Tfw fell for Linux meme and I actually don't want to go back

>tfw fell for Linux meme and I actually don't want to go back


>tfw me 2

Anonymous {linux}

>switched to Linux, don't want to go back
>remmina is a bug-ridden shit program
Back to windows I guess

desu same

And i had to say that at the beginning i only wanted a dual boot.
>tfw i've wipe everything for linox

>tfw vt-d qemu/kvm virtual gaming machine
cant wait for vulkan making it redundant

>vulkan becomes popular
>microshit starts paying game devs to make games for windows store dx12 only

who's that semen demon?

I'm waiting for windows 10 only games to become a thing - I still won't upgrade though

>I'm waiting for windows 10 only games to become a thing
Forza Apex
soon, Halo 5 Forge

>Linux only for years.
>New pooter. Dual boot for a change.
>Worst windows ever.

fuck sake microsoft is suck a mean company, honestly I'd switch to linux if it had native overwatch support

>get into Arch
>keep saying I'll switch back to Windows after a while because I can only play maybe half of my games
>just keep using Arch

>get thinkpad
>immediately wipe windows

Yeah, if Blizzard would port their games to Linux like Valve did with their franchise, that'd be great.

Me On the left

Most blizzard games work fine with wine. I've played hearthstone, heroes, wow, d3, sc2 ...

Doesn't matter. It'll never catch on if it doesn't work out of the box.

Blizzard has stated that they have staff that unofficially supports running all of their games in wine.

so great of them. remember that linux port of wow they got for free from a company but never released?

I think blizzard is gonna switch to linux soon. My hints :
What you guys said about the wow version and the support of wine by some devs
>A lot of people asks them to release a linux version of their games.
and the biggest hint :
blizzard were supporting vulkan during its development. Overwatch doesn't have an OS X port and I think it's because they were waiting for vulkan to be ready, and to make a port of it using the latest technology instead of wasting time with openGL. Maybe they'll just release an OS X version, but I really hope they'll start to release linux stuff

i think devs have pointed out multiple times they would want to do cool stuff like refreshes, high resolution mods , 64bit clients of old games , linux ports, vanilla wow servers , but devs cannot do shit that higher ups dont allow. And they want money.

thats why arch ricing is good to stay on. i mean cmon throwing all this hard work away?

It's going to become a thing. Now that XBOX has successfully made sure that Sony didn't steal away all the exclusives from back in the 00s, Microsoft is now focused on securing PC gaming is done on their own platform instead of Valve's. It's ingenious... They neglected the PC all these years and it boomed and now they are trying to take back the market again but through software sells instead of selling just Windows PCs.

I hope they succeed and kill off PC gaming.

Just a reminder to include the cursor the next time you screen record your screen while watching yourself screen record yourself watching your screen record.
Just make sure you don't accidentally drag the window a bit the first time round.

Is that porn? Please let it be porn.

I've seen the original, it's hilarious watching her try not to laugh.

Not sexy at all

That sounds kind of cute. What's the source?

>Is that porn? Please let it be porn.

no it's real.

Shame about the rape. she really didn't deserve it.

It is. I want source.

>doesn't deserve it

Pick one.

Theres a whole series of these and they're all fucking hilarious. Not really that fappable though

>remmina is a bug-ridden shit program

the better odds are that you're a moron