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Technology #547
I wanted to get a proper laptop to replace my netbook, and I've been thinking about getting a Thinkpad...
Here are some specs
Debian vs. Fedora
Tfw browsing the internet via dial and one of your parents picks up the phone
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general
Hacker wanted!
What is Sup Forums's thought on this? I'm still using a smashed up 4s and I hate change
Human Resource Machine
Actually programmers and non NEETs of Sup Forums give me one good reason why your OS shouldn't be UNIX based
Install osx
Does anyone still use this?
What does the snake say?
What can a hacker do if he has your IP address? How exactly can he fuck you over?
Shit normies say
What's the best enormous phablet on the market right now...
GTX 1080
I'm on Windows 7, should I update to 10?
Lipstrike is Counter-Strike played with lipstick
Is there a non-bloated alternative to this handy software?
/dpt/ daily programming thread
What would you recommend to someone with a 3k budget? All of it, desktop, screen
Hey Sup Forums, I was going to buy an i7-6700k for 340€ but I got offered x2 xeons 2683 v3 for 350€, what do...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Wow so affordable, such price to performance. Cheers Australian government cunts
Why is no one man enough to archive Sup Forums?
Because Sup Forums doesn't support VP9 and VP9 is worse than HEVC
Installing programs on windows
Post your Music Players Sup Forums
CAT 7 is it necessary? Or CAT 6 is more than enough?
Nvidia fully supports VP9 hardware decoding in Pascal GPU family & GM206
Modern-day VR is a meme playing on the hype of a Holodeck-level experience and """""""actual""""""" virtual reality...
Hackear instagras con error 404
6GB ram
Do you ever miss your old computer?
Windows can't display thumbnails for webms
ITT Why Didn't You Stop It?
So Sup Forums, why haven't you done any of these?
He's a big guy
Post your desktop
More guro
Can your operating system do this? Its the little things Sup Forums. The little things
What does Sup Forums think about Noctua fans?
What technology can be used to shame/bully fat people or what technology is inaccessible to them in general?
It's twice as fast as a 980ti, guys!
/csg/ Chink Shit General
It's been 3 days since I signed up for Google Rewards and have yet to get a survey
Tfw you fell for the 16GiB RAM meme
/bst/ - Battlestation General
There will never be a Linux distro that works better than Windows
How's your startup coming along Sup Forums? getting loads of backers I presume?
Gore thread
So Sup Forums what kind of job/work do you have/do that puts the food on your table and pays for your technology...
What is the best android browser?
Why wouldn't this work?
BSD And Other Things
390x beating out 970 in most newly released games
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
What's the worst deficiency of C that you would like to fix?
1070 review
Are there any alternatives to Real Player?
What does Sup Forums think used xeon processor? Are they just a meme...
Tfw home balls in my mouth
Sup Forums redpill on the pentium 4 which according to the general consensus of Sup Forums old timers is the greatest...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Nexus 6p
Need a new mouse with the best possible sensor. I checked your wiki and this graphic is what I found. How old is it?
Mods are asleep, post rare Stallmans
This changes EVERYTHING, again
/wt/ watch thread
Need Graphics Card
Is this a joke?
Rate the computer im building this week
Augs, augs everywhere
I missed Terry's livestream yesterday. Is there a video of it somewhere?
Amd driver shits itself
ITT: Pick ONE Distro and Language
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
If you're all such good programmers, why aren't you the next Bill Gates or Cuckerberg?
Why the fuck are they so obsessed with "streamlining", viz, removing fucking every useful feature
Am i making a mistake?
How slow is your Powerline networking set-up?
Which country has the best programmers?
/bst thread
ITT post your case, give one negative about it
He calls programs "apps"
Sister has Lenovo Yoga 500
I fucked up
How true is this?
I just ordered NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 4GB for 180$
What does Sup Forums think of Pale Moon? Is it really faster, more stable, and more secure than Firefox?
ZTE to release and Android phone with 6GB of ram
I bought this from ebay what do you guys think was it a good deal
Hey what's a program or whatever to disable win10 auto installing? i'm installing 8.1 so i can gaymen on my mbp
Thinking about getting one of these but I'm still unsure
Would you?
The libertarian convention is this weekend, Sup Forums
Sup Forumsentoomen who don't use Facebook daily: what do you do with your life?
Extracting photos from disabled iPhone
I5 2500k?
A thread about C++/Qt development
What's the best TV I can walk into a store and buy tomorrow for $500?
Thoughts on this show?
Thriftstores will sell ishit for 3 bucks each
/dpt/ - daily programming thread
Hi /g
10-bit HEVC video encoding thread
Is AMD just being terrible or is this Windows being trash?
Hey Sup Forums
So this faggot is working for Google right now and he's earning a lot of money. How does this shit make you feel?
He invested $3000 +tax in meme
What is your uptime?
Best distro poll
Is it any good?
Post ITT if you have a raging boner over the EVGA 1080 hybrid
IPhone SE
Rate my server
SHIT software thread
Redpill me on this here. Is Discord a better choice? Is Skype NSA central?
Fury X
GTX 1080 TI specs leaked
Is the Hyper 212 Evo still the best inexpensive CPU cooler?
Can we all agree that Apple makes fantastic hardware?
It's the gaming a waste of time? What do you think about this?
What is the best way to wire the entire Russian territory?
ITT Tech retards
Do you think Mozilla's calculation is working?
Running os x on my mbp
Stallman in Monza
With all the GTX 1080 being released from various makers, which is the best one?
Lets say I wire up some components and I end up building a smartphone. Would it be legal to sell it?
Sup Sup Forums
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Now that the dust has settled, which one is the best?
HDR displays
Why is the C++ programming language so popular amongst you, Sup Forums?
Any lonely Sup Forumsentoomen that would like to have a Steam chat?
What the heck happened to all those legit win7 iso's?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What does Sup Forums like about Windows 10 the most?
What do I do with my free time now that I can't game anymore?
If you were to buy a new Laptop/convertible right now, which model would you choose?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I tried to use libre software for the past months but I just can't get into fucking shitty gimp
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I'm going to set up some networked storage with audio...
Every time I upgrade my primary monitor to a larger one, it feels gigantic and incredibly impressive at first...
Why is this so ridiculously expensive?
I think my computer got hacked through a Sony Vegas torrent my friend sent me. Pic related is screen when I log on...
What the fucking shit, Mozilla?
Buy case, ram, cpu, gpu, fan, etc
Chromium updated in my distro's repos
Tech cringe thread?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
After years of disinterest in overclocking, finally sit down and learn the process
Fell for your goddam meme, needed a shitpad for work and faggots suggest me the shitpad 420
Only people with Intel i7 CPUs may post itt
China to debut Air Bus
Proprietary and spyware mobile OSs will never look this good and be this useful
/mpv/ - the Sup Forums media player
Will American technology ever catch up with Europe?
/old/ tech
Hi all
So how do I TURN OFF Windows10 telemetry without breaking the system?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How does it feel when a mother of four is more competent than you at repairing phones and other small devices?
Is Slackware worth my time? Do any of you run it daily?
ITT: Meme phones
There's poorfags 9n this board who don't have a sound card
/hpg/ - Headphone General
I remember when rendering this on a desktop was an in pressie feat for a personal computer
Lets assume that it's possible to generate every possible 400x400 jpg in existence...
What is the most obfuscated hello world you can write in your language of choice?
Post your browsers
The great debate
What are useful anime related programs I can write...
How significant is University degrees/GPA in CS?
The Sup Forums Wiki:
Hi, Sup Forums I want to buy a projector. There are tons of projectors for sale on amazon...
I wanna get into programming and I consider myself somewhat computer illiterate. Where do I start?
How good are you at board repair Sup Forums?
So Sup Forums, do you have a shit brand laptop?
Hacking and shit
Google’s court victory might kill the GPL
Live in denmark
I want to build a mini cooling system. I work in a lab where there is no AC. I can't bring an AC...
If I have all of the code and a database dump of a company that fucked me over...
I love go
Cheapest multimedia setup
What does Sup Forums think of GNU/linux-libre and those distros specifically supported by the Free Software Foundation...
Ass thread
I couldn't wait anymore and pre ordered the middle of the road option, I only have 1080p atm any
Is 18+ GB RAM a meme?
The Cancer Killing Sup Forums
Do you use an antivirus, user?
20 years from now, will functional programming be the default paradigm that most people reach for?
Fucking coffee makers
Why do cucks use Linux in the year 2016? I mean Windows 10 and MacOS are great, fully supported...
What languages do nu males write in?
Oh hey, didn't notice you there, I was just crawling on the beach about to eat my watermelon popsicle, want to fuck?
I am still working on porting as much of an operating system (GNU/Linux - LFS) as possible to Node JS
Sony Xperia smartphones
Sup Forums-chan daisuki~
Best laptop for $450 CAD? What're your opinions?
Linux Window Manager
Ask a guy who lied about having a computer science degree in order to get a job programming anything
Use cheap as fuck parts for maximum profit
/bst/ - Battlestations
I have OS 9 with MSIE 5.1 running, with working internet connection
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Are Chinese manufacturers the only innovators left in the industry smartphone industry?
How does Sup Forums justify adblocking?
CPU Thread
What do you guys use for screenshotting?
Finally get a job interview at a decent firm I've been in touch with
Why does Sup Forums still promote C as the end-all be-all language when it teaches bad habits about computers in 2016?
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
Does anyone run a nas at home? How are these? Synology seems legit but I have no experience with them. Any alternatives?
Sup Forumsuts, /guts/
Anyone else get lucky enough to grab a card before they sold out...
VR is dead and buried. Or, is it?
Why do people buy HP products? Is it because they're mainstream? Is it because they're poor? (Although...
Virtual Desktops
What indent style do you prefer?
An app idea I came up with for hairstyles
Post your desktop. Boring edition
How often do you format your PC?
/hsg/ - Home Server General
Mac trash can case coming to a desktop case retailer near you
What is a good 1440p 144Hz monitor?
What is the worst ui you ever experienced?
Whats the latest and best model chromebook that you can put linux on? Not that crouton shit but actual linux
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/luke blows Sup Forums memes the fuck out/ series
What distro do YOU use, user?
Cooling plate
Why do people use this crap?
I just bought the msi r9 380 armor 2x 4gb, when ever I boot my pc, it starts for like a minisecond than stops...
How do you feel about Sony?
Just by having software updates for years and years iPhones wins against any android
Tfw in 10 years keyboards will be obsolete...
Had any Unix fun lately?
Cellphones proven to cause cancer:
Who is this guy?
Parental Autism tech stories
Hey g
Mfw using Gmail
Aesthetic Devices
What are chromebooks like?
Did you fall for the glossy screen meme?
I'm pretty frustrated with the school I'll be going to next year...
Yes goyim, buy our new severely overpriced products, it's worth every penny
Post your less-known free software product or application that you like to use
Stephen Fry doing the "i'd like to interject" speech
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is there an MP3 player that has a slot for a regular SD card and can support 512 GB?
What is the worst IDE/technology you were ever forced to use?
Is this game a programming masterpiece?
SpaceX Thaicom-8 2nd attempt
Sup Forums, What happened to netbooks?
Cousin bought a Nvidia 1080 to use as an external GPU for his Macbook that has a 2.8 i7 cpu
HTML is the new masterrace
Official Sup Forums phone?
What is the best programming language and why is it HTML?
I'm about to wipe my SSD. What should I install on it? Fedora or Debian?
Why do so many sites hate disposable email addresses now?
Release date 3 months
Study shows cellphone induces cancer
When will Sup Forums stop being racist?
Microsoft and Facebook partner to lay highest capacity transatlantic internet cable yet...
How is it possible that free software is so unpopular in normalfag land...
FLAC thread
Enjoy your brain tumors
Homescreen General
Oi aussies
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What's your excuse for being poor?
So what is the best way to implement a secure a windows install without enabling being a complete botnet cuck?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread - this is what you get when you make me do the thread Edition
In the simplest terms AMD has created a product that runs hotter and slower than its competition's new architecture by...
Wanna try programming with java. Any tips?
Why don't nautilus have a compact layout like Caja and Nemo?
Favorite software and OS
/spg/ - Smartphone General
How do such terribly programmed apps become popular without millions of people killing themselves??
Sup Forums humor thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Working help desk
Color a
Elementary Os & other beautiful linux distros
Win10 install
So I fell for the FreeSync meme, will it actually be smoother at around framerates between 60-144?
Windows is garbage
/sqt/ Stupid questions thread
Whats the best peogramming language for a femanon?
/csg/ Chinese Shopping General
Why are redditors so blindly pro-Google?
Is P2P a meme technology?
Mpv vs madvr thread
Up 20 hours
OpenGL is superior to DirectX
Install lubuntu
Instead of all this botnet shit why doesn't somebody come up with something useful...
Does anyone use MP3 players anymore? I haven't used one in years...
Designing an alien-proof OS/kernel
Pens are technology
It's over. Lenovo is dying. ThinkPads don't live up to their name anymore...
What is the best distro for old hardware ?
Tfw you have to lie every time you make a post on Sup Forums
Software Developer/Engineering salary
LG G4 issues
What's the deal with chinkphones?
How do you get rich from programming/computers?
Where did the Haskell is hard meme start?
Just upgraded my interwebs to 100/40
GTX 1070 faster than a 980ti and Titan X
Can someone explain to me why this is worth $200m in funding
Why does all the good Damn routers look like jet fighters with 12 antennas now...
Unqualified Coworkers
Do you have stickers on your thinkpad?
Design everything then code
What aerodynamics simulator would be best for modelling a helicopter?
Would it be dumb for an individual to acquire a 970 with the 1070 release so close?
What's the best way to organize your folders?
When you see he isn't running Windows 10
Office on Linux
Just upgraded my bandwidth, so i'm planning on downloading some stuff. is TPB/KAT + VPN the best way to go for a n00b...
10-bit HEVC thread
Question for Linux users: What do you find the most annoying in a Linux distro?
This looks like English, replaced with phonetically similar letters...
I live in an apartment complex with about 100-125 other apartments...
What does Sup Forums think about the transit elevated bus?
/EDC/ Thread
Why is windows so god damned insistent on upgrading to Windows 10?
Tell me Sup Forums, why don't you have 24GB of ram and 6 hyperthreaded cores?
Will you teach your daughter how to kode?
Rust programming language
Good tech subreddit thread
What's it with web devs building shit not based on what works but based on what is trendy?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I'm ready to escape the botnet
Why doesn't anyone make a 24in 144hz 4k monitor?
Who will pick up the torch after he dies?
Echo "ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="**"" >> /etc/portage/make.conf
Why the fuck this shit is like this?
No fast charging
At what age did you grow out of linux and start getting work done?
Who else is ready for the 2GHz video card revolution?
So Sup Forums
What applications does Sup Forums have installed on their phone!?
Order your GTX 1080 tomorrow at 6am, good goy
Does Sup Forums have stickers on their laptops?
What's your preferred password manager?
Making/Saving Windows 10 keys
It's 2016, why aren't you programming functionally yet?
Battlestation Thread - /bst/
Is SteelSeries Sensei ok to buy what do you use?
390 faster than 980
It's over, Samsung won
TempleOS is a x86_64, multi-cored, non-preemptive multi-tasking, ring-0-only
Favorite program
Why aren't fan ducts more common in PC building?
What the fuck I did an Ip scan on my school network and found one leading to a live feed of a camera which I can...
Riddle me this: let's say RAM prices are 10$/GB, for 10k one can get 1TB of RAM. Of course...
Tfw installing XP right now
What do you guys think about gaming on a laptop?
Ubuntu wants to be OSX so bad it's pathetic...
Hey Sup Forums what was your first computer?
Sup Forums is dead and finished
/wt/ watch thread
13.3 inch E-ink monitor
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why do people always have a nostalgia trip over this piece of shit?
Fill all the way or leave some out the top to see the flow?
Laptop for uni?
Releases tomorrow. What are your toughts, ne/g/ros
Windows 10 Horror Stories
Why aren't you using the McDonald's keyboard yet?
Are there any non-autistic reasons why someone would choose Arch over Debian Unstable?
C programming
Homescreen General
Jury rules that Java APIs in Android was fair use
Why is Windows 10 shilled so hard?
Here, Sup Forums, I've made a simple 8ball web app as practice to learn PHP and MySQL
Going to college next in fall. What is the best laptop around $1000(£6818)
What could it be? This package that came for me. Would it feel good inserted anally?
IPhone users of Sup Forums. What would make you switch to Android?
Aye whats da best mechanical keyboard I can get for under $35?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Display Technologies
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Which windows os has the best startup sound, and why is it windows 98?
What can I do with Matlab?
What did he mean by this?
SpaceX launch thread
Looking to buy my first tablet. I want to use it mainly for traveling (browsing, watching videos, wtc...)
Thinkpad Keyboard
Adware in the driver
If we had to skip Windows 9 because of terrible version string checks...
Want to order pizza online
GPU died
I hope you see prison - The cyber criminal cancer
Sqtddtot Stupid questions that dont deserve their own thread
Why is the person who invented this not on death row?
OS X > Windows
What's your excuse?
Python is the best programming lenguage
Homescreen General
GoogleKeyboard 5 _underscore_
Why caviar black is so noisy? Do you have any boring noise experience with this HDD?
Does anyone here have a cassette recorder? I want to ask a favor of you
BSD And Other Things
Lonely Technology
Sup Forums will never know this feel
Wouldn't it be cool if each post displayed the information from which operating system and browser it was posted from?
Linux """"""""""""DPI"""""""""""" """"""""""""scaling""""""""""""
New tubes coming today so I decided to get rid of the metal ram covers and do some light modding
Is there anyway to browse Sup Forums with images disabled automatically without having to access the site first?
Diamond League Pro player
>>>Sup Forums338937209
I want to use XP again on a alt computer
Is there anything better than the Razer Blade Stealth right now?
Help Sup Forums
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Idiotic things c users say
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How does this make you feel?
Why are iPhones so disliked here?
8GB of ram is enough he said
Should I get a github account?
Archers, settle this. Which is the superior AUR package manager, yaourt or pacaur? I prefer yaourt myself...
Is it finally time for Sup Forums's Mac Mini cluster to be replaced?
Is .IO the new .COM?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
>cable management fags btfo
So it begins.. Mozilla's first move to defeat Chrome
What's the best antivirus for Linux?
Vaporizers are technology
I need a good terminal/programming font
What is a good alternative to skype? I need something that can handle calls as well as share screens on both ends...
Why does Sup Forums and Linus Torvalds hate SystemD?
Why can't freetards into a proper UI for non-autists?
Am i a subhuman shit for not being able to tell the difference between flac and youtube mp3s?
ITT We all do Project Euler in Rust
/csg/ Chink Shit General
My friend's roommate's wife wants to learn a programming language
Should I go with the Skylake bandwagon or wait for a few months for the go for the Kaby Lake...
What does Sup Forums think about mesh networking?
Why can CS majors not program?
US nuclear force 'still uses floppy disks'
If you're on stable branch, don't upgrade to Chrome 51 unless you like Material Design™
Why the crap is this so expensive??? Qty 5 @ 100gb is over $50.00!!! Are you effin kidding me???
Why would someone learn C in 2016?
Why aren't you using madvr?
Thinking about upgrading to Windows 10 from 7 but I have a couple questions:
Sup Forums has felt really stale lately
Why the fuck do these resolutions exist, with the exception of 1080p and MAYBE 4k if it's on a 40 inch screen?
Is there really no better option for a PC chair around $300?
I feel like I've reached the end game for Sup Forums
I have the greatest computer on all of Sup Forums
Window managers
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Why are all Android web browsers complete pieces of shit?
Why does Sup Forums hate adobe flash?
R8 this girls code
RIP Youtube 2005 - 2016
What does he even do on his little computer all day?
Pebble 2
If you truly have nothing to hide
Do you miss the web circa 1997?
When will the GTX 1080 actually be able to purchased...
Apple BTFO by Pajeets!
I may or may not have bought a Raspberry Pi 3 on impulse
Entry Level Tech Job
Anyone no a solution to these shitty adblock detectors, 50% of the sites I visit have some detector
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How do I find all the elite haxxor forums on the darknet? Is everything on Tor?
Is it possible to legally obtain a Windows 10 ltsb ISO?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
AMD Sapphire R9 390 8GB OR NVIDA GeForce 980 4GB which one and why?
Monitors thread? Which are the best, worst & the perfect mix of functionality & aesthetic
No jokes, please. Tell me a really non-botnet good browser
Just got my T420 in the mail, what Linux distro should I install? Was thinking about Fedora
You may hate all you want on Apple but let's be honest Sup Forums, without a MAC address you couldn't even post here
People willingly run a closed source proprietary music player
R8 this build Sup Forums
What's the best manufacturer for GPUs, namely Nvidia cards?
Why do normalfags refer to coding as hacking?
Sandy Bridge appreciation thread
If you could make one small change to your favorite piece of software, what would it be?
My old Radeon 5850 fan was making a knocking sound so I took it apart to clean it
Why is Richard Stallman the fucking retard on the stickied post on this board?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Americans complaining about founder's edition/early adopter tax price
What's the best app to download YouTube videos to my iPhone? Thanks!
So, I heard you like Pilot G2, because it's smooth as butter
Phone Chargers
/sqt/ - Stupid questions thread QTDDTOT
Why is the gtx 960 a bad card?
/bst/ Shit Tier Battlestation Thread
Be me, hired with IT placement agency. Agency says hey have a job but must talk to second recruiter...
Does 2 inches make a difference Sup Forums?
Hi Sup Forums, technical question about music (tried asking Sup Forums to no avail >>>Sup Forums65155389)...
Why are most youtube tech reviewers black now?
Do Linux drivers work in OpenBSD?
Anyone know name of this case?
Will Windows 10 actually become a service? Will I have to pay monthly or yearly for Windows?
Is this the best language for Statistics?
It is the morning of June 7, 2010. In just a couple of hours, iPhone 4 is going to be revealed to the world
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Should research into True AI be illegal?
Is there a specific name for this mouse? I want to buy one, tired of gaming mouses. I just want simplicity...
Tfw fell for Linux meme and I actually don't want to go back
How is Linux any better?
ITT: Ask an apple store employee anything
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Convince me to install Gentoo Linux
Windows Phone is dead
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Ok so I have a password saved in a text file as '¸¾»£¼¡§ˆ™‰' and I need to decrypt it so that I can access a database
What language use this syntax, i need to learn its operators for an exam
Homescreen thread: Waifu Edition
Is Go still a viable language or is it being phased out?
Can we get an rms thread going?
Compare your phone to a car
Is Windows Defender Sup Forums approved?
Be honest
What's the dumbest tech ever made?
Recommend me some good mp3 players around 100$
Arch Installation
PCB thread. Post your PCBs
/mpv/ - the advanced media player
Let's make a true patrician of Sup Forums with all the technology he'd use
Fell for the SSD meme Sup Forums. How did I do?
/guts/, Sup Forumsuts
Do we have the right technology to make the Hyperloop a reality?
Calling your PC a "box"
Where do we stop with Internet speeds, when is it too much?
12-core 2.7 GHz Intel Xeon E5 processor
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Are computer units inside cars running on Lunix?
When did the iPhone lose its charm?
Browser add-ons / extensions
So there's a cat5 cable running from a plastic box next to my house's power box...
Cheap mobo that will be suitable for over clocking a i7 6700k?
Complains about how shitty the modern internet is
Comfy Tech Thread
I almost can't believe this is possible
His main machine is a laptop
What programming languages should I learn in order to be able to work on vidya
Just formatted a drive by accident
Do you prefer buying Bluray, or buying dvd?
I'm looking for a distro... not just any distro, but the objective BEST distro. Hit me, Sup Forums!
What does Sup Forums think of straight talk from Walmart...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Buy sell and trade electronics
What languages are you learning, Sup Forumsechnology?
Design an interstellar rocket Sup Forums
So, I own a thinkpad and sign in with my fingerprint
Which piece of tech can I use to impress a girl with?
Well Sup Forums, I've finally uncucked myself from Firefox and Australius forever, thank god. It's a wonderful feeling...
Why are Russians so good at engineering and mathematics?
/wt/ watch thread
What does Sup Forums think about WebP ?
Encoding vp9 is horrid
Where do you get the best mouse pad?
Pascal is simply Maxwell with higher clocks
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Best Linux distro?
Look up a video on a programming concept
RAM speed
Why do Sup Forums hate gaming?
How does Sup Forums feel about the mini-pc scene? Are they worth it?
Microsoft has 100 billion in the bank
India officially joins the space race
/sqt/ - Stupid questions thread
Buying the nvidia 1000 series card when the 1100 series cards are on the horizon
Microsoft phones are finished
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Find a flaw
Remember the Moto G? Yeah, me neither
The Sup Forums Wiki:
VDSL, is it possible to get decent speeds at 400m?
Linux ShitBox
I need a new internet handle. I don't want to use my full name for obvious reasons...
Welcome to the Faulty Grub! How Sup Forums are ya?
New Job / Specific Laptop
Anyone else tired of Windows 10 tips popups?
I want to build a list of Sup Forums essentials
So, this semen demon is working for Google right now. How do you feel about that?
Ubuntu Applications, Themes, Icons you call it
Say you were to merge USB (3.0) and Ethernet (Cat 7)
Why are people so obsessed with running free software on proprietary hardware?
Text Editors
Is the new GTX 1070 overkill for 1080p gaming? I have no interest in getting new monitors...
God damn aussie cunt
Just installed TempleOS. wat do
/hsg/ - Home Server General
I'm feed up with this app
Hey Sup Forumsuys. I'm starting my 2nd semester of CS
What's not to love about Google?
WARNING: Using TrueCrypt is not secure as it may contain unfixed security issues
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
5 cute facts about maki:
How much clickbait do YOU feel is propagated on the internet? And how do you feel about it?
So Sup Forums, im tired of firefox, its a fucking pile of junk coded by morons
Who buyer's remorse here?
Project ARA
Tv buying advice
Sony DPTS1 13.3 inch E-reader
My first build, how did I do? I have a cable or two that needs managing and I'm waiting on the 1080 to release
/BST/ - Battlestations - tripfags allowed edition
Why is Windows so hard to use?
Looking for a good Java IDE to start learning with, any recommendations? I'd prefer pros and cons
Running Windows 10
Did i fall for the meme Sup Forums? Or was this worth it? It was cheap as fuck, whats the worst that can happen?
Japanese people are tech illiterates
Post your pc homescreens
How is this supposed to help anybody understand how to use the program...
What does Sup Forums think about chinkphones?
I like this graph
What items does Sup Forums have in the mail?
So Sup Forums, I know headphone threads are very popular and there are various guides to buying headphones...
What 1080p monitor has the best picture quality while having less than 5ms of input lag...
Anyone got an updated version of this pic?
What is, in your own words, Linux?
Should I buy an MPC 2000xl from my friend for around 400, or the Renaissance for 450, or should I just get a maschine?
Why the fuck does my 120GB SSD only show 97gb in windows setup/operating system?
Ok Sup Forumsuys I'm about to pull the trigger on pic related. How bad is my buyers remorse going to be?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How likely is it that all cars will be self-driving by 2030?
Serious Sup Forums what makes you think I goofed buying this?
ITT: Great programs with absolutely terrible icons
When do you get an i7 over an i5? It seems like gaming is fine on 4 year old intel processors...
I want to fuck the robot
Does Sup Forums remember when apple invented the first smart watch?
Microsoft has actively been trying to defame other companies
/spg/ smartphone general
He fell for the antivirus meme
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why do people pay for Windows when you can install a superior Unix-like operating system for free...
7-Zip 16.02
Hey guys I wanna get a laptop so I can have something portable to learn to code on
BSD And Other Things
What are some good NON butane lighters? I dont care too much about price either...
Fell for the AMD meme
/mkg/ - mechanical keyboards general
Post your rare stallmans
So I warned my neighbor downstairs to stop using the piratebay with my connection or I'd cut her off...
Best programmers
Osu! data breach: website and source code leaked
I just spent the last 2 weeks installing Arch Linux. I'm not even fucking joking...
I was watching some shitty spy movies and I got to thinking about the surveillance technology they often use in these...
Can you recommend me a new 24-27" display, /g? I'm still using sammy T260 that I bought back in 2008...
What are your opinions on the new iteration of Project Ara? Is true smartphone modularity an unobtainable pipe dream?
So Sup Forums why dont you have a Droid Turbo 2?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So what happened to Tox, do people still use it...
Why are there so many indians in tech today?
Can this retarded "durr botnet" meme please end?
Hitler should have gassed the poos
Are Women Better Coders Than Men?
Hey Sup Forums
Why do you hate this based man so much Sup Forums?
Is there any better-looking usb drive? Post pretty technology
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Have something that you are trying to interface with a computer that isn't normally supposed to interface with one?
In this thread we imagen life without X
Desktop environments
Do you like outlook?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Google HQ raided in Paris - EUR 1.6Bn tax fraud investigation
Homescreen thread!
Is this the only country that has contributed NOTHING to the technology field?
Are korean monitors from eBay a meme and too good to be true or are they legit...
Why do people use this shit? How do people justify using an OS that has ads built in?
How does a missile's guidance system work?
Build $994.72 PC
1070 benchmark
Windows 10 Upgrade Activates By Clicking Red X Close Button
What do you score?
Main OS thread
Battlestation: Anti Tripfags Edition
I want to be a hacker but I just don't want to learn how to program
The fuck is this shit?
Stupid Questions Thread /sqt/
Will they make browsers great again?
Gaming mouse
Buying a Powerbank
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Me, I just don't care about proprietary software. It's not "evil" or "immoral," it just doesn't matter...
I am almost a hacker
CryENGINE is now available on GitHub
Whats your upgrade history?
Snapchat like app that deletes messages after being read?
How many FLOPS do you think this kids super computer operates at?
Should I install DOS?
Yfw you weren't born a genious
Speccy thread?
Post your desktop
What linux distro should I use Sup Forums
Is there a light (<1.6kg) FHD laptop with 10 hours or more of battery that's well-priced and doesn't have a tablet CPU?
Is Linux a waste of time?
Iphone 6 plus or Galaxy S7
Podcast General
Sup Forums said FB was going down and mark zucky was giving away shareholder's money by buying his friend's instagram...
Why are PC speakers either trash or $500 professional studio monitors? Is there no middle ground?
Good Projects to boost my resume?
GTX 1080 Ti will have "twice the raw performance of the GTX 1080"
/wdg/ - Web Development General
What does Sup Forums know about ransomware?
/CG/ - CPU General
I am not sure if this is a correct place to ask but still
Tfw i3 6100 is better than i5 6400
Sup Forums is now a good time to get a pebble? Are they truly open source? Are they any good?
Get Pascal now or Polaris later?
/CSG/ Chink Shit General
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
IT jokes thread? IT jokes thread
Can we have a tech cringe thread
Want a whole bunch of computering ebooks?
Hello Sup Forums, I'm romainian and this is my internet speed
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Hey I just pirated Windows 10, what toolkits would I need to validate my WIndwos 10? and when I do...
Best Fonts
Post asian girls quick
Region locked content on the fucking internet
What do you think about facebook censoring conservatives Sup Forums?
Is i5-6600k enough for modern gaming or should I just go for i7's?
I want to fuck that robot
Will using a HTC help me get laid?
Best Programming Language
Will using an iPhone get me laid?
Anyone here with a 900 series card upgrading to the 1000's?
Which tech scam has the best chance of success?
TSA gave my MacBook Pro to another passenger at LAX, and now it's gone
Which one should I use Sup Forums?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...