>be in the middle of a coding project
>windows automatically starts an update without telling me
>computer shuts down and I lose about four hours of work
Why do people defend this OS again?
>be in the middle of a coding project
>windows automatically starts an update without telling me
>computer shuts down and I lose about four hours of work
Why do people defend this OS again?
>it's a programmer
>doesn't know how to manage his OS
Explain yourself.
Nobody defends Windows for programming because it isn't for programming
Even OS X is more suited
>it's the user's fault his operating system is shitty
end yourself cuck
ctrl + s
It's not shitty at all, you idiot. The OS should update itself by default because 99% of the users are complete idiots who don't do that and then they blame Microsoft for their own mistakes.
>not using version control
>not saving regularly
Your own fault
>using a OS for gamers to do work
Also your own fault
serves you right for not saving your work at regular intervals. that's not the OS's fault, that's you being retarded. lmao
What kind of retard codes for 4 hours without committing to source control?
The power could go out and I'd lose 10 minutes of work maximum.
>he does coding
>can't into disabling auto update
>can't into LTSB Enterprise edition
>using code as a verb
>Be tech-literate
>Uses windows instead of Linux
>Linux is an OS written by nerds for nerds
grill detected
autism detected
>not using UPS
sorry noob programmer here, why the fuck is Windows so bad for programming?
Like wtf are you guys developing where its so important that you use a certain operating system?
Or is it just ego signalling as per usual?
>The most widely used OS isn't for programming
its fine, you are just in a thread filled with Sup Forums tools doing their best to fit in
It's not, It's mostly people who want to look cool
>what is autosave
>Or is it just ego signalling as per usual?
ding ding ding
It isn't, ad populum
It's fucking nothing. Sup Forums doesn't actually know how to program. It's just a bunch of white virgins circle jerking over sound quality.
pajeet pls
In my experience, installing an IDE in Linux usually just werks, installing one in Windows requires half an hour of configuring to get anything to compile properly.
>thinks programmer and sysadmin are the same thing
this is why devs don't get root in serious companies
You got Linux and Windows mixed up in your sentence.
not even just that, cli usage and tools are much more dev-friendly on other OS', as well as software support. You can't find a better MySQL GUI, for example, than OS X's SequelPro
What IDEs do you use on linux senpai?
>not saving every 15 minutes
>not making 3 backups of everything done
>calls it coding
>using windows
retard confirmed
f*cking epic XD
Holy shit, If this happened to me id be throwing stuff.
Why do play say coding?
It's programming, not coding. You program.
'I'm coding' is the equivalent to 'I'm booking'. You don't book books, you read books. The same concept applies here.
>bunch of white virgins
kek, why are shitskins so salty?
>windows automatically starts an update without telling me
Fucking idiots.
>'I'm coding' is the equivalent to 'I'm booking'
That implies that you're programming "computer code"; you're not, it's more like instructions than code.
But I agree, the verb here really should be "instructing" not "coding".
What kind of moronic programmer doesn't automatically press Ctrl+S every 30 seconds?
makes it sound like a 4th gen programming language
>I lose about four hours of work
lol you have only yourself to blame, you aren't saving regularly? Fucking idiot.
>he doesn't :w every 2s
>not ctrl+o enter
>it's not shitty at all
user pls
itt neets that never worked and thinks any random ass progammer in the company can just change system settings
>he uses a text editor without an auto save feature
>implying you weren't just staring at the screen half the time
>not being able to remember the gist of your code from memory
It's like an hour of work to get it all back
>not saving your work
>being such a lazy sack of shit that you need a program to do your work for you
Let me guess, you're american?
Could you explain this image to me?
>moving the goal posts
i'm not sure being a fucking retard is something to be proud about
>do your work for you
is that not the point of a program?
>having to commit every line you write
OP I despise Windows, but you're a faggot.
First of all, who the fuck doesn't save changes ONCE IN FOUR HOURS? What were you even doing? How do you test your shit?
Second of all, while it does update wether you like it or not, it's not out of the blue. It just doesn't. It never did for me (I use Windows 10 for gaming) and I never saw it happen to anyone else. It first tells you a few thousand times it will restart and asks you to schedule that restart. You probably clicked ok on this without reading it because you were super busy writing code that you don't test. When it actually does restart, it's not out of the blue. A window pops up telling you it will restart in X minutes and tells you to save your super important code - which, again, you should be doing anyway.
Also you use the word "code" as a verb, you complete swine.
That strawman was really pathetic, no one but you said "every line", he said "once in four hours". If after four hours you haven't produced something worthy of a commit, quit programming.
Because webdesigners want to have the illusion that they're people. By definition it's not programming, so they adopted a new word.
>4 hours without saving.
Cool story, bro.
I'll give you a hint: when you;re actually coding, you need to save before each test run.
Every board has these retards.
>Sup Forums doesn't actually know how to program
>/fit/ doesn't lift
>/lit/ doesn't read
We get it, you're better than us.
> Sup Forums doesn't actually know how to program
who are you then? fug off to reddit, Shaniqwa
I once had an SSD shit itself without warning.
No data could be recovered.
Only lost 30 minutes of work becasue I commit and push about a dozen times a day.
This is what professionalism looks like, kids.
just use a fucking professional source editor with an auto save function i mean vim uses a swap file which saves your last changes automatically in case the power went out or something like this shit
>inb4 emacs is better
Windows is fine.
I only prefer Linux because my production server runs Linux.
Isn't that a lot? It ends up being 10-line commits.
In OP's case though, he didn't even save. This is probably bullshit because if you don't save you can't test anything or see if it works at all.
Wow, so original.
>Windows 10 is fine, guys. If you save your work every 5 minutes, it's irrelevant if your OS force quits everything and reboots without your permission.
>That's a feature, by the way. You CAN turn it off, but you really shouldn't!
>Why would you want to do that?
Windows 10 fanboys are the new OSX fanboys.
No one is excusing Windows. He didn't even mention Windows, for all we know his story happened in FreeBSD.
And OP is probably lying.
Oh, really?
Because every time it wants to update it asks me about 20 times in a long span to program it.
It even gives you a last warning.
If you don't want to read the messages, then fuck you.
Who codes for four hours without compiling even once?
>being a sexist piece of shit is suddenly accepted on Sup Forums
Fuck off, autist
How's that Python "Hello, world!" going?
this isn't leddit, kike, fuck off
>NEET rationalizing his stupid choices
Doesn't it give a fifteen minute warning before it starts upgrading?
>works for 4 hours without saving
You are fucking retarded. He stated that he was on Windows.
Why the fuck are you going 4 hours without saving even once?
let me guess this is b8
19 yo detected
Its for your own good OP.
Accept window 10 into your heart.
We won't sell the information that you post about a Japanese cartoon character that you would like to have sex with to anyone that might want to blackmail you.
>coding project
>""""""""coding project"""""""
back to le ruby introduction for le easy beginners
>you have to be full DevOps to know the OS you've probably been using for 15 years and know what settings may randomly fuck your shit up
>Not press CTRL+S after every new line
I picked up that habit when I was using a dodgy power cable for my laptop.
> le
go back to reddÃt
>Works on project for 4 hours
>Does not compiled and save it once
Hmm very believable.
>even gamers know better than to go so long without saving
What's it like being more of an irresponsable fuck wit than a gamer?
wanna know how I know you're just a strong wymyn gaymer gurrrrl making drag and drop shit?
With OS X and Linux, the whole OS is an IDE.
Just try compiling something from github on Windows as it is.
pls tell me these threads are a meme and this doesnt actually happen?
because that is some fucked up shit
>code monkeys who have never programmed worth their salt detected
You bunch of newfags obviously haven't been in "the zone" before, have you.
>coding project
It's called "programming" and apparently you don't know the first thing about it.
>too much of a braindead retard to save his work to avoid losing it in a power outage or memeupdate
I don't code I just know not saving your work is stupid
not as stupid as using wincuck10
>I don't code
lel and you actually think your opinion has worth here
And what are you gonna do when. They drop support for windows 7?
Saving your work applies to many things not just writing code
>And what are you gonna do when. They drop support for windows 7?
>my os needs "support"
no pajeet, it will keep ticking away like it has without updates in forever
>>windows automatically starts an update without telling me
>>computer shuts down and I lose about four hours of work
>using windows 10
you deserve it.
Why is linux better for programming?
Save your work, all OSs have fatal crashes sometimes
>not using C#
>not recompiling every few lines to make sure it still works