Weird OP, you looked like a man before. What happened?

I use my consumer tech to listen to T-Swift

She's all the motivation I need

Who is this semen demon master?

if thats op, im kinda jelly

But then again i have my own gravitaional orbit.

>Romanticising your miserable state to cover up the bitter feeling of failure

>f-fitness is technology!
>there's no actual technology

I play way to much ingress, which involves a great deal of walking. I would guess around 1 mile (10km) each day at least.

>1 mile (10km)

>leaving out deadlift

nice e-stats faggot, show a timestamp picture. No one believes you on the internet.

Or alternatively 3.21½ burgers

>tfw you're one of the people on Sup Forums who's actually close to 400 lbs

please help me

Very nice bike mate. Bit of campy, bit of shimano, I like it. I always like mish mash bikes, it adds character.

Go to /fit/, there are many people like you there. If you really want to do something about it, you can start right now.

Good man




You know what's better than an exercise bike? A bike

>gross food
The food is top tier m8

Burn some fat, lard-arse

Disregard running, ignore that or you will fuck up your knees.

What were some of those books on stretching? There's so much information on lifting and eating properly compared to stretching.

He died because the roids he was taking weakened his cardiovascular system and then he put even more stress on it by going into the sauna

My go-to is the Supple Leopard by Kelly Starrett, I know it's the meme book but it's massive and comprehensive. Everything else I got at thrift book shops but cover the same ground.

My watch tracks my steps but as a neckbeard with over 40 bmi you can tell I don't care

Thanks user

Stretching is a meme.