
What is Sup Forums's opinion on WordPress?

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Bad design and years upon years of 'backwards compatibility' has made this one of the worst hacked together pieces of software I have ever seen.

I have absolutely no idea how anyone could be so masochistic as to use it to build anything other than a small blog


The "it just werks" phenomenon. I think something like a quarter of the web is built upon it.

Can get it to play nicely with a CDN, buy decent (read: not themeforest) themes & plugins to do what I want it to do - almost out of the box. Limited CSS/HTML skills a plus, but there's plenty of 3rd worlders for those more specific tasks.

That said.. WP is basically botnet these days. Depends on what you're trying to do, but it's almost certainly the easiest option, definitely not the best. Kind of like nginx is better than apache for serving basic web services, but, everyone knows apache so.. devil you know, kind of deal.

I personally hated it.
I tried to make a blog there, turns out you have to pay just to get non trivial customization.
it's a shitload of javascript that makes it all so complicated yet featureless if you don't pay
The custom themes that you can pick are all javascript heavy hipster shit that call themselves minimal (I have yet to understand what their definition of minimalism is), and again, you can only configure the background color and the font color, but there is so fucking much CSS that when you change the "background" color the change reflects just at the borders of the skin.
You cannot just drop all that nonsense and make your own, clean theme from scratch (unless you pay).
Nah it's shitto

>The "it just werks" phenomenon.
yeah, but as soon as you want to make it do something even a little different than the author of your plugins envisioned, you'll probably spend more time fixing it than you would making a new CMS from scratch.
My experience with Wordpress is consisted mostly of pain and suffering. Even Joomla is better.
And being worse than Joomla is an accomplishment of a kind.

for a site that mainly publishes articles from a large team of editors and writers you do get a lot of stuff that werks


all masochists

If you look at the wikipedia page, most of it is taken up by the Vulnerabilities section.

Pretty much this.
Somehow they still manage to be vulnerable to SQL injection in [current year]

Suggestions for alternatives to Wordpress?

Should I be worried if I only use Wordpress to showcase my product, give info and such? There's no customer login, store or complicated stuff. The plugins I use are mainly for CSS styling, analytics and Facebook comments.


this. how is drupal?



I make a living out of making homepages in wordpress to small companies. They are happy that they can go in and make changes themself when its done and Im happy that i can charge them for doing little to no work.

Sure Im not "cool" by Sup Forumss standards. But it pays the bills and my customers are satisfyed

This is the only reason I would ever use Wordpress. I can't find anything else that comes close to the ease of use that allows a non-tech person to make changes to their site.

I would actually like to find a way to use Wordpress to host dynamic content and have a static site scrape or query Wordpress and display that content on the web. This way end users can log in and make changes, but the actual Wordpress site in not on the live web.

same here, only in Joomla!, not Wordpress (I started with Mambo some time around 2004 and just stuck with it)

> and again, you can only configure the background color and the font color, but there is so fucking much CSS that when you change the "background" color the change reflects just at the borders of the skin.

all you have to do is make a childtheme and change the elements you want to change there, what is the problem?