Tell me everything that's wrong with windows 10

Tell me everything that's wrong with windows 10

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Rest is fine. It's no Win7 but it's better than Windows 8.


It's called 10 even though it's 9

8.1 was 9

we can't, the code is closed.

nothing. just turn off telemetry and its the best OS microsoft has released.

Generally slow
No package manager

so you're talking about fresh Windows 7

8.1 was 8.1

Its ok, it never breaks.
>Generally slow
>No package manager

>>Generally slow

You've never used linux have you, its faster on a core 2 duo machine then windows is on a 4790k

it drove me to buy a mac. i'm gay now.

it's called 10 even though it is one zero, 2, Windows 2, i learn that in collage

>Preparing to delete

>Preparing to move

These operations should take less than a second in 90% of applications. They easily take minutes in Windows even if performed on just a handful of files.

>No enhancements on command prompt tools
>Price hike for non-Home edition features
>Forced privacy concerns everywhere.
>Forced crash reports on all but the Entreprise version.
>Tries to force in the Mac OS "Search for everything you want to use instead of using hierarchical menus" slowly rather than not at all, after failing to shove it down our throats with Windows 8
>Resource hog

It's an improvement.
The spying sucks but its blown out of proportion.

In 5 years people will hate the next iteration (if any) and love windows 10.

Hating it is literally meme bandwagon.

Also more than about time Microsoft starts workiong towards Unix compatibility on their shell and on their boot loader. This childish "Pretend unix systems don't exist" approach Microsoft has to operating systems has lasted long enough.

>The spying sucks but its blown out of proportion.

Get out of here you defeatist shill
it sends your keystrokes, your webcam, hundreds of MB of unknown data.

Aktshually, windows 8.1 has faster file transfers than both win 7 and 10 but also a smaller memory footprint than win 10. File transfering is at the heart of everything in an operaring system thus win 8 is the better OS.

>your webcam
No, Microsoft doesn't stream your webcam data to a server. What the fuck would they do with that? How could they manage so much information?


How much do they pay you to make posts like this? No one can seriously believe windows 10 is an upgrade to anything, unless they're underage and their first OS was vista. Or a MS shill.

are you an edgy teenager, or a 34 year old min wage worker?

either way I feel bad for you

Nice try

>hates the spying
>hates everything else by association

it's faster
looks cleaner
more compatible
I dont even know, you remind me of my father. Rearrange the living room and he's depressed for a week.

It is actually okay in terms of operation, it doesn't improve anything but it's okay, after all this is the OS that runs almost all the games.

But persistent stuff from Microsoft is really annoying. Data gathering from a paid software, trying to become second Google or Apple is really stupid. I don't want to contribute to their database and still pay the full price for Windows just to play games. Also they're pushing a lot of stuff that are just not useful, most important example being Microsoft Store.

>it's faster
It's really not.
>looks cleaner
It has two control panels and no unifying border theme or colors.
>more compatible
Simply as a virtue of being newer.

>Rearrange the living room and he's depressed for a week.
Maybe you should stop fixing what isn't broken.

In 5 years I am still using w7 without any updates sand will still not have seen any obscure security hole and going strong without bluescreens or viruses for like 20 years using common sense and some stupid little av.
Or I am using debian.

your a faggot

>Maybe you should stop fixing what isn't broken
implying a drunken father or random idiot off the internet has any merit

Good for you.

You can safely update Windows 7, I just did last week. 95% of the updates bringing the botnet to win 7 are optional and thus not installed unless you say so. It's not safe running the OS as you do now.

Never go full retard.

It's teh gey

>Tell me everything that's wrong with windows 10
>everything that's wrong
There you go OP

Top kek


It may not be safe, that is for sure, but as long as I don't have a problem there is no reason for me to update anything. It works as I expect it to.
No problem, I got more than just one backup of everything.

Error: Comment too long


Had an old celeron 1gb ram rock. Windows 7 and 8 was a nightmare. Linux was butter as fuck.

>tfw you work in your city's IT dept
>tfw enterprise deployment of windows 10
>tfw licensing problems and general incompetence with regard to whether to deploy ltsb or cb or cbb

Literally nothing. The only people who have a problem with it are Sup Forums autismos and Macfags (who irrationality hate every version of Windows).

>In 5 years people will hate the next iteration (if any) and love windows 10.
This is such a meme. People loved the shit out of 7 when it came out, 10's hate is not just kneejerking against the new thing.

of course it's faster when fuck all runs on it.

This. Win 10 is genuinely bad, not only that, it's dangerous to use due to all the privacy concerns.

If you use Windows 10 you're basically telling Microsoft and everyone else that you're okay with being spied on, okay with not having full control of your operating system and okay with Microaoft doing with your computer as they please.

if you're an american you are doing the same when you connect to the internet.

>One botnet.

should i upgrade to windows 19?
i'm on windows 8.1 with a partition for debian

We already had this thread a few times today.

>see thumbnail: weee ass
>open thumbnail: boots on kitchen counter

According to MS own articles:

even in lowest possible telemetry setting, it still talks, but the packages can be limited only to machine ID and class and OS version. On Enterprise/Edu only.

Does it mean that only those, who decide to pay handsomely, can be truly disconnected from botnet?

keylogs, sends regular screesnhots to mc, scanns your computer for pirated shit, spied on evrything basically

i thought people liked win 7? or is it just shit compared to vista

the NSA does not care about Norman the Normies data but when Peter the Sup Forumstard starts talking about wanting to kill somebody in office it shoots all the date to the party van

>the NSA
Top kek. M$ doesn't want to give your data to the NSA, but to the corporations for marketing purposes, and many people take issue with that as much as with the NSA.
Regardless, if people want to have a right to privacy, and can get their government to impose it (like most of Europe does), they should be allowed to.

>to the corporations for marketing purposes
Not just marketing, a variety of things. Just imagine if every individual could just up and buy embarrasing data about you: would you like a potential employer to know you visit some weirdass porn site, or even just Sup Forums? Would you like if your business rival could just talk shit about you toyour customers and actually have proof to back it up?
Privacy is not there just to defend you from the government, it's there to defend you from any kind of discriminatory party.

It was called windows 10 to compete with OS X

Actually, how is the situation different for Win10 users in US and EU?

Im living in Europe myself and just wonder how much of this relate to me.

Are there proofs that it keylogs everything and not just, like described in official articles, for the text correction, page prediction services and such, when they are enabled?

Same for scanning PC for pirated software not related to their Store versions (how would they check the difference in case of non-Store ones anyway? Compare .exe files from installation folders or what?) and that screenshoot deal (save for one video from russian guy)?

In before "shut up pajeet" - if I would bring those arguments in front of people outside of Sup Forums, they would most likely point out those problems and discard those opinions, if they wouldnt be explained.

>Hello corporate colleagues. Let's study our target customers today.
>Alright, connect to a random webcam.
>Hm... just a mom making tacos at the edge ofr the camera field.
>What do you mean, "just"? This will determine our marketing strategy for the next 3 months!
>This man is a genius!
>chair dance

i fear you missed the most important factor, identity theft.
which any fucktard at nsa microshaft or now the companies which buy said info from firefux/microshaft/fagbook etcetc can leak to their friends/family and then well you pretty much lose your life because of this shit

It's designed by amoral literally pooping everywhere Indians who only have an interest in wringing pennies out of you at the expense of your privacy. Plus they hate Jesus.

>directx12 and graphics in general are horrible, plastic and full of aliasing
>again, horrible display scaling options
>no way manually installing a custom (or an older stable version) driver for my gear, it'll download the newest (even beta) drivers off of the internet without even asking
>minimum setting of telemetry is still screaming my data to whoever wants to access it
>takes incredibly long to do simplest I/O operations, I mean what the fuck are you "preparing" to transfer a folder with the size of couple of megs
>enabling dotnet 3.5 to use some of my programs that require it fucks the OS up completely and you'll need recovery disk to save your computer
>on idle, almost twice as much memory usage as win7
>useless additional "settings" interface that doesn't even comply to the settings within the control panel, some settings do override the other one some don't
>doesn't allow me to opt out or even choose when to download tons and tons of needless update data

to be honest I was prepared for much worse and it turned out to be not a bad OS after all.

Are you being intentionally dense or do you just not understand the concept of statistics? They're not just gonna look at your data, they're gonna look at millions of champions.
If you're talking specifically about the webcam example, well I'm not the guy who introduced it so I'm not gonna defend it, but you can certainly get a lot of marketing data from the way you use your webcam if not from the actual footage, from the settings you care about (and so development of new models) to programs you use it with (and so development of new software).

>Be me
>Be 2040
>Windows 15 just came out
>Currently have windows 14
>My heart BPM is sent to microsoft
>Alert on my screen tells me to calm down with a game of halo
>Don't really feel like playing halo
>Move my mouse up to the top right of the window
>Theres no X
>Try to ALT F4
>Just comes up with a ad for mountain dew
>Don't care for mountain dew but the ad has no exit button

>5 months later
>Windows 15 comes out
>Change log:
>Can now read your thoughts even while machine is turned off
>T-This is so we c-can advertise to you more appropriately! We swear!
>Installs even though I unplugged my router and turned my PC off


You can't turn of telemetry. You can turn off some specific functions, but even if you turn them ALL off it will still contact microsoft regularly

Literally nothing.

>August 2015

Not OP, naturally, but I would like to see more fresh material. And actually more detailed than "jeez, everybody does so, put yer tinfoil hat xD".

Is it still possible to buy Windows 7 online then, since 10 is such a fucking joke?
I've heard M$ doesn't accept OEM authorization codes for 7 any more and I just want to be comfy on SP1.

nah, wait until windows 20 comes out.

p i r a c y

>same article posted every time
>article is from last year
>article has no valid points

I don't believe the paid shills on Sup Forums meme but this makes me a little suspicious.

Yeah, you've got a point there. I did try pirating Win7 Home Premium once but had a load of network problems. Maybe it's time I finally bit the bullet and switched to Linux.

I don't have that kind of time user

There's a really good SP1 torrent on Kat but it doesn't include any drivers so you'll have to get those somehow. If you do switch to Linux, I recommend Ubuntu or Debian as a first-time distro, chances are you won't need anything that things like Arch or Gentoo offer (although I do use Arch because of the minimalism and AUR; if you do decide to use arch, antergos is a great hassle-free installer for it.)

Let's just say it was bad enough that after a few months I gave up on it and went back to Win7.

Pity it'll probably cripple my ability to play 70% of my Steam library optimally, but I always get really stressed when dealing with pirated OS distros.

If anybody would be kind enough to spoonfeed me a torrent I would appreciate it, if not, I'll start looking to get back into Ubuntu.
A part of me knew it would end up like this with MS. I can't deny I'll miss it a little.

Windows in general is just bloated garbage but I use it anyway because it has better support for multicore applications like Ableton or Vegas from my experience. I have arch on my laptop and it's great for file management and has a better ability of looking more visually appealing, plus it runs 800 times faster than my monster desktop with windows 8.1 installed on it.

>better ability of looking more
Jeez I fucked that sentence up

It spies on Sup Forums's candydoll collection.

Dude if its so much trouble i can give u a legal w10 key i have tons of those from college

>Actually, how is the situation different for Win10 users in US and EU?
in the EU they might arrest you if you say mean things about Ahmed on the internet

other than that there is no real difference



No drivers for anything but NTFS and two FAT standards.

Highly frustrating to get libraries for C and some other languages for.

I haven't given this my 100% all, but from what I can tell the old method of mounting the ESP and having write access no longer works.

>It has two control panels
this also bothers me

Go on the MDL forums to `pirate' (they don't like that term) Microsoft products. I would suggest sticking with 8, although 7 is more straightforward to activate.

>Closed code, so we can't code shit
>spies on you 24/7/9/11
>makes Vista looks like the perfect and stable OS
>your mom puts uses it on the wrong hole, the kitchen sink isn't made for gaming