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/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread

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Can someone shed light on this?

As far as I can tell, there is only one 560 2win card which has 2gb vram (1gb usable because SLI).

Apparently they have 1gb models in stock and ready to ship.
How do they have a card that doesn't exist?

Why does my Samsung headphones sound better than my headphones? Is it because my phone has a better soundcard than my PC or is it because I have to burn my headphones in or is that a meme?

Adapt sound settings.

what exactly happens after win 8.1 license expires? how can I activate it for free?
total noob here, yep, just came here for an answer to this

I'm wondering if there is a somewhat elegant solution to this and I don't quite know how to proceed.

I want a more private/Free solution to services that stream your own music. Currently, I'm using Google Play music because it lets you upload your own music and also play music on demand that they have (but I'm willing to forsake this last part).

I get that this will involve running some server software, but I don't have a server and I don't really know where to begin with running one locally.

I would prefer to sign up for hosting and access the server remotely. That way, I could benefit from the backup service that a host would offer.

I don't have an astronomical amount of music (that I care about storing), but I do store my music in FLAC format for archival purposes.

I'd be comfortable with ~60GB starting, but even at that point the hosting services I've looked that seem prohibitively expensive.

Would anyone recommend a solution that has worked for them?

In general, it's rarely worth upgrading prebuilts, since the power supplies are usually just the bare minimum and even if you're willing to replace that, the cases are often tiny and cramped, making for a poor experience when working on them yourself. Do yourself a favor and build a new computer from scratch.

>license expired. system will self destruct in 10..

Windows licenses dont expire.
Did you install it without putting in a key?

Is there a reputable place to buy miscellaneous shit like laptop power cables? I have an older MSI laptop whose power cable is rapidly degrading; MSI doesn't sell cables for it anymore and the one result on Amazon doesn't look great...

Firefox updated without my permission.
Yes I have automatic updates off.

It disabled my extensions without my permission.

How do I get them back? It won't me re-enable them because they aren't signed.

I hope you arent running without a valid windows key.
You get an ultimatum

Settings in my soundcard or my adapter? Because I don't have an adapter, I was told the headphones didn't need one to sound good.

Newegg or Monoprice.

Most laptop power cables are pretty standard, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue unless MSI is run by dicks who thinks it's a good idea to make proprietary power cables.

Roll back to an older version?

Thank you to the guy who answered my question about the XPS 8300

He has a decent prebuilt though.

I7-2600 with 8gbs of ram.
That CPU will match cards like the 970 real nicely still.

I remember installing it a year ago and then activating it with some pirated activator
now it's telling me the license is going to expire in a few days

Yeah most people ask about 5 year old 400$ prebuilts that wouldnt have been worth upgrading the day they bought them.

What are the requirements?
Streaming at home? On the go? To your phone?

>pirated windows
>installed 8.1

You deserve the cryptolocker when it expires.

>i want things that go above normal use
>i dont want to pay for it
>i also dont want to put any effort in to it locally

Buy a vps

What is the difference in updating Realtek High Definition Audio from their own website, and from my motherboards website? The one on the motherboard site is 3 years old and on the main site, it is a month old.

Streaming from phone. It makes sense to keep local files at home and play those locally.

>auto off
Clearly you did not
Down grade or use nightly tools

Oh wow, I hadn't realized there was any amount of cross-company standardization. It looks like my model uses a 5.5mm x 2.5mm connector, which seems common enough. Thanks, user.

Gonna reamp my pc
3- 1080p monitors and a 1070
3 -1440p and a 1080?

I don't even know what that is
would you mind just answering my question or please ignoring it?

You answered your own question - your mb manufacturer does not care about updating drivers.

you're looking for something like that ?

Just installed W10. What's the best package for silencing the snooping shit? Which one will cause the least amount of potential issues/instabilities going forward?

Wasn't sure if it had anything to do with newer drivers not being supported or something. Will update now tho.

I do, but it turns out they handled the add-on disabling server side.

Make sure everything is right, especially the voltage.


Yeah, this looks appropriate. Thanks.

don't waste your money and wait for the good GPU to appear

>server side
What the fuck are you on about?
Addons are local,it will do a check to be faggots.But either downgrade, upgrade your addons, edit the addon and bump its version, or just install nightly tools and turn off the check

Will do. The voltage is 19.5, which doesn't appear to be super common, but common enough. How important is the amperage?

The answer is, you let windows update to the point the pirating methods dont work anymore. An update recognized the pirate key loader.

Now you have to buy a windows key at a more expensive price or windows locks your shit up. Your files have probably already been tagged, so unless you made backups your files may just be fucked. They get encrypted and you cant use them until they get unencrypted. Its a cryptolocker.

Its why you shouldnt pirate shit when you dont know what you are doing.

The one they offering on their website is the one they probably actualy tested with their mb. It does not mean that newer drivers will not work, it just means that mb manufacturer never bothered to check them and therefore does not gaurantees that they will work.

What's the best torrent software right now? Not looking to get slapped with some bullshit DMCA blackmail fines.

piggybacking off of this one. what is the option to turn off to make sure I'm not P2P sharing windows updates?

> P2P sharing windows updates
Is it on by default? Fucken M$.

Did you do all of this during installation?


It doesn't matter what software you use, they all expose your IP to anyone else downloading the torrent.

Still, I'm fucking not using utorrent. How is Deluge these days?

get a VPN

qBittorrent master race.

The real answer is, you get a nag message and it wont let you change your background.

Just download a new activator and youll be fine.

Why is dwight the face of this general?

I get it. I back up all the files that matter to me but I guess it won't let me work normally with new files if the old ones got encrypted. if I decide to buy a legit key what kind of key should I get? is win10 any good already or not? I'd appreciate any tips

what's the fucking point of trying to not spend money then

He is joshing you
Get a new activator and windows will shut its face.

Here's your (you)

Only fucking retards torrent without a VPN

Do I need the PGP sig? I do not know these things.

>A card that doesn't exist
Wat? You really haven't explained your question very well, but I'll attempt to answer. Sometimes there are OEM versions of a card made for, say, Dell or another big company that have different stats.

Nope, fuck you. If you want a free operating system, run Linux. If you're going to suck Nadella's dick, get on with it and open your wallet.

>1080 in the year of our lord 2016.
Are you a console fag?

>private solution to stream your own music
Murfie.com works great for me - take a close look at their offering, it might work for you if you still have the original discs you ripped your music from.

19.5 will probably run fine on a 19V or 20V adapter. If you want full functionality from your adapter, you will need AT LEAST as high an amperage rating as the stock adapter. If the amperage is higher, that's fine, just not lower.


1. What's the best FLAC encoder? I hear cuetools has better compression than libFLAC, is there any better?

2. What would be a good cheap tablet for watching movies and general home stuff like web browsing? I can get a Nexus 7 2013 for 300 AUD, would that be the best for the price?

Xposed modules aren't working on my Galaxy S5 with Cyanogenmod 12
It says that everything is installed and working fine but none of the modules actually do anything
Anyone know what to do?

well ok. thanks for clearing that up for me.
and, just in case someone reading this has used one recently or something, where can I get an activator for win8.1 not filled with viruses and shit and actually still working?

This is my school email. What is this trying to do to my phone?

>best FLAC encoder
Who cares? It's lossless, and I doubt there's a significant difference in compression between encoders.

Google Management allows sysadmins to see your emails and web history. Don't install it on your personal devices.


I want maximum compression though. My FLAC library is approaching 200GB, and I wouldn't mind saving a few gigs, until I can afford more storage.

Thanks for helping. Now I need to figure out a way to hide the notification

This is a amateurish question, but please bare with me:

How can I make a command repeat/relaunch itself indefinitely once it finishes? In other words, I need it too keep looping: Run - Finish - Rerun - finish - rerun, etc until I cancel the loop.

I made a handy bash script (with the help of a kind Sup Forumsentooman) to download live-streams with a unique file name. It works great, but often the streams cut out for a few seconds, which causes the downloader to end the download stream. I need it to keep trying to download until the stream comes back online.

Friend and I want to start experimenting with game dev.

Is there a general consensus on which engine (unity/gamemaker/etc) would be our best bet?

[spoiler]bonus for: free and or easy collaboration[/spoiler]

Google is leading me on a wild goose chase

Bought monitor
Has crappy speakers but speakers non the less
Want to use the headphone jack and main speakers at same time

Is this possible or do I just have to keep switching default audio every time i want to use headphones and or just stick with case outputs?

>been torrenting since suprnova and shit python bittorrent app was the only client
>been through 4 isps
>never a C&D. copyright infrindgent
>Only cox bitched about using 5tb upload in a month.
>told me to keep it below 3TB and thats under acceptable use.


Encode and delete?
Having a "library" is retarded. Download it as flac then encode it to your prefered codec.

It wont just "resume", if the feed cut out, it cuts the connection off from the server(thats how it goes out)

Great, now you lost all your lossless source files and cannot transcode your library to newer, superior codecs as they come along in the future.

Don't give out such retarded advice ever again.

I hear that 3TB drives are notoriously unreliable due to an unusual platter layout, but I found a killer deal on a WD Blue 3TB. Are they really that bad? It's just going to be a storage drive, not going to play games off it or anything.

Ill download them again? kek
320kps mp3 has been standard for the past decade.Prove me wrong

Flac has a ceiling.

Does all Amps work for all headphones, if we ignore power?

I need a new laptop what should I get

Budget is everything

I have video files on my computer that I want to watch with my friend. Skype isn't working and Rabbit isnt working. what can we do?

Hey guys I have a question. I want to buy a ssd (my first one) and I was planning on going with a cheap one (Adata SP550 109.00 on amazon) but one of the users where complaining about its speed dropping to 80 m/s after the first 260 mb were copied. Now I am coming from a HDD so my question is would this be such a difference from what I currently have (negatively) or it would still be a good upgrade to my old machine. A review said that it wasn't for gaming or media storage. Should I go with an older PNY with MLC but that is $139.00 or with a Samsung 850 Evo (not the pro version) for $150.00. Are the 80 m/s the normal speeds you see on a HDD? If thats the case then I would not "notice" any difference when I am installing or copying a file but I would see a great difference when load the os or programs.

around 500$

And will even a cheap Amp make the sound better? And by how much?

Just get one of the cheap Sandisk ones, they're decent. Not as blazing fast as the Samsung high-end ones or Intel, but you can't really go wrong with them. Just stay away from the cheapo brands like adata and kingston, the price difference isn't worth it anyway.

I think I've actually found a solution. Using a simple 'while' script seems to be working, I just need to fix some of the file locations/names.

I had been trying to get 'watch' to work before, but that just wasn't what I was looking for.

That was the first batch that came out,same with the 4tb's.

I will sound about 3 better


ADATA is reliable, but yeah its not amazing, good for something that is not important like a old laptop but not for a main OS Desktop SSD.

Save and get a 850 EVO.

Does anyone know an alternative to Xposed?

tree fiddy to be more precise

ADATA is probably okay, but the Samsung 850 EVO is pretty much the standard. I bought my 250GB 850 EVO for $90 or $100 probably 8 months ago, so there's really no excuse for buying a 2nd-tier brand today.

Power adapter guy here; thank you so much for your advice, user.

Does anyone use the extension Imagus?

I can't seem to disable particular sites and it's driving me nuts. I've disabled ALL rules but it keeps on working. what do?

Thank you for the input guys. What about the PNY one? It has MLC and the Samsung has TLC. Which one do you recommend?
This the PNY

www amazon com/dp/B019H3B248?tag=anandtech01-20&ascsubtag=[site|anand[cat|NA[art|9799[pid|B019H3B248|NA[bbc|text

this is the evo

www amazon com/dp/B00OBRE5UE/ref=psdc_1292116011_t1_B01B4NUKME

What has been your experience with the EVO? Do you see any degradation when copying large files (movies etc) or installing games?

Avoid Kingston and PNY SSDs, also other noname SSDs.

850 EVO is that good, there is no reason to get another SSD if you are going to use it for years on a desktop.

Also why remove the dots from the links?

I've heard that 3TB drivers are the most reliable. Or at least WD/Hitachi

filters being niggers

PNY is shit compared to Samsung. Samsung and Intel are pretty much the two top-tier brands in the consumer market.

PNY doesn't make any of the hardware that goes into their SSDs, the drives are essentially just re-badged from some other mfr and PNY just doesn't have the expertise in-house to deliver the customer experience that the top-tier brands can. Same with Kingston, OCZ, et cetera.

I have had no issues with my 850 EVO. Here I just ran a test for you:
$ sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sda
Timing cached reads: 22374 MB in 2.00 seconds = 11197.69 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 1488 MB in 3.00 seconds = 495.99 MB/sec

When I try to extend my displays or set the refresh rate of my 144hz monitor higher than 120hz my primary monitor artifacts the fuck out like an acid trip and I have to wait 15 seconds for windows to revert the setting. What the hell is going on here? I did a video capture and no artifacts came up in the playback, is my monitor fucked or my gpu?