Does the 128-bit bus really cripple it, or is the 960 an okay card?
Let's say I can't get a 380 or wait for Polaris/the 1060.
GTX 960 4GB
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Yeah it's OK. The 4gb will probably never all be used. 380/x does do better in games, tho. I would probably regret it in about 4 months though.
Apparently even 4gb of HBM wasn't enough for some benchmarks and it filled up crippling performance for the Fury X.
I say be patient faggot, AMD is looking at the mainstream GPU market 1st instead of the top down approach of Nvidia
Just wait for the 1060
honestly id just wait for the inevitable 1060gtx.
the x60 of a series are the unbeatable price/performance kings ususally 200-250 bucks depending on manufacturer.
i also havent had a game i couldnt max out yet on 1080p with 60fps with my 760gtx. ill be upgrading one amd shits out polaris and the 1060gtx is available.
cpu is also a huge role though. nowadays the cpu is much more important.
No, 128 bit does not cripple it. Consider the games you play when making your purchase. If you play the same 2 mobas or shooter all day then the card will serve you fine for a few years.
It's a piece of shit and you know it is, or you wouldn't be making this thread and offering excuses for why you might buy it. If you want to be a retard, go ahead. Nobody cares.
I have the 4GB 960 and I definitely use all the VRAM. However, my use case is unique - Second Life has very unoptimized models and 1024x1024 textures on tiny buttons.
960 is an okayish card. Why not just spend a little more and get something better since you've gotta keep it for years?
Also with all the shit nvidia is doing lately i'd just get an amd
I have a 350w PSU (it's not shit quality, just low) so I have to go Nvidia. I considered waiting for the 1060 or even 1050, but it's not worth it to me. If it's okayish, that's basically good enough for me.
buy a used 770 instead
970 will be like 960 RRP when the 1070 comes out
Get that, and a fucking new PSU. If not, yes, fucking wait for the 1060.
It's great for 1080p gaming.
For many games it will run on highest preset with a 60fps stable. For the demanding titles you will get 30-50 fps, or you can choose to turn a setting or two down a notch. The difference in visual fidelity will be scarce.
Here is Tomb Raider running on my 960. 60 fps stable in all but a couple of areas, all settings are highest except for TressFX and Shadows. AA is off because it is my preference.
1060 won't be out until next year.
>i also havent had a game i couldnt max out yet on 1080p with 60fps with my 760gtx
You have not played many demanding games. Just about every AAA game from the last three years will not hit 60 fps max settings on that GPU.
Aha. Just go with the Nvidia card. Then half a year later, when a "GameWorks" titled game starts to be more slower as it's being updated, just remember: Nvidia wants you to buy the next gen 1060, since - even though you have a decent card - nvidia gets it crippeled so you have to buy the new one to have decent performance - again. :^)
Chose the 380 instead. You won't have these issues in the future.
I'm using a GTX 660ti (2GB) PNY, despite people trying to sell me on other cards at the time. I paid $199.99 for mine. I play at 1080p only too me 4k and anything higher is purely a gimmick at this point in time and the near future.
I've ran across one game I couldn't play on it and it was ARK. Nothing else has issues, still trucks along fine. People talk about how awesome muh 970 is etc. Yet they all playing same settings as me. So Who cares, just buy what you want. There's always a "return" option you know.
If you can't get a 380 then get a 380x, the 960 is ass
the poo
it loos above us
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>be more slower
Is english giving you trouble, Pajeet?
I came here to say that
>4gb will never be used
Lol what?
Nvidia cards spike power draw like fuck. Wait for polaris. 390/390x performance for 200-300 about at a fraction of the power requirement. I'm in the same boat but a bit autistic about saving per in general instead.
>Let's say I can't get a 380
Is it because you're a retarded nvidya fanboy?
Holy shit the AMD shilling in this thread is fucking tangible. Did they just raise your pay per post?
>people have different opinions than mine, therefore they are shills
>every post saying an AMD card is better is shilling
>every post saying an NVIDIA cards is better is not shilling
>people are lying, bias, and spreading misinformation about a product
Yes, they are shilling; so are you.
No 1060 for a year? Looks like AMD wins the price performance price point this time. I really want to see how good the 480 does.
Hey retarded shill who didn't graduate from college, nobody is bashing AMD with bullshit claims when they point out why nvidia cards are better or worse.
The 960 is just ok compared to the other GPUs out there. The most demanding game I play is probably SFV and if I set every single setting to max, I get slowdown during win animations. I have to turn down AA to like medium to eliminate the slowdown. Oddly enough during gameplay I don't get any slowdown with AA maxed.
>This time
They always do.
Look at this janky ass OEM cooler.
Nah, I'm just really happy with my 390X, happier when using my other boxes with other cards.
So, yes, the 960 is a decent card. I managed to find a 4gb one on sale for less money than the 2gb ones, so I picked it up. I can honestly say that the extra 2 gigs doesn't make much difference.
It's ok. Does 1080 just fine. Typically maxes everything out, occasionally you'll have to turn something down a bit. Chugs a bit on 1440 but I would say it's just barely adequate as a 1440 card. Anything higher is a no go.