Show me how to transform *Ubuntu into Win 95, please.
Show me how to transform *Ubuntu into Win 95, please
>thats a person
pro life fags are dumb as hell
lmao is that an aborted fetus?
well it's got a comparable intelligence to a pro-lifer.
Just because you're small and stupid doesn't mean you're not a person, anons
Just because you're a person doesn't mean you're not small and stupid, user.
It's clearly a soup ingredient.
Why would you even care if it was a person? People are legally killed everyday
Why are the eyes black?
human embryo =/= a person
creating a straw man isn't indicative of intelligence, either.
so because some deaths are justified all deaths are? i think you belong in Saudi Arabia.
also, why does a person's decision to not kill an embryo or fetus offend you so much? why are pro choice people so keen to overlook the science and push a pro abortion rhetoric rather than one that actually represents its namesake?
Rule 1: Never post an image more exciting than the question. Especially if it's an image that will trigger the sjw/linux users.
Try again in a few hours with a Pepe meme pic.
I was dismissing the prolifer senpai.
I think the issue is with the pro-life agenda's desire to police OTHER'S bodies.
I honestly don't care either way though. I'm getting a vasectomy as soon as I finish college.
linux users always seemed more conservative to me
i'd pick macs as the nest of sjw
They act the same and use the same abusive shaming tactics and speech policing as sjw's and vegans so they are one in the same in terms of cancerous-ness.
the whole "code as a social movement" started with GNU and is being evolved into Social Justice movements.
download the next link and create a .themes folder on your home directory and move it there
select win3x on widget
download the next link and save it to .icons on home directory
add to
an icon you like named
and another icon you like named
select classic95 on icon theme
download this wallpaper
change to the wallpaper
download next pic and save it on /usr/share/lubuntu/images
right click on menu button, select menu settings, select the saved menu button
install audacious and download this skin
save it here /usr/share/audacious/Skins
go to "view" -> "interface preferences", and change skin
Being a manlet actually does mean you aren't a person.
You're a faggot.
You must be using OSX.
Seems like you're trying to pawn off the title of sjw cucks to other OS users so you don't feel so bad for being a worthless piece of shit.
>I think the issue is with the pro-life agenda's desire to police OTHER'S bodies
Yes, protecting innocent babies from murder is terrible.
>I honestly don't care either way though. I'm getting a vasectomy as soon as I finish college.
That's good, retards like you shouldn't pollute the gene pool