Thanks for saving the Internet again, Jon

thanks for saving the Internet again, Jon

Vivaldi is the patrician's choice

Other urls found in this thread:

>slow as shit
>closed source
Yeah nah

Is it really closed-source: ?

>tarball from months ago that's just a copy of the chromium source with binary blobs of vivaldi modifications
This is why it's important to actually read through source code kids

That's why I asked here. I thought it suspicious that it was actually 700mb in size, but I didn't just want to download a 700mb file and check the source code for a browser I am not even using.

Thanks for the heads-up.

>browsing the web from a web app ON TOP OF A BROWSER
What's next?! A text editor on top of a browser?


Where can I download the source code? It's built upon free software after all, and even if they aren't legally compelled to release their source code, they'd do it, else it'd be a dick move, right?


He was joking. There are several shitty but popular editors built on web browsers now.

Atom being the most obvious reference

Ah completely forgot about the obvious one...

Fuck off shill. Next time use a proper channel

Neither c9 nor atom are shitty.

>I bought a 10 year old chinkpad because gee told me to do it and it takes an hour to launch modern apps

I'm so tired of you Vivaldi shills, I see a thread every day from you retards, everyone hates your software, please kill yourselves

Bloated with too many micro settings and options which are unnecessary, confusing and annoying to keep up. It does not follow the parity standard for browser functionality.


>0 market share, even less than chropera
>closed source even though it's just chromium

>and yet there's a thread about it on Sup Forums every day
Strange, isn't it?

>I think it's acceptable for a fucking text editor to require a Sup Forums-tier desktop just to run properly

>text editor requires a web browser to run
>not shitty



>spamming Vivaldi shill threads
>thinking that will increase market share on a tier 3 browser.

nice try friendo. come back to me when your browser brings improvements over firefox/chromium