Helsinki works with startup training asylum seekers to ease coder crunch

The city of Helsinki has quietly launched a programme to teach 100 asylum seekers the art of software programming – or coding. The city is hoping that the pilot will kill two birds with one stone – by easing the shortage of coders in the software industry and providing a fast track for the newcomers to find work and integrate into Finnish society.

One of the initial participants in the Integrify training programme, Iraqi Eyastaha, traveled through ten countries to get to Finland. He recently found out that he’d received a job offer, although he’s been in the country for less than six months and doesn’t know the language.

He said that he intends to wholeheartedly throw himself into his budding career but already has his sights set on something bigger.

"Of course I want to focus on work as well as I can, but maybe in five years I can begin my own startup."

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Fuck off we are full

>politicians falling for the "We don't have enough developers meme"
We do have enough developers, we just don't have enough good ones. If you train someone for a year or less he probably won't become good

> Asylum seekers who’ve been selected for Helsinki’s pilot training programme will learn the use of coding languages such as HTML and CSS – often used for building websites or applications.
Wow, such high tier development

Better have them working as code monkeys than sitting bored at home receiving welfare while shitposting on Sup Forums

it's "we don't have enough developers that would work for peanuts"

We already have vocational schools and polytechnics churning out shit-tier """"developers"""". Do we need more?

>Yle asked whether the pilot could lead to a situation where trained asylum seekers merely end up being low-wage workers in an otherwise well-paid field.
>"By no means is the intention to create some pool of low-wage coders, workers should get workers’ pay. Especially in this kind of work it is very easy to rate skills and what level of pay would be suitable for those skills," Rahman said.
Then again he's probably lying through his teeth.

You can't get a developer's job with just HTML and CSS. Sure, some refugees might get inspired and learn other languages and techniques on their own, but I wouldn't count on a high percentage of people doing that.

One less person on welfare is one more person paying taxes.

>go to Finland
>start doing some shit
>go to a IKEA-furnished prison
>end up learning HTML and CSS
What the fuck is going on in Scandinavia?
Everything seems backwards over there.

You should immigrate here bruh. We can hang out and drink ES

economic migrants taking advantage of the situation should be kicked out immediately.

even more so, aren't those retards aware that refugees are expected to return to their own countries as soon as there's no arm conflict?

>inb4 hurr hurr they will never leave

it was their plan all alone. drop wages to slave rates and destroy the job market.

have fun, kids.

Finland isn't in Scandinavia though



>studying CE in Finland
>didn't get summer job and neither did many other student I know because there are no jobs
Sure is nice seeing that we have good plans at integrating refugees here.
Meanwhile I will become yet another unemployed engineer in Finland, at least I'm not alone in that club.

its a plan to make the IT industry wages lower.

>another fucking gay shitty startup that produces nothing of value getting subsidized by our faggot government
I want the startup meme to end.

Can we start shooting mudslimes and niggers already?

Move out of Finland then.

Start sending your job applications to other countries.

When muslims/refugees are king in our countries, those who bent over backwards to help them will be the first against the wall.

It's already happening with some leftists and LGBT crowd getting attacked even though they supported them openly and most still do for the sake of being ""progressive"".

Luckily a lot of people are waking up, at least in Finland. It may be too late for places such as Germany, France and Sweden, but we still have hope.

There are about Zero real jobs for these people.

They'll get """jobs""" as instructors for all the future rapefugees who in turn will get """jobs""" as instructors for more future rapefugees. Rinse and repeat.

In the Netherlands 65% of the asylum seekers who got accepted 15 years ago are still unemployed.

I mostly meant the poor refugee war orphan child coders

Netherlands is a shitty nogunz nanny state though

Lel this, what's the best city to migrate at the moment and get cool stuff, I'm not Muslim but im brown

Prandeep, I think you're better off staying in India.

what this user said, move to Latin America or Asia, if you are not a tool the locals will suck your dick just for being white and an European engineer is like a demigod when it comes to the industry, I'm pretty sure you could get lots of executive jobs without being necessarily related to engineery, or learn proper speak of English and travel abroad to teach it in russia China and Japan, seriously you whities have it so easy and complain so much

Not enough clean loos to poo on em m8

>le whites have it so easy memes

There is a war on white people currently.

It's just a fucking experiment.

What do you think is going to happen, when they realize that that the 'refugees' are Pajeet level when programming.

The program is going to get canned and never talked about again.

End of story.

Sensationalist garbage.

>Sup Forums sperging
Though I actually believe is a shitty situation what is happening in the world and specially in Europe, in the particular case of the user i was replying, seems like he had plenty of options of work to choose in comparison to a Latin American, Indian or African engineer (if such thing exist)

Finland most definitely is Scandinavia.

Scandinavia is not just the Norwegian/Swedish peninsula.

Google it, nigger.

Finland is cutting 500 million € in education and then they waste the money on retarded experiments with refugees.
I'm slightly annoyed.

Is this it? Seems like it was all a bunch of bullshit. I dont care about it enough to look in other links, but check the top of the article and the edited part.

Which uni? Im studying CE as well in Finland

More like suck every bit of easy tax money.

These monkeys are on the level of 12 year old children. They will never pay taxes.

Finfag CS student reporting in. If you're in the Helsinki area, there are plenty of SE jobs. They're just not gigs for the summertime.

>They're just not gigs for the summertime.
It seems to be impossible to get a programming related summer job anywhere