You can't despairy the Terry


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"I don't like atheist Marxist niggers"
- Terry A Davis 2016


It's crazy how many schizophrenics and depressive suicides I admire. I want Terry on the sticky


fuck you, no one cares what you want

>You can't despairy the Terry

You could also use

"You can't bury the Terry."

"You can't parry the Terry."

dat screenshot is giving me a hardon tho

What is this?

the king of Sup Forums

he makes quite the faces

mentally ill person Sup Forums is making fun of

is this supposed to be funny or just retarded?

because its just retarded
temple OS is hilarious tho

How do I get God to impart the knowledge of building an OS on me Sup Forums?

google BTFO

Have people been calling Terry during the livestreams at all?

whats he talking about using google for bible searches?

I have no clue, he seems to be reading the Bible and then inserting random thoughts and ideas in text form between the passages. He was doing that with Don Quixote earlier

That bird must drive him crazy.

oh shit nigga, what did you just do


>Four freedoms

Schizophrenia is kinda amazing in some ways

>skin hunger


this retard lives with his parents?

ps, your OS sucks

mental illness is not retardation.

He doesn't look at these threads senpai

>using Google+

60% of this board still live with the parents, fuck off.

>mfw ads

terry's just retarded

man, Terry's attention span when clicking links is even shorter than mine

he created an OS and you can't do that

terry reaction gifs when

his fucking number is unavailable

I think he hasn't been paying the phonebill

i'm lokihardt

What's he doing?
Didn't god just fire him?

sure. I'm MuscleNerd

This guy thinks his subconsciousness is God and since that part of brain cant understand conscious part of brain he made a bridge with true random hex numbers and rand letters

>please kill me now

Yes he does. He's seen the Sup Forums threads for the past couple days..

*grinds teeth*

terry won't give temple or sparrow networking because it's full of retard/pajeet-tier buffer overflow vulns

the fuck are these strings of text he keeps generating

tho somewhat unique temple os is pretty much a bastardization of 80s coding practices on a modern from scratch nutcase compiler/assemlber

i'm on the core Redox team

Fuck, I do the same thing except with synchronicity. If I see 11:11 it's a good sign, if my subconscious blocks it out by keeping me preoccupied with thoughts so I don't see it, it's a sign it sees trouble ahead and warning me. Can I get neetbux yet?

It's not meant for networking

gays BTFO

Hey, should we give Terry some more food?

1111 is not prime. It is divisible by 11.
121 is not prime. It is divisible by 11.

However, 11 happens to be prime, but it's a retarded number.

I see you lads are talking about my boy Layne Staley in chat

it's not meant to not be retarded either.

it doesn't matter, the entire os is a joke. even the core "features" like unpredictability (which is a fancy word for shit tier software) took me about 7 seconds to patch that stupid thing at the top

No, since you are aware of your problem, he isnt, he literally is. It's like watching 1 neuron (Terry) talking to other neurons (God). If you watch from this perspective you get 10x more keks, but you feel bad afterwards.

Hopefully they put it on credit card and didn't make Terry pay.

functional adults can sustain a family and you can't do that

I don't care about primes or not, it's about a system of communication between two entities that cannot comprehend each other. Repeating numbers are eye catching, see get threads

should wire up the phone so we can hear it.

omg people like you actually exist

>implying you're "sustaining' shit

People like me?

They did, he was pretty happy.

You are so jelly of based Terrance, and I find your attempts to slander his good name absolutely pathetic.

Look at his filename

fair enough. i respect your opinion.

> watching a Terry video about his missile AI
> he says it subtracts the target velocity from it's position to track it better
> while I'm watching I create a program for my TI-84 that has a player and a missile, the missile uses his tracking method, you have to avoid the missile
> it's about 1kb of basic

> later I'm playing with my program
> turns out that it generates interesting 264x164 "fractals" with slight variations of the starting velocity of the player
> one of them looks like a butterfly curve
> another one is a perfect rectangle
> the majority are "tubes" created by a sinewave pattern

Terry proved god

>the picture was used as a

the guy's a pleb with a warped view of reality that has zero maths knowledge.

everyone ITT should aspire to be like Dijkstra.

>Elegance has the disadvantage, if that’s what it is, that hard work is needed to achieve it, and a good education to appreciate it.

>Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.

>Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!

>The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim.

>The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offense.

>Quality, Correctness, and Elegance.

>Elegance is not a dispensable luxury but a quality that decides between success and failure.

>I mean, if 10 years from now, when you are doing something quick and dirty, you suddenly visualize that I am looking over your shoulders and say to yourself "Dijkstra would not have liked this", well, that would be enough immortality for me.

>There are very different programming styles. I tend to see them as Mozart versus Beethoven. When Mozart started to write, the composition was finished. He wrote the manuscript and it was 'aus einem Guss' (from one cast). In beautiful handwriting, too. Beethoven was a doubter and a struggler who started writing before he finished the composition and then glued corrections onto the page. In one place he did this nine times. When they peeled them, the last version proved identical to the first one.

>You just cobble something together to sell. It need not be any good. As long as you can fool people into buying it you can always try to make better versions later. So then you get these version numbers even with decimals, version 2.6 or 2.7. That nonsense while Version 1 should have been the finished product.

>Ali-G exists on another level of Consciousness
>Terry A Davis, 2016

if this guy was a schizo he would at least act normal for a few hours.. but he seems to be insane 24/7

>if 10 years from now, when you are doing something quick and dirty, you suddenly visualize that I am looking over your shoulders and say to yourself "Dijkstra would not have liked this", well, that would be enough immortality for me.
Fuck, I'm doing this now

b-but user, I care

how has he been diagnose for 20 years and still not on meds?



he uses unity? this guy really is insane

>how has he been diagnose for 20 years and still not on meds?
>9) All of my doctors, past and present die. If you want to live, cancel the command that I take meds.

Writes 4 lines all underscore, for every line goes back up and makes 1st char uppercase

>has seemingly redundant terminal launchers instead of desktop icons
>doesn't make a launcher for the super repetitive launching of VMware and stretching of the guest or the FTP uploads

Jesus Christ Sup Forums, this fucker needs help, he should be in a hospital receiving treatment!

I'm not from US, can anyone help him?

he's a danger to himself and to society

his website should be proof enough of this.

we already sent him pizza, what more do you want?

He was hospitalized
It's fine, he lives with his parents and is not dangerous or anything
There was a story on vice news about his backstory called god's lonely programmer

God sure says to talk to his lawyer a lot. The fucker is hiding something

I don't give a fuck what you people say. I have schizoaffective disorder, and Terry Davis is one of my heroes, along with John Nash. Have any of you ever written an OS from scratch singlehandedly? Didn't think so. Yeah, he says some batshit insane stuff, but what do you expect? He still knows his shit.

Him on motherfucking drugs?

I know a schyzo personally, maybe the smartest person I'll ever meet, and he can live a life away from his paranoia when he is on meds. Of course he always drops out every 1 year, but he lives a pretty good life in the 80% of the year.

Man, it really crushes my heart to see someone like him talking to a fucking computer

I think he's on the bare minimum of medication he needs to function as normally as he can. Anti psychotics can make you sleep half the day and screw up your metabolism. I wouldn't want to be on all of the stuff either.

Do you believe in such delusions as terry?

spent too much time reading his site and now the cyan has fucked my eyes, everything is red

I'm skurrd

You're getting closer to meeting with God

No fear, only God now

Waah waah muh stallman

He's calling it SparrowOS now?

no, this is an old version

Can't bury the Terry

wtf is with that hex