I'm looking for a distro... not just any distro, but the objective BEST distro. Hit me, Sup Forums!
I'm looking for a distro... not just any distro, but the objective BEST distro. Hit me, Sup Forums!
Why the fuck are you spamming?
Try LFS and fuck off.
Objectively, the best distro is Fedora, though many (myself included) are just really put off by the name, I just can't get over it
Debian, because it runs on everything.
NetBSD, because it actually runs on everything.
Agreed that Fedora is the best distribution, but I can't let go of the convenience of rolling release, because of laziness
Alpine hands down.
been searching for a while, kid. get in the line. shake some dust off an old friend in need of support.
There is no such thing as a best distro
Wew lad
(Sup Forums-spill)
Weeew lad
>Sup Forums
>having the brainpower to use a distro like Alpine
You seem like you've lost your point in life.
os x
You talk as if Alpine takes """brain-power""".
Hate to brake it to you but no body likes or uses that buggy piece of shit anywhere
This or Void
~Benjamin Johnson
Objectively? Debian.
Subjectively? Debian.
>BSD/Nothing werks
>runs on everything
yea, that's all it does.
>Mental gymnastics of a debqueen
There is NO reason to run that half assed freetard wannabe distro when there is *buntu
Debian and Fedora are great, but I can't get over Fedora's name
Hey guys, just a suggestion, but what if we said they both were pretty good distros?
>giving a fuck about the name
>being this insecure
Having a thick skin is a good thing. But not for everyone
>anything with systemd in it
use Korora then.
>Caring whether or not strangers like the name of their favorite OS
Shit b8 m8
Windows 1.1
Anyone running void? What's it like?
Debian Stable
Linux: Debian stable
whats the distro between debian and ubuntu?
>less stable than ubuntu
>less up to date than debian
Anything that has systemd by default can't be considered stable.
real newfag here
is ubuntu okay to start with for a newbie like me?
He was talking about the icon/penguin in between the debian and ubuntu penguin moron
and its centos.
The one I'm using
Ubuntu just werks.
>Using the distros.jpg with 2 fedoras.
Arch ᶘ ͡°ᴥ͡°ᶅ
By the same logic anal sex is the best sex because it's the most compatible
>implying it's not
You can use Rawhide
So does diarrhea.Cha-cha-cha!
What the fuck? Get out of here with that weak shit you fucking 9 year old.
Everything without USE flags is just Windows
>Anyone running void? What's it like?
I ran it for a while, but about a month ago switched to Debian.
The problems I have with it:
1) while the package manager is quite good, there aren't that many package maintainers and it's unlikely you will find the latest packages for anything but the core (most popular) applications
2) the documentation is quite shit and severely lacking. I mean, not even all the package manager's functions are documented
3) the community isn't very friendly and is elitist
Other than that I loved it. It was stable, booted quickly, I had no problems setting up a basic system. I needed something that just works, with a large selection of packages.
If I were 14 again, I'd definitely put more effort into it, like I did when I started off with Slackware 9 as my first distro back in 2004, when I could spend hours a day fucking around with it. Sadly, I'm an adult now and I don't have time for a Linux distro to be my hobby.
>no timestamp
kill yourself
When you settle down and just want a computer for computing, not dicking around with the OS every 5 minutes, Debian is your boy.
>gentoo is your boy.
I'm thinking of trying NixOs, it sound interesting. Is one .conf for the whole system actually good or just a meme?
the package manager is pretty great but i am not so sure about the rest. try guix as well if you are at it.