Would you?

would you?

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I bought a Toshiba laptop last year, the keyboard stopped working 70 days after and screws fell out without me doing anything, also the warranty was like 14 days

Not even in my dreams.

thumbnail looks like it's packaged in a plastic bag

>17 inch laptop

Would I what? Buy a discontinued gaming laptop from 2008? Nope

I think you wanted to say it looks hella frickin' epic

I work for Toshibe. This is accurate.



I had one for a few years and it wasn't bad. Too heavy to carry around though. Kept it for 4 years then sold it.

It would make much more sense to have a lightweight laptop for work/school and a Desktop for gaming.

>off center trackpad
>that ungodly colour scheme
Oh god no, could not have posted a better gif

this is now a cringe thread

It was pretty good at the time

would I what? cum on it? No, only thinkpads deserve my precious life nectar.

what's going on here?

Sad that you guys can't respect aesthetics

¬Alienware owner

>this thrash itt
Are you 12?

it looks good in my opinion

i would jizz my pants if i had this back in 2008

Probably not. I used to like Toshiba but their build quality has been in the crapper in recent years.

Also that thing is ugly af.

>those "simulated" screen images
actual picture of shit screen quality or gtfo

Toshiba is known for shit build quality, what did you expect?


You can make the lights on mine match your wallpaper and shit dude.
It's aesthetic as fuck

looks like 90% of linux themes

mad hella sick bruh, gay-myn!

Also used to work in a Toshiba warehouse, can confirm it's going to shit and a bunch of people are being laid off cause the companies in the shitter.

I don't even play games dude. I actually sold my xbox and ps4 to gamestop right after I bough the laptop pictured.

>gaming laptop
>dumb ostentatious lambo wallpaper
>matching leds
>dusty ass mousepad on a fucking mattress

jesus you pleb

what's with all those call of duties then? c'mon now dude, bruh...

>putting laptop on bed
Enjoy your fan full of dust and early heat issues bro

that's alienware I'm sure it has liquid nitrogen cooling

There's a hard mousepad underneath the one you see. It works really well.
I sold them to gamestop dude
I've used a bed laptop since 2005 and never had heat problems. Well once the fans stopped working on one but I just had to clean them out and it was fine.

No, but the temps are fine, see i.4cdn.org/g/1464470607094.png

>32 gigs of ram
>"made by jordan"

you done goofed up

>Windows 10

I overall like Windows 10.
Nothing's wrong with either of the things you listed.

Yeah it's fine now, but for how long? I just cleaned out an Alienware not too much older than that one for a friend. Hot as fuck at idle. Thermal shutoff when trying to do something as intensive as defrag. I'm about to redo the thermal paste, though I'm fairly certain the long term heat has damaged it in some way.

It'll be fine, here's a realistic temperatures shot. The one above I let it sleep for a minute before scroting lol

This is without any air conditioning in my house and it's hot as fuck and temps are still fine for a laptop.
If it starts getting too hot I'll open it and clean out the dust, not a big deal at all.

The new alienware don't look half bad, much more subtle



Why does a gaming laptop need this? This would be cool for a normal laptop.

>Buy Toshiba laptop in 2011
>harddrive fails and parents blame me
>wake me up and make me drive it to best but

Your parents sound like complete assholes

It's a massive fan to keep it cool, because gaming laptops get hot af.

That's more than a fan, it's a watercooling system

Oh I thought it was an external GPU

What, does it link up to something in the laptop and pump coolant through it? That doesn't sound likely. Cooling loops need to stay closed.

Or is it sucking air from the laptop, water cooling that air, and then using more air to cool the water down again?

It pumps in cooled liquid gas

>What, does it link up to something in the laptop and pump coolant through it?
That's exactly what it does. Look it even says hydro on the side.

I had one of those back in 2008.
It was great until it wasn't, lasted about 4 years. Probably would've lasted way more if I bothered to clean the dust that had piled up inside.

some fucktard in my high school had one of these in my freshman year
he dropped out a year later

it's an external video card.

Try again

>9800M GTS
Nah, even my Fagbook has better specs.