Apple just revealed the future of its retail stores

With an outdoor plaza and literal trees inside

>In downtown San Francisco, situated across the street from the city's iconic Union Square Park, Apple's newest vision for retail is close to being realized. The new store, which opens this Saturday, includes 42-foot sliding glass doors that double as two-story windows, a 6K video screen on the second floor, and living trees lining its new customer support section. It also sports a backyard "forum" that will be open 24 hours a day, featuring a 50-foot green wall, free Wi-Fi, and 47-year-old restored fountain from San Francisco sculptor Ruth Asawa.

Just fucking give up, everyone else.

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At least now applel customers won't need to lose their spot in line to go to the loo.

All fun and games until the homeless move in and start pissing in the MacPros and grilling pigeons on the MacBooks.

OP didn't mention, bathrooms are now non-binary genderfluid and come equipped with a four foot big black dildo in each stall.

it's san francisco so we kinda assumed.

I've literally never understood what was supposed to be so great about Apple stores?

Can't find anything without having to wade through a sea of people gaping at a slightly different version of the thing they have at home because no overhead signage
Very little stock of accessories, for what accessories they DO carry that aren't Apple-Brand
No direction or lead as to whom to talk to or see if you need service or help (Meaning you end up waiting to talk to someone who tells you who to talk to instead, and shows you their line)
Single-Level displays means you're uncomfortable if you're anything taller or lower than the height they're built for
And buying things is just cringe worthy, as the associate has to wade through a sea of people to go fetch a receipt for you

I -OWN- a fucking Mac Mini and love it, but I can't fucking STAND any Apple store I've been to.

>It also sports a backyard "forum" that will be open 24 hours a day

Surely this is going to become a complete shitshow.


Good, too bad my commie shithole of a country doesn't even have a single proper Apple Store, just resellers. Fuck.

Apple is great at marketing. That's why people treat the Apple store like Disneyland.


Yeah, isn't this a very real potential problem with this 24 hour "forum" this thing has got?


Europe isn't a country.

So basically a 24/7 trailer trash tailgate party.

Yes I know, I meant the country is in yurop

>With an outdoor plaza and literal trees inside




Many European countries have many official Apple stores.

Yes I know
That's why it hurts even more that mine doesn't


Especially with SF having the biggest homeless pop in the country I think

He's probably a Slavshit.
>Even Turkey has them

100% germanic


Let me guess, you're from the Czech republic and are in denial about being a Slav.

Looks like it is complete with a hobo street painter.


This looks stupid, why don't the route the power through the legs of the table?

I see you are well versed in Sup Forums maymays

>literal trees
>checkin out a hot new macbook
>suddenly a spider crawls on the keyboard

Samsung did it better.

>japan has a smaller number of apple stores than australia
Fucking how?

The employees hold the same posture of hands behind their back because they are prisoners unable to jailbreak. (Photo related)

Clearly for the inevitable earthquakes that will cause the tables to slide around and throw all the iToys off them.

>le japan is le advanced technology land meme

Because that would be too obvious; too streamlined. It adds some utility to the mix; simplicity. The cords add flair. Burn the place to the ground.

Then they should have the table suspended by 4 guy wires from the ceiling and floor and run the power cables along them.
The guy wires would prevent massive swinging and moving of the table whilst making it look even cleaner.

>burn it
Apple doesn't own the place user, they just lease the space.

Think of the poor landlord, now he can't brag to the guys about his awesome investment, because it's covered in faggots.

Seriously, it's not the fucking 80s anymore. I went to Japan recently and in this day and age there's just nothing Japan has that you can't get anymore thanks to online shopping. I didn't go to Japan for that reason, there's plenty of other good reasons to visit.

It's just frustrating when everyone I've talked to about the trip, first thing they ask


Damn, you are right. How could they oversee such a blatant inconsistency in the design?

>real trees
if those
are the trees, then I am underwhelmend. That's just some potted plants of slightly larger than what everyone and their grandma has in their living room size.

>"This is more than just a store," Ahrendts says. "We want people to say, 'Hey, meet me at Apple.'"

You're right, Japan has tons of old tech, but they also have probably the largest portion of iPhone users you've ever fucking seen that are mostly getting serviced through carriers and other technology stores because they aren't stepping up to put up shops.

Macbooks and iPads are hella popular too.

Source: I'm fucking living in Japan.

>are the trees, then I am underwhelmend. That's just some potted plants of slightly larger than what everyone and their grandma has in their living room size.
You weren't expecting oaks were you?

There was always going to be a compromise, you have to pick trees that will grow within their confines, won't grow a root system that will damage things, will live with the shit natural lighting and won't make too much of a mess.

s-sugoi da!
can I be your tomodachi? Orz

Then they have to get 4 people to lift the table and one to to turn them off every morning and night, for every table

>You weren't expecting oaks were you?
Actually, I was. Or something of similar size and real-treeness, if they are going to brag about real trees. Those plants add a nice touch, and are certainly not really small, but also nowhere near anything considered "big" in a retail setting. Stuff like this is at every mall, department store or airport.

They're way too big to be classified as plants. They're literally trees.

>Every support employee is a white male

Why is this allowed?

Wow, it's fucking nothing.

why shouldn't it be allowed?

Because weeb morons think that Gundams are real

Its allowed cause its 2016, geez

You really think qualified minorities didn't apply for positions at Apple's flagship store?

That'll change once Apple gets a lawsuit from a rainbow haired tumblrwhale. Then white males will be shot on sight in every Apple store across the US.

If they get big enough, do they become classified as dinosaurs?

No problem, we've got a safespace set up ready just for you if your post-colonial PTSD is being severly triggered right now.

>he thinks gundams arent real

Get a load of this retard.

being white is a qualification of its own

Sup Forums ruined this website

>he thinks gundams are real
>implying they aren't shit toys

>qualified minorities

Sup Forums is just weebs that actually grew up

God damn such waste of precious city real estate. Should be illegal

They're trying to imitate some zen shit but they put the tatamis in the ceiling

Sounds a bit like the new Apple store in Stockholm, Sweden.

>not having an aple temple in the heart of the capital


>This is what poor whites who believe they're entitled to shit just for being white actually believe


>It's not the fucking 80s

It is in japan! Kimosabe, no need to upgrade PC. You fine with SHARP DOS, is timeless like katana.


Teach me your ways user-sensei.

Memes will never justify your gibsmedat attitude.

A map of faggotry. How handy.

I don't see your apartment on there.

shut up and fuck already

Maybe he's homeless.
Like poverty, faggotry knows no bounds.

Sweden yes!
Truly the progressive people of the north.

That's because it isn't on there.

>This looks stupid, why don't the route the power through the legs of the table?
Because Steve Jobs is dead
As simple as having a few switches here and there, are you american or something?

Now you're just making the wiring way too complex to justify this.

>not paying respect to steve in the jobs mirror pool

>a switch makes wiring complex
Are you retarded? They could go for something as simple as having the switch in one of the legs, or just disconnecting everything in the store
Also, do you seriously believe they disconnect the stuff to shut it down? Are you this retarded?

So now they either have to order the desks customised, highly increasing the cost (space for switches in the legs) or they can't shut the power to a group of devices and have to turn everything off.

>Also, do you seriously believe they disconnect the stuff to shut it down? Are you this retarded?

They obviously shut the stuff down and unplug it. When devices are off they still use electricity if plugged in.

>penny pinching an Apple Store
Jobs is spinning in his grave
>have to turn everything off
What else is there to turn off? CCTV's and alarms have their own circuit, unless the place is completely hack
>They obviously shut the stuff down and unplug it. When devices are off they still use electricity if plugged in.
Which is so ridiculously minimal it's retarded, anyways they will still use the energy the next day when they charge what they consumed from the batteries overnight, which would be more expensive in the day than in the night

Google is no better in the YES regards.
>Literally making a Map Zedong supporter the Google doodle
Android fags will defend this.

>Android fags will defend this.
Good thing I find this, among Android itself, atrocious.
Sent from my Galaxy Star

Do people even see the doodles anymore? Everyone uses the search bar or something similar

you expected anything else from a jewish company?

I don't know. But I'm honestly fucking shocked Google chose to showcase this woman on the doodle.
>Japanese American who supported Osama Bin Laden and converted to Islam
She's literally a parody of SJWs yet somehow completely serious.

i get nervous when i get into an apple store
those blue tshirt guys going full hipster and over friendly

everybody using the free internet access

you take any gadget and there is always a photo of someone doing stupid shit as a wallpaper

its horrible
never again

in a way, it reminds me that people are stupid, so i dont like been there

literal autism

nah i'm ok
just that i like the classic retail experience

1. clean products in shelves
2. true shop assistants, well dressed, without any stupid fad attire, that help you only if you want them to
3. people in the store are there just to buy products, not to hang out
4. you can't manipulate the on-display items, only by supervision of the guy in the store. that way you test a clean, new product, not a greasy iphone sporting a photo of jamal

Went to an Apple store for the first time in like 5 years recently to get muh free warranty repair on some broken apple router I got. It reminds me of a prison. Concrete everywhere. It's NOT welcoming. No one else fucking does this

>only by supervision of the guy in the store
sure, I like a min wage prole hawking over my shoulder

>It reminds me of a prison
Much like their view on hardware.

Which store location?

apple current store experience is not premium at all

10 years back, it was, because you were not allowed to play with the devices, so that novelty in the apple store was a huge hit

right now, the apple store is walmart

>nobody gets your shitty joke joke

>1. clean products in shelves
Like a Walmart?

>2. true shop assistants, well dressed, without any stupid fad attire,
A uniform T-shirt is fad attire? ok.

> that help you only if you want them to
Any good retail store will at least try to greet you within a minute if not less. If they offer assistance, I just say "no, thanks" and they leave me alone.

>3. people in the store are there just to buy products, not to hang out
People hang out in just about every fucking store on the planet. And they actually want you to play with the stuff. How else will you judge what the products are like? Ask random faggots on an internet message board?

>4. you can't manipulate the on-display items, only by supervision of the guy in the store. that way you test a clean, new product, not a greasy iphone sporting a photo of jamal
Horse shit. They let people do whatever they want short of punching the screens. I've played with iMovie, poked around the settings, looked at what files are on it, etc.

Not making the effort of devising a way to run the power cord through the leg of the table so its invisible

This is why women should never be in charge of anything

Why do they even need two of them?
That's retarded