Win10 install

So Sup Forums, how bad did I fuck up?

Yeah you did, you're fucking touchpad is disgusting. Clean that shit.

>t429 uses sandy bridge
>intel says sandy bridge is legacy
>no drivers from intel

best hope you have nvidia

It depends, what were you running? Win10 is better than Win8.

not better than 8.1 i guess?

this, first gen core i and somewhat intel core i 2nd gen with hd 2000 isn't supported by intel anymore.

op can u tell me after install is graphic driver werks ? generic from Microsoft update.

nah it's better than 8.1 too

There's a cum stain on the touchpad.

You seem to be expert at cum detection. Tell me your story

It starts with your mother and ends with you.



Why do retards first do retarded shit and ask if they fucked up afterwards?

How did my cum taste like?

How old are you?

The board about technology

Your mum XD

I'm guessing this doesn't include linux?
My x201 still gets video drivers under arch

Summerfags came early this year.

take the film off your trackpad first off, it's 100% worth it.

dubs confirm Sup Forums is a board about technology

have fun with your shitty trackpoint scrolling except if they have fixed it

i have a t420 with igpu, and it just werks, not a single problem with it.

ffs order a new trackpad sticker its only a few bucks.

It is dead skin from the previous owner I think... Pretty disgusting.

Tried running Stellaris, satisfactory framerate. Seems to be no issues with intelgraphics 3000 which is what the i5-2520m uses.

Running windows 10. I am a cuck for the botnet, features like multiple windows and less retarded UI makes me suck microsoft's dick.



Thank god im not a computer illiterate pleb like you

Isn't win 10 designed for SSD?

Yes, it recognizes SSDs and handles disk management/maintenance on them differently.


That isn't very nice.
>Multiple windows
Meant to say Multiple desktops

> You fucked up and then you go asking if you fucked up

You fucked up

What's with these Crayola coloring book flat tones and smileys for error codes? I'm in my 20s and who are these new trends catering to?

have fun spending hours and hours "tweaking" it only to realize that getting to functionality levels similar to 7/8.1 isn't even possible without breaking the OS.

It's the only MS OS bad enough that it moved me to linux

linux user here, if you feel comfy with windows go for it (i don't like t in general tho).