Thoughts on C++?

I'm watching this extremely mundane C++ video on Lynda, and I'm wondering to myself. How big is the job market for those who can program in C++ or is it deprecated? I am a master at Java and personally I think that Java is an extremely elegant language, but that's just me. Thoughts?

I'm 15 and I learn C++, I want to have a software engineer degree eventually.
C++ is SUPER important with job markets, almost everything you see is in C/C++, perfect examples: Steam(13 years to develop), GTA V, and more HUGE games and engines.
You should 100% learn it, C and C++ are the foundations of programming

>last attempt.cpp

lol, having problems, op?

>15 b&
>knows about the job market

>I'm 15
And this is where user fucked up. Enjoy your ban.

Man, I was up until 6am yesterday morning trying to configure this shit. Was just pissed off.

Get off my lawn.

I'd like to get some real input from those who actually have finished college.

You're a java master and you can't fucking compile?


Also, java is babby language.

>compared to C++
>either being elegant anyway
nice meme

So sorry if you think my opinions are memes.

While the syntax is quite odd, I was able to get a simple trip calculator running. I think I'll make a bmi calculator tomorrow. Not too bad


Next challenge, write me an XML DOC parser

I'd call the mods but you are a smart kid. Also, being honest on Sup Forums about your age will not get you anywhere (except B&)

excuse me while I laugh forever

>C and C++ are the foundations of programming
hello there kiddo. C++ is not 'the foudnations of programming'. C might be, but C++ is nothing but a layer of functionality on top of C (and a shitty object-oriented model also built on an essentially procedural language). C++ is just C on steroids and there is nothing essential to programming in it.
inb4 C and C++ are different languages. If you actually believe this then you know only C and C++.

To answer your question OP: if you already master java as you claim, then it's time to learn a new language. C++ is closer to java than anything else you might find (shitty procedural based object orientation, static declarative typing, very similar syntax) with some stuff to add to your repertoire (actual handling of memory instead of Garbage Collection, a lower level understanding of the machine) without causing too much of a cultural shock.
As of market share, I understand it's still somewhat widely used, mostly in the game industry but also in many other desktop applications and the like. I'll make an educated guess and say that almost any major desktop application not written in java is probably written in sepples.

>Blaming the language for your shitty programming skills

And here I am learning COBOL. I hope COBOL would adopt more advanced features from FOTRAN as well as adopting advanced statistics-related theories, methods for organizing statistics, anything pertaining to library science and financial mathematics.

>I think that Java is an extremely elegant language
you need your head checked senpai

there's more jobs going these days for c# and web meme languages but c++ is still useful to know

>and personally I think that Java is an extremely elegant language, but that's just me. Thoughts?

Java will be eventually obsolete, bro.

There are still people using this garbage?

Eclipse is still good for a research and development environment, but the same can also be said for java.

Lel at everyone falling for this bait