ITT: Only the sexiest pieces of technology

>ITT: Only the sexiest pieces of technology

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I had one of those. I believe it was the first phone I ever ``unlocked''. Then I dropped it from my lap getting out of my tractor.

Modding Motorola phones back in 2005 those were the days.

My nigger.


Jesus that makes me moist


Same thing happened to me

That is cool as shit

When I say tractor, I meant large car over the road hammer down floating gears good buddy tractor.

Best keyboard on a cellphone period.

>Indra Nooyi got the guy who designed this piece of awesome fired
>Resigns after the guy's replacement flails around and wastes the market advantage while hiptops and blackberries overtake it
Her only real success was as PepsiCo


I had both the V1 and V2 Razrs. That keypad design takes me back. I remember car designers were swiping that layout and style for their cheap trendy Euroboxes and econocars.


so is this a coincidence or no?

I see that marketers are starting to shitpost everywhere. Expecting more RAZR V3 threads in the days to come.




this desu


My first Gen DS
It's just so pleasant to use, and the dashboard is gold.

What is that and where can I buy it?

Forgot pic

Thinkpad 701

Basically nowhere, and if you find one, gg your wallet.

>power snek supreme
Leave it to the audiofools to drag the audiophiles down with them

I had a razr as my first phone, but it was the gimped version with only like 1mb memory and couldn't take videos. Still, cool as shit phone.

Also pic related, been using it for emulation lately.

Wait are they gonna make em again?

that the 3000? i had one of those, personally i thim UMD was a shit format for anything mobile, nintendo had the right idea with flash storage instead of disks, spinning things and handhelds dont mix


these would be cool if they werent built on thick r-series platforms

I had the 1000, very first one. Yea umds are quite shitty but it came out just before smartphones and wifi everywhere were a thing so.. Having UMDs + cases is pretty cool tho imo


The minidisc cassette was perfection. No idea why Sony messed with it when creating UMD.

When the PSP originally hit, disk formats still made lots of sense. It wasn't until Apple gamed flash manufacturers against each other before they figured out what was going on that it became cheap. By the time the 3000 came out, UMD was well past its prime without any upgrades.

I didn't know that. Thanks. I had a RAZR to. I loved it. It felt right in the hand and was so well engineered. Motorolas last good phone for a good few years. X and G brought then back. Tried it again a while ago and it just felt so slow and after my at the time top of the line Galaxy S2

Nokia E7

i would love a razr again but i dont want to have a non-prepaid phone plan


for some reason, I like messy tech.

I bought a Vita thinking it would soon be hacked and I would use it to play al kind of emulated goodness.



Me too lel

Too bad

>xbone shaped controller
kill yourself faggot

>hey lets put glossy polygons and matte polygons haha

My dad had these and he let me bring them to school (although I barely remember the series 3, I remember the 5MX very well). For some reason I managed to use them for everything, including programming with (one of my first languages, I'm talking elementary school, bitches), and still not be bullied to hell for being the nerd I was. My friends flocked around while we programmed sine wave generators and random question quizes.

Oh man, I miss the 90s.

Fuck I was so excited I forgot the picture...

SGI tezro


DS Lite > DS

I've got this, so much cleaner.

No truck driver talks like this

It's macfag but damn that design is amazing.

MiniDisc was lovely

I use a PSP-3000 for PS1 games

>I too fear my bluray player gets caught by radar

Its about as antithetical as you can get to modern macfag design.

Pure porn:

Siemens SL55

That's gotta be the 2000. The 1000 had louder, but bottom firing speakers. The 3000 had its speakers up front too, but they rounded out the Home button and put a PS symbol there.




Notice how most of the stuff posted here is pre 2005
The second normies hopped on to myspace and facebook everything went to shit.
Life was so much better when tech was only for enthusiasts and businesses

who's this siemens demon?

apple will never go back to good design
2007 killed tech and industrial design
also why hasn't someone made an upgrade like the thinkpad x62 for the older mac or powerbooks? (affordable versions of both would be nice)

The DS looks like ass. Its literally one of those plastic fantastic 5 dollar tetris machines you could buy at the local toystore. The gbc looked way better for its time.

Nonetheless the ds was a good device, it was definitely not sexy.

I never understood the point of half the shit on the top screen.
That calendar with no events except your own birthday, that M, that top screen indicator? It also has the date right above a full fucking calendar.
The UI was trying to be like a PDA with no features behind it, but it was nice looking.

DSi/XL was even better, odd nobody liked it though. and the UI was shit.

Dsi was shit. Name from apple and less important features


>Less important features
I can't hear you over noticeably improved audio quality and DAC, exclusive games like Flipnote, Mighty Milky Way/Flip Champs and Shantae, mp3 support from the SD card, a clicky, less mushy d-pad, built in internet browser, an even brighter screen, better wifi support, improved emulation speeds, and an admittedly shit camera.

Literally my favorite phone. If I could find one of those in good working order I would seriously do away with my moto x. Loved that fucking phone but got drunk and lost it in a taxi in January of 2010.

G b a

Enjoy not being able to transfer your pokemon or playing your already owned games on the same consol

Supercards and homebrew emulators exist m8

used to own this bad boy

>ywn experience finely crafted buttons and dials on anything new ever again
Thanks, Steve Jobs.

i need to fingerfuck this


>one port

OP said sexy, not functional.

PS4 should have looked like this

comin' right in



VWs are pretty fuckin' nice too, inside AND outside

What is this and can I use it to drive my xlr mic + 3,5mm headphones?

If only you could say the same about the Prism.

>gg your wallet
>good game your wallet
Are you stupid?

I love my TiBook but the screen res is shit. I would daily drive one with new internals anyways... i wonder if you could bodge an Air or 13? mbp into one.

best cray








why are there always like 20 (You)s to this every time it's posted
it's like a Sup Forums meme staple that anyone who's been here for longer than 20 minutes has seen

I preffered the SLVR over the RAZR

I had once of those for a while. It was nice.


>no Marantz