VR hype is over

>VR hype is over

Other urls found in this thread:


>All VR devices sold out

>tfw I know more windows phone users than vr users
Really I dont know anyone who has a vr set. Only marketing people, youtubers and streamers seem to own one.


Anyone with half a brain could see this coming

I wonder if the hololens would solve those issues

Windows phones are cheap as fuck.

At the given moment you require a monster pc just to be able to run oculus,vive without a hitch,and the device is expensive by itself.

Of course the first iteration of a new technology wont be a smash hit when its behind a 1k USD paywall



It died the second every manufacturer decided they wanted their own walled off playground.

I'm personally exited to try out my friends rift, but he waisted a lot of money for it

for me, it died as soon as i heard the word zuckerberg

>Tfw bought 2 rifts, and the other already has an $850 bid on eBay with 7 watchers, and 3 days left

Also, rift is p cool. Some hype will come back, when oculus touch hits

truth here


Oculus != every manufacturer

VR is shit

"Fake" VR, that is, VR that tries to emulate virtual reality instead of actually creating it through insanely advanced technology, killed itself before anything else.

This is also why HL3 will never happen.

>tfw you got all of your vr equipment for free


Sucking big, fat dicks

Probably just asked Valve or Oculus for a devkit and got one. You can't do this anymore now that the launches have happened, but it used to be that if you could prove you're not a shit programmer, they would throw a devkit at you.

What is the point of VR outside of a few specialized applications? I mean, why buy a VR headset when you could by a nice monitor for around the same price?

Free devkit hardware. Granted though, lacks some of the bells and whistles of the production stuff.

Immersion factor, as well as the 'natural' factor it adds to UIs. Playing flat games is utterly boring after using the Vive.

That's probably because they're extremely expensive and there's very few games for them? It's a rich people's market you idiot. Like 3D currently is, like HD used to be, like Blu-Ray used to be, like DVD used to be, like high speed internet used to be, like cellphones used to be, etc.

I work in the video game industry and I can tell you the amount of new VR projects being developed is booming. This thread is nothing short of intellectual masturbation.

Now we wait. Another half generation and they'll pretend it's new again.

>Monster pc

Falling for Jewish scams

>You need the latest current gen CPU your 2500k won't work user!

You're an idiot. Rendering a scene twice at 90fps is not trivial and requires decent hardware.

Except that VR is a gimmick and nothing more. Just like 3D and muh 4K.


>290 & 8350 werks fine

4k TVs are because it's difficult to find media in that resolution.

fuck you and your pleb tastes to hell, a stuttering sub-90 fps experience on max settings is absoutely unacceptable

That's the minimum recommended spec, you lemon.
It works fine.

>VR that tries to emulate virtual reality instead of actually creating it through insanely advanced technology, killed itself before anything else
do you even know what what virtual reality is? protip: it has nothing to do with some stupid movie made by mentally ill brothers

so is 970, and guess what, it ain't pushing 2x1080p@everything maxed. Just being able to run it at some gimped settings should not constitute an acceptable experience.

pussy. do you also get sick by looking through the car's window when you mom drives you off to school?

First of all, it's 2160x1200
Second of all, you act like vr games are designed like your average AAA title today. They're not.

They're developed with specific VR limitations in mind. The graphics aren't near as polished as your current AAA console title. It's usually more like somewhere in between ps2 and 360 graphics.

This, fucking retard should educated himself before shitposting.

You're like 12-16yrs old aren't you?

>educating yourself
>before shitposting
If people actually educated themselves on topics they wished to argue in, we'd be on fucking Titan by now.

> Being able to give users a full 3d, 6dof experience at a high enough quality to have them operate within it as though it were a real space

> gimmick

At first, I thought you were getting at me, then I saw the comma kek.