Why do people still user iPhone?

Why do people still user iPhone?
Seems overpriced and underwhelming, no matter how you look at it.

Also seems more problematic than just buying an Android phone.

>horrible app integration
>barely functional, locked down, and featureless OS
>mediocre screen (on par with budget amoled samsungs)
>no memory expansion. Got 16GB? Well fuck you that's all you get!
>no app drawer, therefore, no clean homescreen.
>shit keyboard

On the plus side though it has a decent camera and good nand performance that'll come in handy transferring files to and from your pc on iTunes using a usb 2.0 interface.




What functionality does iOS not have?

>ir blaster
>expandable memory
>file system
>double tap to wake

There's a few more but I can't remember it all off the top of my head.
It has all the basics a smartphone needs, to be a smartphone, but barely anything beyond that.

On the plus side though, replacement parts are cheap af on eBay

Good joke.

>IR Blaster

Niche use case. WiFi control over your electronics is vastly superior.

>expandable memory

I went from a N4, to a N5, and now to a Z3 Compact. My phone experience has not improved now that I can use a MicroSD card. I just have to clean out my music less often.

>file system

Which I barely use on Android. Most iOS apps I've used have this built in anyway.

>double tap to wake

We unlock by fingerprint in 2016 user. Android included.

>On the plus side though, replacement parts are cheap af on eBay

Why would you even need to do this instead of actually using your superior warranty?

$0.10 has been deposited in your account. Thank you for your service, Pajeet.

>Why do people still user iPhone?
I don't know ... perhaps they want a lagfree experience, updates on time and a phone not the size of a small TV?

Besides there is the whole security/privacy, better apps and integration with OSX. I know it must be shocking for poor people and children but successful people don't want to waste their time to make a phone work.

iOS has a file system and the other 3 are hardware not software

>lagfree experience

Pick one.

Good joke.

>people actually believe this

>hardware, not software
Like tap to wake?
Nice try.

Find me an iPhone with those features and you have a point.

You can bitch and meme as much as you want, it doesn't affect the facts and people who know them vote with their money. Although I guess it can be a foreign concept for poorfags who have to wait for Black Friday sale to afford their Lagdroid.


Of course tap to wake is hardware. Do you think screens feel when they're off?

best OS
best soc
best battery life
best camera

Yep. How else does it work on phones without the hardware, like Nexus devices.

>still user iPhone?
>seems more problematic

enjoy your curry ROMs

>Do you think screens feel when they're off?
LCD on/off and touch-sense on/off are two separate, independent settings

All tap-to-wake does, is keep the touchscreen hardware running constantly (in low-power mode) while the LCD can still turn off

>fuck you that's all you get!
Buy one with enough memory. Unless you're downloading hair a dozen Blu Rays at a time, space will never become an issue.

>no clean screen
The home screen exists so that you can access your apps. Go back to your phone ricing threads if you think looking at a pretty picture is more important than accessing your apps, or better yet, just carry around a picture frame.

>shit keyboard
Just get a new one, it's not hard and you lose nothing from not using the original.

>app integration
iOS honestly has far better app integration than the Android phones I've used. I guess this is mostly a developer thing, and iOS devs care more about integrating well I guess.

I've used both pretty extensively, but to be honest you're not making any great criticisms here.

Can it block all ads, including ads in apps?

>ios has better app integration


There is no need to post anymore in this thread. These poorfags have no clue what user experience is. I'm out as well from this bait thread

>phones without the hardware

File browser
Expandable memory
Tied to ituned which is awful, alternatives aren't very good
Customisation without jailbreak/root (even after jailbreak/root android is still better.

Did I mention file browser? Why are you on Sup Forums if you purposely bought a file browser.

My phones:
Iphone 4
Xperia Z2

Phone without a*

>tfw my last ios device was an iPod touch 4g and I'm glad it fucking died.

No ios 7 support, laggy as fuck on ios 6, I would hate to be an iPhone 4s user on any newer update.

Meanwhile my Nexus 5 came out in 2013, is just as fast, if not faster, than the iPhone 6, and gets 3 years official updates+many more unofficial ones.

I kept it on jailbroken 5.1.1 wouldn't want to push it with anything more, by the time I got the Z2 half of the iphone apps weren't supported.

Mine randomly rebooted one day and got bricked.

I was then forced to update it to get it working. Fucking laggy piece of shit on ios6.

>App drawer

It has folders if you have so many apps that you have trouble finding them. Homescreen rice is pointless cancer.

>hurr let me make my phone less usable
>more steps to accomplish the same task
Phone minimalism is the functional opposite of desktop minimalism because you only have two user input devices (screen, microphone), and only one that you can use without looking like an asshat.

>"hey android, launch barcode kanojo"
>every girl in a five mile radius points and laughs

Your screen is clean but your mind is a garbage dump of shit ideas

>Why do people still use iPhone?
Because Apple logo, you know, brandwhores...


Most important is USB OTG.

Better ram management, IOS don't need niggafuctonPB ram to run smoothly

Neither does android?
You can get away with 1GB on either OS. 2GB is recommended for better multitasking though.

Also on my Nexus 5 I usually have 1.3GB free on boot. System only uses 300-350MB, the rest is apps that start on launch.

When will you fucking spergs realize that 99% of people don't give a SHIT about all of those things?
Also the two last points of your list are hilarious

You're hilarious

>ir blaster
not true
>expandable memory
not true
>file system
not true
>double tap to wake
you're right about this, not that it matters when you have a physical button on the front

IPhones have expandeable memory and an ir blaster?

That's new.


>still no live wallpapers

Works for me :^)

nice pape wish I could see it instead of all those fucking icons

It's the same on the lock screen, but here's a better view

thats a little better

Why do people still make shitty low-effort threads with incorrect facts or outright lies? The shit keyboard and horrible app integration bullet points are especially ridiculous.