Tfw when are talking to a camwhore about linux and webdev

>tfw when are talking to a camwhore about linux and webdev

>tfw when are talking
>that feel when when are talking
>that feel when when

Epic blog post.

that's a trap

What a cutey cat.


i bet shes so NERDY XD!!!

that cat looks comfy as fuck

>mfw i plan to become a camwhore in the near future
I'll first try my luck at being a YouTube whore though :^)

Let's see dem titties and we'll tell you if it's worth it or not.

If YouTube whoring works, it'll rule out the camwhoring thing, so no tits must beshown ;) FIngers crossed that will work. I plan a PC gaming channel.


Хaхaхa, нeт ;)

>I plan a PC gaming channel.
I laughed.

are you a legit born female?


it's probably that ukranian whore that keeps spamming Sup Forums
hope the russian separatists grab her

>I'll try what everyone is already doing

Well maybe being a girl will help a little bit

She's a dude

>everyone is already doing
Well yeah, though I was planning more of a critique channel with emphasis on the technical side since I'm fairly good at it.

>paying for a tattooed camwhore

it's a confusing world

>that face when


>want to fap
>got to camwhore site
>chat to other dudes also fapping
>all fapping and chatting
>chatting and fapping
fuck. just get in, fap, and get out. fags talking to each other while stroking it, i dont get it