so Sup Forums im buing myself a computer finally.
it is the Acer Predator G3-710 the specs are:

•Intel® Core™ i5-6400
•NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 - 4 GB
•Microsoft Windows 10

is it anything i should do to make this run larger games like Arma 3, BF4, Skyrim etc? does anyone know of any SDD's i should maybe install or other Things Worth investing in this pc?

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Get two 970 bro shit is off the hook 8gb powerhouse.

nigga you posted in b your trolling sucks jewish dick

You can get something better than that for less dollars if you build it yourself.

Don't buy prebuilt, you fucking moron.

No pones attencion a este guey.

Compra el R9 Fury X y tira la tarjeta de nvidia

mane, wait for pascal

u'll need 2 work better at ur bait

Get the 1070. At this point waiting is not just a meme

that has to be the ugliest thing i have ever laid my eyes on

why the fuck does everyone think this shit is bait? (op)

janky ass OEM coolers

No idea, those parts seperatly look damn close to the cost of the prebuilt. Someone pcpp this shit and compare, my ballpark places it less than 100 dollars saving

well well, to be honest im a fucking noob at pc's... would this be sustainable?


Did it myself.on mobile, you save $20 not counting mail in rebate. You'd actually spend more on a more aesthetic self built case.

Pre-build costing more is now officially a debunked meme.

because buying a prebuilt, especially for gaming, is generally a waste of money

>WD Purple
what the fuck even is that

NSA Drives

back to my original question... is there enything i should add? ssd, cooling systems, New graphic card, external hardrives etc?

Since when G3-710 got GTX970?

I looked into Acer website and this specific model list GTX950 for $799.

This build is fine for what it is.

this is from a Norwegian website lol, probably aftermarket parts installed in norway

Wetback alert

cost 1100 euro = 59992$ i could build much better shit for that

>when a gaymertard blogger buys a fucking prebuilt gayming PC
>when a gaymertard blogger is so fucking dumb they literally just copy the spec sheet off trademarks and all
gets me every time

fucking kill yourself and read the sticky next time