/csg/ Chink Shit General

What chink shit is currently in your cart?

>IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon

Chink Shit Wiki:

• Sharkfoot; The most prominent symptom seems to be excessive spending on chink sites. It could be dangerous depending on your income. • user recommends a nice looking case for a Redmi Note 3 • user dumps pictures of his chink shit purchases; a $14 quadcopter the JJRC H22 and posts his early thoughts provides size comparison of it another JJRC quad as well as a comparison of the 220mAh & 260mAh battery
• A $5 Xiaomi Leather Notebook that has Mitu stamped onand user's impressed with the quality and nice leather
• And a Xiaomi ZMI PB810 10000mAh powerbank LG G3 for size
• user reviews the i5 Plus smartband
• If you dislike stock MIUI notification handling try this • user making some animated memes
• Review of a MK-F100TL USB powered microphone along with a picture of its internals (similar to a BM-800)
• Why buy a quadcopter when you can get yourself a hexacopter and some Xiaomi Hybrids
• user bought some cables with led lights
• user made a model of the Mi Max for a size comparison with the Chuwi Hi8
• user got a pair of Chink Ray Bans and is impressed • user got his DZAT df10s off Amazon (they're still chink earbuds) • user warns about a chink nosehair remover getting dangerously hot • user posts video reviews of two controllers the IPEGA 9023 and the IPEGA 2017 • user orders one ShineCon VR headset, seller accidentally sends him two Previous threads

Other urls found in this thread:


Just bought these. Hope they will not stuck somewhere or destroy some anons Redmi 3


At least my old brasilia will have the sound system that deserves.

What you plan on using them for?

I don't know. Just wanted to have them.

just ordered a redmi 3 pro
now for some tempered glass and a case

That will make a great present!

Protip: Get the Rissla desk protector from Ikea. (Pic related)

It has a metal plate inside which allows you to stick stuff to with said magnets.
I have upgraded my third arm, benchvice and and solder stand with small magnets and it prevents tools from sliding around.

Make sure you apply for your bootloader unlcok code well before it arrives. Mine came in 5 working days and the chinks didn't update my tracking number until the day before it got here. So now I've got it on my desk but I still don't have it unlocked.

Very nice, clever too. Mind posting a pic of your setup?

The new mascot is cute how long has it been around

Any decent tv boxes on the cheap? Or sticks that can stream from my phone? Either is fine.

Dirty Reviews user here.

Sup Forumsents, I've noticed a certain amount of animosity here towards video reviews recently, both mine and other people's, and I must say that's not cool. This general is meant to be a safe space for everyone to share their thoughts and opinions however they wish, whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned pro Youtuber (like me!).

I've got some exciting new videos lined up for you Sup Forumsuys later on tonight, but until then let's please try to keep things civil and pleasant, shall we?

In the meantime don't forget to check out my Youtube channel, and if this thread takes a turn for the uncouth please feel free to join me in my Youtube comments section!

Catch you on the flip side, Sup Forumsentlemen. Stay safe and have fun!

>false flagging this hard

People can hate on video reviews all they want, dirty reviews user. Such is life on the chink shit wild west

Not this shit again.

Is this an elaborate ruse designed with the intention of making him get a trip so you can filter him more easily?

if it's a ruse then it's not that elaborate t b h

anyone know if these are any good?


So I've been trying to find some old fashioned earbuds (not IEM) that wasn't the Monk meme nor some $50 shill-fi abomination and found the BYZ S600 for about $3.50

I'm no audiophile but I am gonna say that they're fairly comparable to my PortaPros despite the shortcomings of being earbuds. Not bad at all for 3.50

What's the slide button thingy for?
Volume control?


Info about the backpacks from pic related?
Are they good, or am I gonna get chinked?

think they're good,

btw do they have mesh on the back ?

nice b8.
We already told reviews user to cut it out with the shilling.

Thoughts on the Shinecon VR headset?

Also, where can i buy some cheap laptop bags(not backpack), for 17 inches?

I guess they do.

I have the one on the right. It's sturdy as hell and copes incredibly well with around 5kg of weight in it - that's not to say it won't swallow a bigger load equally well, but I've never had cause to fill it any more than that. Horizontal straps at tit and navel level do a lot to take the strain off your shoulders with heavy weights.
As you can see from the pic it is well-padded both on the straps and the back. Thus far all the compartments have been completely waterproof, but I haven't ridden through anything more than a light shower since I got it.

Received mine today. Doesn't work properly with my Asus Memefone 2.

No complaints other than it BTFOs roman noses. Tolerable for a 25 min VR porn video though

Why doesnt it work? Mine is on the way, i have a 5.5 inch xiaomeme

How's the image quality and fov?

I own a Tigernu backpack and it has good build quality. I like it.

Thanks for the info kindguy! (and nice pusheen, lol)


The laptop has a screen diagonal of 15.4" so it's a fairly spacious backpack. I got mine from this store on Ali:


from whom delivery time was approx 3 weeks to the UK. I have no qualms recommending this backpack.

>Why doesnt it work? Mine is on the way, i have a 5.5 inch xiaomeme
It doesn't clamp properly, probably because of the curved back. Otherwise it's fine size-wise (although it requires a bit of dexterity to get a larger phone in).

>Tigernu backpack
Okay, I'll research it. Thanks!

Does Google Cardboard work with Redmi note 3 pro?

ffs forgot pic in my rush to shill.

Who is "we"?

What is /csg/ using their Mi keys for?

Off course it works. But get a better VR headset, one with a strap, like the shinecon vr

We are venom

Nice to see some live pictures of it, for size references, you know. Sometimes they can be way smaller than they look in official pictures.

my ganzo knife came in.
pretty solid quality, pretty sharp, mechanics works fine, doesn't feel flimsy.


The lenses give a perfectly clear view so it will come down to your own phone. Though the FoV is a bit lacking

I heard you can change the lenses for better FoV but I haven't looked into it since I don't mind it.

used it to cut some tape off packages as well as some cardboard.

Do the chinks have something like chromecast?


This is not me :^)

What do you mean? Do you see the edges ? How does the FOV lack?

we as in not just him

For some reason some user is so butthurt that he has to pose as me deceive people in the thread :^) I was only out for a quick bike ride testing a pair of headlights I got from China to review later.

Why can't I find Xiaomi's 20k mAh power bank on their site? Is it discontinued?

What time is where you are?


Well strictly speaking the pics aren't live since I took them when someone asked about this backpack a couple of weeks ago, but I don't think it's shrunk since then.

The only downside for me is that I think it looks fucking hideous, but I knew that before I got it (plus if you're using it correctly it will be on your back so you won't have to look at it). It feels genuinely sturdy (unlike the piece of shit I got previously from Amazon) and doesn't shift around when I'm doing 80mph on the bike either.

Trying to work out if it is dark enough to give a good review where you are. 21:22 here - not quite dark yet. Will be in an hour though.

I'm just collecting some thoughts :) but good idea, I should review them outside! Problem is my microphone is bound to another computer so I guess Ill take some crude video.


chinks take "twitch girls" streaming to a whole new level.

24/7 live show with different stream girls sensually dancing for you to K-pop.

Were you cycling... inside?

This is stupid just watch porn and get it over with.

No I was outside ? I did not record my cycling, I just tested them out a bit to see if they were any good quality. I wouldn't want to promote a product that doesnt function well so I test them out first.

Chink VR market focuses on movies and the like rather than actual VR stuff, so you will see edges on the sides. It depends on the phone size too, though.

I don't have an original Cardboard headset, but if I had to guess the Shinecon's FoV will be much closer to the V2 Cardboard spec than the V1

It's better when it's suggestive.

you do realize how tiny these are?

>brought his cat for another picture
You really are kind, thanks again for your posts.
Regarding the backpack, the only thing that really irks me are the visible writings ("elite sinceye cordial", "diligent harmony", "Tan Xian Zhe"). But I guess I can live with that for that price. Or maybe they'll fade away.

Is the Xiaomi mousepad coming apart for anyone else? The thin top layer on mine is separating from the rest.

>the only thing that really irks me are the visible writings
Same for me

Some Russians in the reviews are complaining it may be smaller than advertised, I'm gonna order one as well for commute and shopping, both of my Eastpack backpacks are falling apart

Kaukko is a pretty minimalist brand with some nice products, I purchased one a while back and will prepare a review of it on my channel soon. They use nice quality fabrics and the zippers are solid. They also use metal clamps on the straps making them quite sturdy.

>he fell for the xiaomeme
so sorry user.

It was only $12 I'm not crying just surprised I have had it for like 2.5 weeks

Anybody have problems with apps closing on their RN3P? I just can't get past a minute when listening to a song on Play Music in the background without the damn app closing.

Just bought a shark and an external wifi adapter for injections.

One question which is the best bang for your buck when it comes to buying shark sd cards? GB/Price

>spending more than $10 on chick shit
Are you retarded? Why not get one of the free mousepads people get on here?

Quadcopter Land / Sky 2 in 1



Standard on all Xiamoi and most other chinkphones. you need to change 4 different permission settings to stop the aggressive app killing. do this:

Fuck, and I bought a 16GB card because I'm a cheapskate. What's the best sd card adapter to go along with these cards, user?


That's why you ask questions before you order. As for the adapter, I have no idea. I'm assuming most of them work fine, I'd just find one with USB 3.0 that is actually USB 3.0



Post some pics.

I fucking hate chinks.

Fuck, this is my first time participating in these threads. I didn't know user.

Live and learn my friend

It's OK. You'll buy another, and another, and another

I'm curious, does chink shit arrive there faster than say the US?

I just checked mine and as far as I can see the only writing on it is Tan Xian Zhe which appears twice, once horizontally as part of the mountain logo and once vertically in white. The latter has lines through it and to be honest really doesn't draw the eye as text unless you're looking for it., and the mountain logo is certainly no more intrusive than the logo for any other branded backpack.
The cat did not need bringing and was happy to insert himself in the photo, possibly because I had had some meat in the backpack earlier this afternoon.

I'm a more or less normally-proportioned oldfag adult and it certainly doesn't look small on me. You could easily get a week's worth of backpacking clothing in there.

It's alright, sharks are still neato. Maybe you can find another use for the smaller shark? Anywho less than two threads ago there was a test of shark vs shark

seems you've got banter chinked, love

Does anyone have experience with the "high" capacity PS2 memory cards?

I want to put free mcboot on either the 64mb or 128mb ones, if possible.

>. You could easily get a week's worth of backpacking clothing in there.
Exactly what I needed, thank you

So what's the word on that BoboVR Z4? Should I get that over the SnailVR?

If you're going backpacking I can also recommend getting one of the chinese microfibre towels from Ali. They feel a bit weird to use (you just dab them on your skin rather than rubbing yourself down like you would with a proper towel) but they take up basically no space and dry out pretty quickly.

Fuck you for shitting up csg yesterday, fucking makifag.

>You could easily get a week's worth of backpacking clothing in there.

>Sup Forums
>going outside
>for more than a week

>meanwhile amazon
This is why China is winning.

I'm good thanks


Does anyone have personal experience with Vernee smartphones? The Vernee Thor seems really tempting with its good specs, and there are a few reviews online. However, the official Vernee website is riddled with spelling errors and broken links and just seems generally untrustworthy...



>blaming makifags for shitting up /csg/
>not le youtube generation