

This is actually the most intelligent post on this board.

dunce cunt

>tfw no 2d designated gf

This is actually the most intelligent post on this board.


Sup Forums - Technology

*toilet noises*

She is learning a trick or two from pajeets I see

Women are overrated. I feel no attraction to them whatsoever because I have seen the females around me do some really dumb stupid things. The magic is gone, how I once yearned for a female to touch my benis, now I just want to get the hell away from everyone altogether.

Fuck my life, why am I so edgy as fuck everyday?

What's the point? You need to feel her warmth and inhale her scent and taste her bodily fluids and kiss her sweet lips to feel a connection. I can never feel attached to pixels.

This is actually the least intelligent post on this board.

Oh user, I think that one was a stinker, go sniff it fast!

put gentoo in her asshole


>Emerge turd
>Emerge gas



You need to get laid, virgin.

Great post

Too late now, I have reached a point of no return.


good thread 2bh

You need a good gf. Me from a year ago would have agreed with what you said.