Tfw install Linux to escape the botnet

>tfw install Linux to escape the botnet
>tfw you can't escape the botnet

You should have done your research. The botnet has counterfeit GNU+Linux distros in order to keep you in their control.

Skip on the top right?

>Oh noes, software offers things I don't use that could be convenient for someone else!
>I can't see the skip button

>Linux isn't a botnet
But Android is like the biggest botnet there is.

how so?

The whole OS is pretty much dedicated to collecting your information so Google can sell ads. I think Google chose to be open source so that they can just copy the best features that people come up with to implement in the official releases.

>The whole OS is pretty much dedicated to collecting your information
[citation needed]
>so Google can sell ads
There are no ads on my phone.
>I think Google chose to be open source so that they can just copy the best features that people come up with to implement in the official releases.
That's the whole point of open source from a company's point of view. But that doesn't make it bad for me. On the contrary, it allowed the development of a whole lot of Android distros I can choose from.

Do you really need proof that Google's business model is selling ads? Haven't you ever watched YouTube videos about something, and then noticed that ads on websites are related to some product you were researching on YouTube? Or used whatever pic related is called on your Android homepage? That fact that you don't notice the advertising means they're just being extremely effective. Google watches what you browse on the internet, and then websites use Google's advertising services to show you ads tailored to what they think you're interested in. That's the gist of it, but it's way more complex.

Have you ever installed stock android you twat?
You have to flash Gapps if you want to get cucked by jewgle

I have. How does that effect what I said?

convenient or not collecting personal information is not normal

>muh stock android

Saying people to use to use Android without Gapps is like telling them to use Linux without GNU which can be done but definitely is not relevant for 99% of people.


Ironically, Android is Linux without GNU.

Wow what a fucking 180

This is an option on Windows aswell but when someone points this out its "B-B-BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER ITS STILL THERE"

You're aware Android doesn't have Google's apps by default and is perfectly usable without them, right?

The problem with Windows is that it sends info EVEN WHEN YOU EXPLICITLY TELL IT NOT TO.

No, it does have them by default. Only the AOSP doesn't.

Android stands for A in AOSP.

There are multiple versions of Android then. There's the version 99.9999% of people use with GAPPS pre installed, and the versions Pajeets on XDA use which doesn't.

Top Right >Skipp


All jokes aside, if you read the GNOME EULA, it's not the same as the attached picture

I need proof that any data collection is going on in AOSP because so far I have never seen my phone open a connection to google to suggest this is the case.
Exactly, the Gapps package is where the botnetting occurs, and google even forbids this to be bundled with AOSP for aftermarket roms.
>Install AOSP based rom (e.g., Omni)
>Use F-Droid as repository
Wewlad, look how hard that was. There are even packages (uG) that make google-free geolocation piss easy. Plus, I have daily OTA updates of my system image if I want that.

The reason this is triggering me a bit is all the good things you could wish for are out there, available for free. But somehow there is this mixture of lazyness and misinformation that using this stuff is somehow not feasible, leading to perfectly good projects falling into obscurity. The same people who ignore all the good things then go on to post "There is no escaping the botnet anyway, install windows 10 lol".

>Preinstalled software somehow makes the OS be a different version
This is like saying Windows in general is a botnet because of the software Lenovo preinstalls on their machines. It still is, but not because of some preinstalled software.

>>The whole OS is pretty much dedicated to collecting your information
>[citation needed]
Some guy on reddit (/r/programming iirc) once told how he had a technical meeting where the term "slot" would be mentioned a lot (as a tech term). An hour after the meeting was over ads for slot machines turned up in his searches even though he had not conciously used the phone during the meeting at all. Supposedly the phone turned the mic on by itself to scoop in on his discussion. Now I can't remember if it was some third party app that did this or if it was the OS. And make what you wish of that anecdotal evidence from a random dude on reddit, but if it's true, that's scary shit.

which phone can i put aosp on? most are locked afaik

That's not what my Gentoo looks like. You should reinstall your Gentoo.

This is some top tier mental gymnastics. No, it's more like the difference between Windows 10 and Windows 10 Pro. Google is pre installing a botnet on an OS that they own and develop. Your analogy would be correct if it was the hardware OEMs doing this, but it isn't.

If you sign into a Google account, you're a part of the botnet. It doesn't matter if you're on AOSP or not because it's Google's services doing the data collection.

That's because you can't tell if skip actually did anything

top lel @ lincucks

If you use windows, you sure as fuck not escaping. Youre bending over and taking it up the ass.

The difference is like Chrome vs Chromium.

>meet friend at a bar
>long story but I'll just tl;dr it
>he and random dude who sat next to us both had worked in saudi arabia
>they sit and joke and spout arabic phrases at eachother
>my phone was on the table the entire time
>browsing on phone on the metro ride home
>all the ads are in arabic
Never seen it before, never seen it afterwards.

>If I sign into botnet, I am part of botnet
Nice tautology. Also completely unrelated to operating systems.
>Your analogy would be correct if it was the hardware OEMs doing this, but it isn't.
Yes it is, kind of. OEMs heavily modify plain Android and add things such as TouchWiz or Sense plus preinstalled applications and they add Gapps in the process. No one is forcing them to do so. Sure, in this case the developer of the OS is also the developer of the botnet apps, but both are still distinct and one (the OS) is perfectly usable without the other.
I wouldn't be surprised to find this somewhere in the EULA of the voice assistant, at least when it is in keyword activation mode (after all, it HAS to listen in all the time for this to work). Scary indeed, but like you say it's a stretch to assume the core OS was doing this.

is this the real life

god bless adaway and ublock

The point of Android is google services. Is it a coincidence that links to download GAPPs zips are on websites like XDA where people post custom roms? Almost nobody uses Android without Google apps. And there's some evidence being discussed ITT that Android is always listening through your phones microphone, how is that NOT a "botnet" (in the Sup Forums sense).

There is not a single Android phone on the market that comes out of the box with the botnet features disabled, even the stock Android Nexus phones don't. You have to root and modify your phone to turn them off. In all practical reality, Android is developed and put onto the market to collect your information.

Also skinning Android is not quite heavily modifying it. The underlying OS is the same, they only modified a few aspects and even those are mostly cosmetic. For the most part, they don't add any botnet features like Google bakes into the OS.

if your distro of choice is running systemd then it's as botnetty as winblows

hell, it's probably worse than a debotnetted win 10 installtion with telemetry turned off

What the fuck nigga you scared me for a second

What's wrong with systemd?

Bullshit.I routinely monitor all traffic in and out of my machines because I torrent like a greedy fool.I worry about malware because of it.Never have I seen any extraneous connections while using Linux.

This is not about your percieved "point" of the OS and not about how "people in general" use it. It is also not about the state devices using the OS are in when they are released by OEMs. The claim was that Android aka AOSP spies on you, for which there is no evidence. All botnet arguments point at Gapps, which is something on top of the Android OS.
>Also skinning Android is not quite heavily modifying it
I suggest you read something about the process that is necessary to adapt Android to a specific phone. I'll just say it is not about "skinning", and the modifications done by OEMs go far beyond what is necessary. Only a small part of this is skinning.
>they don't add any botnet features like Google bakes into the OS.
Again they are not "baked into" anything, they're a separate package that you can easily choose not to install.

At this point I don't know if you really do not get it or are just shitposting, but because this is Sup Forums I'll assume the worst and rest my case.

But is it good for escaping Windows 10 bloatware?

>Android = AOSP
No, AOSP is only one version of Android. Stock Android is what comes on the Nexus phones, and those phones are just as botnet-y as other Android phones.

You can keep digging your head into the sand and trying to separate Google from Android, but at the end of the day you can't. Google bought Android in its infancy and has been solely in control of it for several years now. Google's whole fucking business model is selling your information. Do you think they put Android out there for "free" out of the goodness of their hearts? No, they don't. They do it to make money. You are naive if you think installing AOSP will stop Google from getting your information. People who are actually concerned about their privacy just don't use smartphones for a reason.

Nah mate, Google's Android is a version of AOSP. Somebody exactly said that's exactly like Chrome and chromium. Google's Android, that comes with nexuses, is proprietary.

I notice that things I type about on IRC come up on google, even though I don't look up anything on the internet related to them.

I confronted some admins about this and they threw a fit and later banned me from their network.


It's for email and calendar functionality, you meme spouting tinfoil hatter.
The NSA isn't going to find out the size of your penis through your email exchanges.

Obviously you don't even know what systemd is. It is certainly nothing like you imply. Not a botnet, not sending your data to anyone.

Also, you cannot debotnet Windows 10 unless you never go online.

>Using Fedora
>Complaining about not being botnet free.

There is Parabola,Trisquel, Tails, Qubeos,etc for Tinfoiler/freetards.

This thread would make sense if you were talking about the problem with Linux being unable to escape from X86 firmware security

Chrome or Android are not originally made with botnet. They were originally FOSS projects that before Google takeover. Both Chromium and Android can remove most of Google's modifications.

Linux has nothing to do with Android being botnet,either. Linux Kernel on android allows Android users to get ports of Linux Kernel based OSes, or run GNU related applications.