ITT Obscure Distros

Who here unironically uses the Gentoo meme?

Archfags need not apply.

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You are a cool guy!

This shit right here:


Can I use it as a desktop os?

Gentoo is actually really good. After doing distro hopping I've stuck with it for 5 years

PClinuxOS. Systemd cancer free. Also rolling release.


What terminal emulator does this pretty name/directory formatting?

Just edit your PS1

Hanna Montana Linux used to be good, I hope they fork it soon.


What exactly are you implying? Listen to 96 kbps and say that again.

Yeah, of course. I use it on my desktop PC because it's my main PC so i like to have everything just like i want it to. The best part of it is the range of customising options. Howerver, it IS a timesink OS. It takes a shit load of time, to make it perfect. On my laptop i use ubuntu mint, for said reason, because the compile time can become really really annoying, especially if your computer isn't really powerful.

user is right.
If you want an example, here's mine
PS1=$'\[\033[45m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\[\033[01;35m\]\ue0b0\[\033[00m\] '

You need to have a terminal font with unicode characters (Hack in my case)

who are you quoting

Gentoo is not a meme. Idiots made 'install Gentoo' a meme because they think it's such a daunting task but it's not. I've been using hardened Gentoo for about a year now and I love it.

gentoo is love
gentoo is life

man, I wanted to use hardened kernel too... But, how do you deal with, say, whitelisting packages that want /proc access? steam, for instance, is a PITA to run on it. I grokked shit and whitelisted scripts/packages for about 5 days, then returned to the ordinary gentoo-sources...

how much time does it take you to install gentoo before you end up with a usable machine?

not a lot... though, it's not about the installation - it's about what you can do with it.

People fail to realize is that installing gentoo is nothing compared to maintaining gentoo. Gentoo will often break on you after an emerge sync emerge world.

>it's not about the installation
it is, otherwise the meme wouldn't have the word install in it

I really don't like Steam. I have a Windows box w/ Steam just incase I need to use proprietary software because I don't like Wine either. The only issue I've really had was trying to run the virtual lab w/ PaX enabled but I never had much success with that which is understandable. I'm just going to get a separate box for CTF, use Windows for games and Gentoo for everything else.

About 45 minutes with LUKS and LVM support. Then I just let it compile and I'm good.

hot logo,
hot desktops,

but what if I need libreoffice on a short notice?
how customized are ur kernels?

Thanks anons

Then you would just use the precompiled binary package? Libreoffice-bin

I really don't like when people try and use that "You have to compile everything from source" defense. In the end it's worth it because of the performance increase.

I did libreoffice bin and still took 3 hours

gentoo is not about the installation. Maybe the meme is, though.
bullshit. Using ~amd64 on my machine, compiling shit right now (fukken libreoffice), updating kernel after lunch - all of this while working. I'm dead sure that nothing will break because I even did all of this before. Gentoo is rock solid compared to, say, arch, and I'm even using it's "current" build.
The only issues I ever had with it were due to my personal negligence or poetteringware (consolekit, polkit, pulseaudio). Those were literally the only pieces of software to ever break on my laptop
there are -bin packages; For example: app-office/libreoffice is the package you have to compile, while app-office/libreoffice-bin is binary, and you just download it.
Also, my kernel is pretty much debloated from a lot of unnecessary drivers and nVidia/amd bullshit - my laptop uses only intel CPU/GPU. Also, I recently fucked a bit with RBAC implementations, such as GRSecurity.
I installed steam, but I ended up not using it. I have to study too much anyway, and my laptop is too underpowered for the games I'd like to spend my time for. Anyway, it's not just about steam, - even the fucking script in the i3blocks bar I'm using with my wm wants to read /proc/something... whitelisting all of them seems to be madness.

>precompiled binary package?

Are these official now?


Time to stop using AOL

upgrade your internet connection, fàm

downloading was fast, but it still compiled something

then probably it wasn't a -bin.

Did you install Gentoo on a toaster?


Do you mean binary packages you prepare yourself, or does portage offer (like Debian) actual binaries? If so this is great news to me!

something like that
pretty sure I did
emerge libreoffice-bin

You can prepare binaries yourself but if you prefer to use precompiled binaries for whatever reason Portage offers -bin packages, which are the precompiled binaries packages. Most distros like Debian use the precompiled binaries but to me the Gentoo experience is about compiling everything from source. It's up to you though man. Have at it. You can't set USE flags and things for precompiled binaries. Just keep that in mind.

>have a screenfetch logo

Has anyone here ever used LFS? I was wondering if it's ported with Systemd by default or if that's the installation init? Like, LFS supports other inits besides Systemd, right?

Thanks for the info user.

But of course. I think I'll stick to Gentoo for some time.
After some graphical OOTB distros and Arch Gentoo feels incredibly comfy.

Why do people use rc kernels? I could never really find an answer for it. I thought it was for increase performance on older hardware?

New power management feature

that's an interesting lighting effect on the terminal.

Holy shit, gentoo has binaries?
The sole reason I don't use gentoo is because I sometimes need programs on the fly.
Are all packages available as -bin?
that sounds actually pretty awesome.

what is this 2006?

There's a lot of them but not all. Most people just prepare the binaries themselves.

try adding the -a flag the next time - it asks for confirm this way, so you can actually verify what is it installing.

I'm not going to lie but Gentoo was the distribution that taught me to use Linux. It's documentation is excellent and it's package manager is the best one by far.

>ITT obscure distros

OP, gentoo isn't any more obscure than ubuntu is.

OP is a phaggot
but I posted here anyways: I like myself a genuine gentoo thread, sometimes.

Why did no one ever think about this before?

Oh that's right, because the open source community is fucking garbage and neckbeards are content with using archaic shit, plus they can continue to sell their expertise which they'd lose if they made it any simpler.

But people thought of it, I just linked it there. You are not making any sense. You are praising the Linux community for something and them shitting all over them for it in the same sentence.

>PClinuxOS. Systemd cancer free
What does it use instead?

Watch out guys we've got a real hipster here

Irony user, irony.

Fortunately there are people with brains, but they are so few. What I'm saying is what this distribution does should be the fucking norm, but it's not, because there are too many idiots.

>Why did no one ever think about this before?
What is NixOS

I suppose it could be the norm. But then again there are no necessary Kernel modifications for this to work -- One could just as well install a script/program that automatically creates these symlinks.

>Open source software
>Complain that decades of development didn't converge neatly
>Does nothing to help fix it

>install linux
>it's shit
>"waaaaah why don't you fix it yourself you fucking retard"
>install windows
>it's shit
>"hahaha that's what you get for not installing linux!!!"

Nice circular argument.

Is nixOS even relevant, as in gets decently frequent updates to the OS and packages?
I dont want a hipster Debian stable

I didn't say shit about windows. I'm sorry that your free software didn't come with a file system layout that didn't assblast you.

Gentoo is objectively the best distro in the world.

Same, going on 6 years myself.

Literally the opposite, m8.
I use -bin for massive shit like firefox or libreoffice. The default options are good enough for these anyway, and when they're not I can go and compile it only then anyway.

>x86-builds only
I'd like to try it otherwise though.

A particular bug fix most likely.

Definitely more relevant than Gobo at the very least