What's it with web devs building shit not based on what works but based on what is trendy?

What's it with web devs building shit not based on what works but based on what is trendy?

Fucking hipsters all of them.

Other urls found in this thread:


> Webdev
> Hipsters
the department of redundancy department is that way mate

because webdevs have the lowest IQ of all programmers



why is there japanese under that cow

>final design project for university
>planning on using a SQL database
>poo in loo faculty member tells me to use mongo instead
>use it
>takes a fuckload of disk space
>slow as balls
>literally every version is functionally different

if you're not mongo, you're not "web scale". only idiots wouldn't use what google uses. who wants to hire someone without mongo experience?

What was the project about? Some projects are bad for relational dbs. That being said, mongo is piece of crap.

Contain your poo, Rajesh.

We choose to use MongoDB. We choose to use MongoDB in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win

This is why you're all unemployable.

it was sentiment analysis and some other shit on google news articles to make near future stock trend predictions.

Between mongo and TOR (to get around google not letting us make literally tens of thousands of API calls) it took like 15 minutes to get and parse a months worth of data for a single company

Honestly, it is better to be unemployed than be a poo in loo node.js mongodb monkey and bark "web scale" every day.

>m-muh wee-webscale


because mongodb does jus werk?

>cause thats the tat i'm gonna get during spring break bro. It means javascript dev harmony bro.

tfw just sent an email to weather.com telling them to fire their webdevs

Postgres works much better. Hell, even MySQL does.

mongo DB is actually pretty good and web scalable.
just because it isnt sql doesnt mean its bad.
not every new technology is hipster bullshit.

>mongo DB is actually pretty good
The search continues, user. For each aspect, there is a better document dbms out there.

because there is much support for mongoDB. there are many npm modules which deal with it, like mongoose..

Mongo DB has pros and cons, just like everything..

For some stuff a traditional RDBMS would be better for some stuff a No SQL would ofer advantages.

But it's not only for "hipsters", as you put it:

>We now are processing over 350TB of data per month through MongoDB on the same size sharded cluster as before, but with significantly larger specs - 4TB of SSDs and 256GB RAM per node. We're about to upgrade to MongoDB 3 which should allow us to reduce the hardware requirements by about 40%, due to optimisations in the query planner and new compression functionality.


NoSQL is extremely niche though.

I think that the advantage of NoSQL isn't in the functionality itself.

You take Cassandra, for example, and it has supernice out-of-the-box clustering support. It has a nice dashboard that tells you what's going on at a glance, you can add and remove nodes seemlessly.

It's nice to work with. Compare that to SQL replication and clustering tools.


There's literally nothing wrong with using MySQL.

>you're all unemployable
That's what I keep repeating to my mom
She says that I should just get whichever job at 35
But I'm too busy with Gentoo

Yes there is. It's much worse than PostgreSQL.

>because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win
lol, settle down Kennedy.