Looking for a mouse

I'm looking for a mouse to buy, I'm literally tired of all of these dogshit meme mice for "gaymers", fuckin razer, steelseries crap.

what do you Sup Forumsrognards recommend?

Something wireless with a decent battery life would be preferable, but I'd be happy going back to cable so long as it has a decent fuckin sensor and the clickety clacks / wheel don't die out on me.

Other urls found in this thread:


mx master, g900 for wireless

g502 wired

If you want non gamery get an amazon basics mouse


Are you just trolling me into buying another piece of shit plastic crap

come the fuck on

Enjoying my Zowie EC1-A. No bullshit, just good mouse.

There are no good mice that meet your shitty criteria

go fuck yourself you uncouth pleb

is the difference between mice just a placebo?


Is the Sensei any good? I like the size of it and it's simplicity. Anything else similar to it?

Get a Kensington trackball

it's pretty good, there's actually very little difference between mice except shape

I have one and the only complaint I can make is that it can get slippery if you're sweating, which I don't because I'm not a fat neckbeard.

The flashy colors and display is just a meme, buy the RAW version.

Here to shill best mouse. If you want a better look, get a modded version by steel-series or zowie.



kill urself

I have a logitech g300s and this fucking piece of shit is starting to double click on it's own. Are there any other ambidextrous mouse with 9 buttons?

I'm also in the market for a new mouse
How's the Logitech Performance MX? Or the M510?
Right now I'm using a Sensei Raw but the mouse wheel is going to shit so might as well buy a new one
>Pic for visibility


mionix naos 7000

wireless a shit

get this one, i just bought it a week ago, seems pretty nice.


The buttons are cheap and make loud noises when you press them. The old models are huge which isn't really practical. Aside from the bad button quality and size, this is the closest thing to a perfect mouse.

mine double clicks on the scroll wheel