You wouldn't use a 7 year old GNU/Linux version, so why would you use a 7 year old version of Windows?

You wouldn't use a 7 year old GNU/Linux version, so why would you use a 7 year old version of Windows?

>what are updates / service packs
Good thread, you can close it now.


But i use MacOSX

GNU/Linux gets better over time. With Windows, the opposite is true.

>You wouldn't use a 7 year old GNU/Linux version
Debian users beg to differ

I wouldn't use """GNU"""/Linux period. I only use software that works.

im using lubuntu 14.04 and i am a very happy user.
if you think my computer is going to get magically hacked you are welcome to try.

windows 10 is all ready hacked and infected with malware, by microsoft screenshoting and looking at all your files to sell them to companies and governments.

I know, FreeBSD is pretty nice, isn't it?

Because a 7 year old GNU+Linux distro is obsolete, whereas even the 14 year old XP still gets updates. Kill yourself dumb anime poster.


Because after 7 years, it actually got better.

Unlike windows where you get 7 years worth of bloat and adwares

>XP still gets updates
Give source nigger

(not the nigger)

I didn't mean the piece of shit ready 2009 embedded OS, the actual desktop service pack

You just flip a bit in the registry to get those updates on normal XP. None of Linux's command line wizardry

Bash is not a wizadry for me, just another language.

Unlike a vidya tier maze of registry

Linux is pretty much rolling release, so you're using a 25 year old OS.

Update #1: Added GNU userland
Update #2: Horrible, horrible, regret

Registry hacking is a lot note fun than typing some simple bash commands.

I've always enjoyed the sport of making windows do what I need it to.

I use Linux, not this so called Gnu slash slash plus Linux. Let it go.

But I use GNU/Linux

Even if you use GUIX you're actually using GNU/Freedesktop/Linux. FDO (formerly XDG) has contributed so much to essential OS functions that it's a greater sin to omit their name than it is to omit the retards that made the C library, compiler, and a bunch of extra shit you don't actually need.

Well I need gtk GNOME gcc and nano. I am using the Linux variant of GNU

I also use GNU bash if you didn't know

You don't need gtk, gnome, or nano. I dare say that you don't need gcc or glib either. You are using the GNU variant of Freedesktop/Linux.

You don't need that either. It's a POSIX compatibility component. It's as much a part of the OS as a child seat is part of your car.

>I don't need gtk
Firefox is gtk. So is my desktop, Gimp, gparted, gedit, geany, vlc, libreoffice, deluge and the list never ends

>I don't need GNOME
Most popular DEs are based of gtk

Works fine for me, I don't need to memorize more keybinds

Most softwares I use only compile with gcc and glib. Most of them need gtk as well

Works fine and I don't need to install yet another shell, it's useless.

So if you install all that on windows or OS X (it's portable), are you using GNU/Windows or GNU/OSX?


If I install Windows I install Windows, of course I also install NT but I like to call the OS by its full inclusive name: Windows or OSX. Not NT or XNU

Also GNOME, gdm, bash, gcc, gparted, nano, glibc, nano don't really come with windows

>implying I'm not using RHEL 4 in production

Without the compiler there would be no kernel, and thus no OS.

Because new releases of GNU/Linux make it even better, and new releases of Windows have been making it progressively worse.

also, fond of my bugs

>POS ready

>mfw xpfreinds will fall for this
Enjoy no new versions of software and your outdated under optimized machine. Installing something like XFCE would probably make half the xpfreinds on this boards PC's faster.

BTW, Security updates do not make your OS modern. Windows XP is still an outdated operating system.
I'll be so glad when all the caps on old motherboards pop and people are forced to upgrade to a modern computer. Having to develop software for outdated machines is fucking stupid. One product (windows 10) is the only good thing about windows 10.

Because unlike Wangblows Linux actually improves upon previous versions

Exactly right. Have a cute cat gif.