Is this board made up of 13 year olds? How do you guys find beating this dead horse so funny?

Other urls found in this thread:


being mature isn't fun.

calm down, pajeet

Take the OOP to the loo, Deepak.

Ew ew poo, if you think you're coming any closer then you're as mistaken as a thinking seagull.

Sorry Rajesh are your feelings hurt?


You sound jelly

I'm not Indian and my feelings aren't hurt. I want to be able to discuss technology without every other thread getting derailed by POO IN LOO DESIGNATED LMAO X-DDDDDDDDD

Shut up patel

>I want to be able to discuss technology

you've come to the wrong place, son.

Sup Forums isn't about technology, it's about memes and perceived superiority.


>coming to Sup Forums to discuss technology

Well then you need to talk to your countrymen Pajeet.

Look at it from our point of view, we live in western countries and know how to use toilets.

Then we hear about a country with a billion people, 450 million of whom shit in the street. It's blizzare.

You can't expect us NOT to laugh at you.

All I can say is this; POO IN LOO

Make fun of India all you want, but there's a board for that, Sup Forums, not Sup Forums.

To discuss technology, first you must grasp a few simple concepts.

Like how you must learn to crawl before you walk, and walk before you run.

You have mastered POOing, now you must learn to POO IN LOO, then you must wipe, etc.

>All I can say is this; POO IN LOO

sure as hell can't say "i'm going to work" can you?

Making fun of India is always relevant though.


Paneer, in the west work isn't being crammed into a factory making garments for 2c an hour, or phoning people and pretending to be from Microsoft tech support.

That's the thing you don't get, there are subtle differences. For example, we use toilets, you shit in the streets.

It's just the nature of things Rajesh, don't let it get to you k.


>hello this is tajik from microsert how may I assist you sir

>country has a problem shitting in toilet
>expect rest of the world to not make fun about this fact
it's like expecting an entire class to not pick on the retarded kid.

If you didn't want people to make fun of you you wouldn't shit in the street, you filthy paki

The problem is that this has fucking nothing to do with technology. Shitposting about countries belongs on Sup Forums. Technology belongs on Sup Forums. This is not a hard concept to grasp. You don't see people making
>Be American
>Get shot
Threads on Sup Forums for a reason.

Get your poo to the loo, pajeet.

>You don't see people making
>Be American
>Get shot
>Threads on Sup Forums for a reason.

You don't see Indians using a toilet

americans aren't related to technology

The streets have nothing to do with shitting either.

Street shitter damage control.

How's that superpower coming along, Haji?

The horse wont be dead until all Indians are dead from disentary. Because they dont poo in a loo.
because they are filthy savages.

Are Indians the worst non-whites?

>Terrible hygiene
>breed like rabbits
>poor as shit
>country is a fucking wasteland of toxic chemicals and diseases
>450 million of them shit in the open
>rape capital of the world
>hairy women, weak men

If I was Indian I would kill myself.

>SUPER POWAH BY 2030!!!!!!1!!!!

Don't forget the tiny penises




>Is this board made up of 13 year olds?

Nope. Much sadder than that. It's made up of insecure manchildren deflecting their flaws and insecurities onto a chosen scapegoat. Hence the POO IN THE LOO meme.

It's comforting for most of Sup Forums to blame Indians instead of looking inwardly at their own flaws. This is nothing new and it's not exclusive to Sup Forums. There's a reason this site is so racist. If they stubbed a toe, they would blame minorities, women, Jews, etc - regardless of the fact that most of the posters here are so ridiculously divorced from the ethnographic reality of the world.

It doesn't bother me personally, but I'm with you OP. At this point, it's just beating a dead horse. There's only so many times your can make a joke before it becomes contrived and malicious in an unfunny way.


Paki here, I think the constant poo jokes have a lot more to do with Nutella and Pikachu being CEOs of the two major tech companies in the US and how aggrieved honkies feel that they are being cucked because they lack skills to succeed in the modern world.

The fact that they can't beat a race of people who can't poo in loos is more of an indictment on white people tbfh.


also this

and this

Maybe give /tech/ a visit?

except the poo in the loo are shitting our field :D



I often start "indians rule tech" threads often, I'm not even Indian, I just like the avalanche of responses, mostly from eastern Europeans and people from the third world, they seem to envy us.


>Paki here
That's worse than admitting of having leprosy

maybe if you told your poomen to stop shilling everyfuckingwhere on Sup Forums

>I'm not even indian
>they seem to envy us

First thing in the morning, what do I see? A pile of shit staring at me. I close my eyes, I step away. No matter where I go, there’s no getting away. Take your poo to the loo. Take your poo to the loo. Take your poo to the loo. Take your poo to the loo.

Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, where is that loo?

I step out on the street. What do I smell? Shit that’s stinky to high hell. I hold my breath, I step away. But everywhere I go, there’s no getting away.

Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, where is that loo.

Shit, not shit, this shit, that shit. Let’s see now. Let me check. Happy birthday. Happy birthday.

Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, next to you. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, everywhere. Poo, poo, poo, poo, poo, where is that loo.



Next time some nerd shoots up his school a thread like that might get made.

You are in wrong place for that kind of discussion.

>I'm not even Indian
>they seem to envy us.
You just dun-poop'd

>it's a another poo in a loo thread



>It's a "why must i poo in the loo" episode


Shut the fuck up nvidia employee

Why don't you tell them to stop shitting everywhere instead of shilling everywhere?

I don't have a single problem with you being Indian and I'm not 13.

I said poo in the loo few times on Sup Forums when It started... but I promised to never say it again.

t. davinder

Its not that hard




This desu fampie

when was the last time you poo so much in your loo that it wouldn't flush?

>namecall a retarded known nvidia shill
>get called a disgusting dirty currynigger

stfu pajeet and take the shit out of your ears

Sup Forums isn't for serious discussion you stupid fucking idiot

What are you on about? Here is your (You)

how do I donate toilets to India? This meme needs to die


>and he keeps posting the same images
You've been proven wrong countless of times, yet you keep cherrypicking.
If that isn't the pure definition of a paid shill then I don't know what to call you.

Was the last straw, enjoy the filter.


>this thread


Go home, Pajeet.

if I post ponies will this thread die?

oh and don't worry about me getting banned, i can just reset my router like usual

because it's easier than typing "subhuman scum".


Hello Sir!
Of what part of India are you of from, friend sir?
I am in Punjab If you want to meet... We can together poop in the street hold hand...? Thank you sir please replying to this post sir.





Just add a filter for the words pajeet and poo. Sup Forums becomes a lot more enjoyable after that.

it is.

13 year olds, and fat people who are concerned over 'muh job' when they are neets



Mad street shitter detected.




you havent posted anything worth saving user. stop.






>This is nothing new and it's not exclusive to Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is pretty fucking bad though...

I'm from /k/, a board that literally has gun-toting racists among its membership, and even it isn't as bad as the whining NEETs of Sup Forums. That thread from a few days ago, about Intel laying off 12,000 people, with the source from Breitbart, would have been laughed off of the front page on /k/.

