Why are there so many indians in tech today?
(Please no pajeet posting.)
Why are there so many indians in tech today?
(Please no pajeet posting.)
I think it's as simple as India is a poor country without the level of internal industry that China has, so like nogs and rap tech is just seen to pajeets as the way to get out.
When Sup Forums talks about pajeets taking over, they're really talking about being outdone by superior work ethics that anybody could replicate, but MOM-BRING-ME-TENDIES Sup Forumstards can't really picture hard work so must be those wily pajeets and their natural affinity for tech (As if indians aren't a nasty and foolish people who just happen to trying harder)
There's so many Indians and they leave for better opportunity since India is a literal shit hole
Indians invented mathematics. They've always been involved with technical things throughout history.
It's easy to make bad programs which look alright on the surface
Because they're hard working people, they have a challenging education system than the white people.
Because outsourcing software development to poojeets in India is cheaper than paying someone with a degree, retard
According to my dad, back around 1990's Indians weren't that common in IT. Most of the Indians that managed to come to US around that time were very strong in math and programming. My dad would often do projects that were stuck for years within a week or two and was forced to just come to office and drink coffee for the remainder 5 months of his project employment because he would literally finish 6 months of work within a week. Also, most Indians learned to program via pen and paper due to the lack of resources, so strong fundamentals. Anyhow, my dad says 90% of the Indians in tech today are utter trash, but are still better than Americans because they are willing to produce the same output for cheaper.
Indians was a socialist economy until 1991 and the poster child for poverty and to a extent still is. Sitting in office with AC in tropical climate was considered a luxury until 2000. The only way to earn some money was get into coding. Profit.....?
Why dont more huge companies use Eastern Euros instead of poos?
>better english
>work harder
>basically the same salaries
You've never met an Eastern European in your life.
Im French so ive met a few, my two best buds are Bulgarian and Polish(both working in the IT sphere) and i can vouch for them any day
Because HR can pat themselves on the back at their more diverse workplace, finance can jerk off to all the Indians working minimum wage, and pajeets can get a job that pays more than $.05 an hour. Meanwhile product quality and stability suffers and the white guys who have to clean up the mess eventually leave.
See: modern Microsoft
>superior work ethic
at least make it believable, poojeet. even the chinks hate you because you're so incompetent that nepotism is the only way you can get ahead.
Because Pajeet is cheap and makes work shitty enough that it breaks and customers have to pay customer support.
Gonna add one point here, because I'm from a third-world country myself so I can somewhat relate.
Coding and tech in general is a really good avenue because they can work remotely. Being able to stay where they are and make US dollars in regions where the cost of living is ridiculously low means they'll live like kings. They probably make more money than lawyers and doctors living around them. Instead of paying someone from the US $4,000 a month you can pay someone from a third world country $1,500 and they'll see that as a top-tier salary.
And yet, they're dominating the code monkey. Even when everybody here says they such, apparently not enough to hire the good America programmers at 15$ an hour.
You can cry all you want, the free market have spoken. I don't even understand why Americans are so upset about Indians doing literally code monkey stuff.
Indian higher education is limited to only a few subject areas, therefore the elite are funneled into those fields. It's the same reason you see so many Indian doctors and engineers.
Stop making this thread a hundred times every fucking day.
don't be a douche
i went to high school with a bunch of indians -- they were from nyc, at the high school of science -- a few got into MIT, and the others into places like RPI and WPI
very normal dudes -- not sure how the ones from overseas are but the ones from the US were pretty normal
We all know that the only smart people in Asia are the Chinese, Japanese, and S. Koreans.
Yup eurofags got worse accents than chinks. Yes grammatically u may know proper English...but no one cares...also I believe real work that pajeets do is more of laboriously coding and I have rarely seen them leading seminars or stuff which requires them to communicate in fluent English. They do code well, meet the deadlines better, expect less. Best case for application intensive growing company.
Also the couple of them who can talk...talk very eloquently.
But well that's my opinion.
t. Rajesh
>like it's a new thing
I want newfags to leave
>pajeet on suicide watch, kek
Or... it's because they're dirt cheap. Just a thought.