Best Programming Language

What one is the best and most effective and why?

Which one is literal shit?

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>What one is the best and most effective and why?
your least favorite one

>Which one is literal shit?
your favorite one

whats with the swift meme?

Well that was quick

once you know one you know them all

Well that showed me

Good type system and sane paradigm

Shit type system, living in the past

Visual Basic

That depends on what you're trying to achieve.


I know java and python and have never been compelled to learn anything else. As a game programmer I feel there's nothing I could write in another language that I couldn't in java/python/jython.

Prove me wrong Sup Forums?

write a 3D engine in python that goes faster than 20 fps.

go on, I'll wait here.

>Everything else.

Depends on what you do

I'm an electrical engineer and even C is too high level in low memory systems

Python is for scripting. If you're actually writing engine mechanics with it then you're an idiot. I use python because its much easier to integrate with java than for example lua

C for performance
C++ for less performance
Python for scripting

C for security exploits
C++ for game engines and security expolits
Python for people who don't write programs for a living
Common Lisp for serious programming.

C# is the best hands down now that it can be cross platform and isnt java.

Lua is the most unseeded.

>serious programming

>>What one is the best and most effective and why?
Java (or C#).

It has types.

It has threads.

It has access modifiers.

It has an enforced class structure, you cannot write a line of code without putting it in a class. This is conducive to writing clean code, you can still make a fucking mess out of it but its more difficult.

I dont know the term for this but it waits for a method call to complete before moving onto the next line. Synchronous execution vs JavaScripts concurrent execution maybe?

It has an extensive class library with many useful classes and methods.

Documentation is pretty damn good, JavaDoc is glorious.

It gave birth to C# which is slightly better as a language but offset by the fact its tied to microshit.

>>Which one is literal shit?

Because it has nothing that Java has. It was cooked up in a week by that fucker who started mozilla and it shows. Its taken around 20 years for JS to become "okay" and even then its still fucking trash compared to something like Java.

for speed
for the best compromise between speed and safety
for earning money
for scripts less than 30 lines

it's like asking "what speaking language is best language ?"

>in some languages it might be easier to express something than in other
>you can pretty much say anything in any language

>Best Language
>Most Effective Language
>Worst Language
PHP desu



>I dont know the term for this but it waits for a method call to complete before moving onto the next line.
>Synchronous execution vs JavaScripts concurrent execution maybe?

That's every fucking imperative language. (Except the handful of obscure languages that were based on data flow.) Including JavaScript. It's like saying you think Java is superior because it has an if...then statement.

hes just being a CIA nigger

>B is almost extinct, having been superseded by the C language

>What one is the best and most effective?

>Which one is objectively shit?

>What one is the best and most effective?

>Which one is literal shit?

+1 for the great type related, compile time error messages too, very helpful once you get the hang of them

Java and JavaScripts path of execution is completely different. If functionB depends on functionA finishing its work and you call one after the other...


Wont work, need to use a callback and pass functionB as an argument to functionA. Thats busted as shit.


Works fucking fine 11/10 big difference.

No one has mentioned Brainfuck? What other practical applications do you need to make rather than Hello World?