Good Projects to boost my resume?

So I just got shutdown at an interview today and basically it was.
>Here user, answer these questions
>Hey you got them all right, we will call you again soon
Literally that same day
>Hey is this user speaking
>Yeah, I want to tell you that you were not able to make it to the second phase of the interview
Ask why since I got the programming questions correct
>... Just the other passed applicants had more experience than you
>You got listed here a couple of school projects and a hackathon event, the other people had more stuff on theirs
>Your github stuff is also just some euler questions
>Listen, do some projects and get back to us, we can work something out

I feel fucking crushed Sup Forums, Can anyone recommend me some projects I can work on? APIs, Open Source, etc projects? I have no idea what specifically I should work on to get more experience.

Other urls found in this thread:,

Just lie

Follow Torvald's advice: create something you'd want to use/your computer to do.

better start applying for autismbux then

You can contribute to my git projects user :^)

>I feel fucking crushed
At least you're up again and ready to improve, good look!


Imao, just add a bunch or random and fictional stuff. If only I were 100% honest with my employers, I would still be doing entry-level jobs.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>pointing out the use of the smiley face with a carat nose

try offering a 10% pay cut next time.
make a bot for a game. either mass gold farm with said bot or sell the bot online

that library just came out a month ago about and its dank

Try Openfire from Ignite Realtime

Atleast They want to give you a chance fagot

> you don't have enough experience to be hired
> go get more experience and we'll hire you

that old meme is old. and hr wonders why everyone hates them.

Lie like the person who they picked over you

Ok I will bite, is this a real thing. I don't want to get blacklisted so I ignored these comments, but once they find out are you not screwed?

Instead of lying, build up your portfolio with something more substantial than fucking euler questions. You'll gain experience and have an easier time moving up higher

no one is gonna ever care
you lost job to exactly ppl like this,who just blatantly lied u faggot

>just looked at git
>the tutorial was mind numbing and all I did was follow instructions
>started watching a video on the site
>nerdy as fuck faggot, can't handle this
>close all of it

Fuck git is so shit, do people actually use this and do employers care?

Yes I've had to use it extensively at all work places

Yes employers care

Another thing they care about that you'd think they wouldn't, and aren't fun: tests

I had fun building a virtual machine like, not as good but anyways it was very interesting.

Also I had built an interpreter for sceme, was great fun as well.

boner app

Make a new UI for GIMP and release it as your own fork

This. I've lied to get every job I had, from forklift driver to help desk to whatever. If you have a friend who'll pose as an old boss no one will ever know.

If you can't handle git, you can't handle software dev

Don't lie. Seriously. These are just troll posts out to fuck with you.

Git isn't that hard to learn. Just look over the documentation for it. Play around with a sample project you make even. Github even has a tutorial for it that I used to learn. It's really not that hard after a couple of days messing with it at most.

You're not cut out for this

Good projects to have on your git that can be done in about 1 month.

- Java/TestNG + Selenium test unit suite for a major website (choose any)
- Python Chat program
- Java/Swing Game
- React JS webapp
- C++/SDL Game

A good way to contribute to projects is by doing QA on them. Proper QA is difficult and sorely needed in the open source community.

Tell that to muh education

>Your github stuff is also just some euler questions
>Listen, do some projects and get back to us, we can work something out
Reasonable employer is reasonable.

Daily reminder that school projects and hobby projects and contributions are experience, and should be nicely presented in your portfolio.

All of those technologies look sexy on paper... with the exception of java/swing. I would say that visual c# would be more valuable IMO....

Java/Swing demonstrates knowledge of more complex java applications and the possibility of knowledge regarding more complex software architectures that are required to build OO Gui's.

As soon as a learner moves from the console to Gui's their java code becomes a complete shit show and being able to overcome that is an important skill - but you're right that most companies wouldn't pick up on that.

Absolutely agree in general, but the tutorial listed is a game and the Swing used is the bare minimum to get pixels on the screen.

Writing a complex UI in Swing is bullshit for the reason you mention, but a client side game in Java is a legit hobby project.

Somewhat related.

How the heck do I find a job that isn't "here's 20 hours worth of tests, finish them then we'll get back to you in a month for your first round of interviews."

I've got a decent, if a bit small, projects and a good degree. I'm not a fan of living on a couch till September while waiting for my n-teenth round of interviews with somebody.

Get into helping out with open source video game console emulators

you could just jump into a job that isn't related. For example, start researching companies in your area. If there is a company that has any kind of IT, or software development department, look to get an entry-level job as customer support or technical support. Then work your way up until you can get into the department.

I'm rewriting my resume to focus on web backend stuff. If that doesn't catch any good ones I'm considering exactly that.

You can git by with using git with push, pull, merge and check-out. How hard is that?

Just take a job cutting lumber or something. No need to be on call 20 hours a day for some nerd faggot and his "idea".

Do you have a website? If not definitely make yourself one a nice one or you can even use a template I don't think they will know the difference. Use it as like your personal LinkedIn and boom done you got the job. People seem to be really amazed still at people who have their own sites I don't know why?

>lying to get muh minimum wage cuck jobs

The programming test is a bare minimum. Acing it is the bare minimum they expect.

What else happened during the interview? What topics did you discuss?

>How the heck do I find a job that isn't "here's 20 hours worth of tests, finish them then we'll get back to you in a month

The jobs are actually "here's 2 hours worth of tests", you're just not good at it

Bull fucking shit, I've had people straight face ask me for a 25 page report "don't worry we'll give you a a day or two to get it back to us." I about laughed my way out of that one.

Some algorithm BST type shit is fine to make sure you're not about to hire someone who thinks HTML is programming. But I'm convinced certain companies just want to select for people willing to jump through overly mangerial bullshit.

Find a different profession.

Or they've already hired a bus load of pajeets and they are just going through the motions for compliance reasons.

25 page report? For programming? Haha fucking kek. Markov chain that shit.

CS degrees have almost nothing to do with actual commercial software development.

Using source control effectively, writing extensive and flexible tests, integrating with other peoples' code, and interpreting requirements are what the career is about. Education gives you none of that.

this is actually very difficult to achieve if you want to avoid recreating existing projects.

Welcome to technical writing. In old, stodgy companies that think it's still 2003, you will spend more time writing reports and documentation than code.

There isn't anything wrong with recreating existing projects as long as you don't copy their code. More than one way to skin a cat.

Don't lie just "fluff" it up. Also make a Linkedin profile. Spend about a week working it up, adding yourself to "projects" like building an application, building a home lab, building a web server etc etc. You can build/setup/finish "projects" in a day, everyday for a week. No need to tell them it was a 10min project or 24/hr project. Just tell them in DETAIL wtf you did, over explain it. Explain the challenges you face and how you resolved it.

if you aren't solving a real problem then you're just contributing discardable waste. how is developing shit like that good practice?

>Why ever do a math problem when you have a calculator?

to get gud

admittedly solving new problems is more valuable to humanity but re-solving something your own way for practice is fine

you're not talking about the same thing as i am. if this were the case we would show our math homework on github too. and yet no one does that because it's clearly not the same thing. you're just confused because some tards have baby euler shit in repos.

Git is great. It's used like literally everywhere

leave ye furfag

Exactly this. They're renting labor, you have to sell yourself.

Ok, yes, I agree with what you are saying after all. But unfortunately employers don't always bother with proficiency tests or taking your word that you do lots of personal projects for practice, they just want dat github. It comes down to employers and HR departments being lazy and not understanding the purpose of repositories.

>pointing out that he pointed out that you were using the smiley with the carat nose

Don't lie, but big yourself up. It's not quite the same thing.

You need to make your experience sound like the hottest shit - specifically, what your employer is looking for. That's how you get jobs.

If you want to be particularly fiendish, find out what your employer is looking for, and work backwards. From those ideals, what experience do you have (or can stretch unrelated experience to fit) that they're after?

This, so much.

>what you set out to do
>what problems you faced
>how you overcame them

this doesn't add up with my experience at all. plenty of people have massive github profiles and still struggle to get interviews. what kind of fictional HR dept goes beyond keyword matchup? looking at a github profile is well beyond their skillset. maybe what you have in mind is an american thing. i dont know.

the people i know that get employers to even look at them are the ones that already know the employers, or know someone that recommends them to the employer. your skillset is almost never a part of the consideration unless you're applying through the front door (which is left open in case a 'rockstar' with 3 phds wants to apply).

check this out

great "documentation" not even a basic tutorial on the site.

user@4chin:~$ git gud

This meme where your job also needs be your hobby / obsession / passion / something you do for free in your personal time is cancerous.

>keyword matchup

don't apply to fortune 500 companies on glassdoor

dude anything we tell you will not get finished or end up being mediocre, you need to pick something because youll follow through and make it decent.

As the guy who holds the interviews... good luck man. It isn't hard to shine once you get motivated, providing you have some actual talent. If you cant figure out projects then do stuff parallel to that. Show off your stackoverflow account that shows off your communication abilities, or start a professional blog and write articles that actually contain your insights and problem solving abilities. It's all about showing folks what you're good at.

>this post has no point

At least you have projects op.
I called my recruiter today
and she said she cant give my resumes out since i have no projects listed at all
and all i want right now is an internship.

Kek! Your point might indeed be valid, but there is no way I am taking advice from someone who can't even be arse capitalising the first letter in a sentence, even if this is only 4chin.

it is done intentionally. please explain the importance of the capitalization? do you struggle with where sentences start and end?

read the application for the job youre applying for
ask yourself, do you have enough experience in XYZ for someone to pay you for it, 5 days a week
if not, do a project involving XYZ
this is like, the bare miminum

false. job posts just list whatever would be nice and then make it a requirement. it has become common knowledge to just apply to jobs even if you dont feel yourself qualified.

and then you end up like op
or, if youre lucky, you get a shitty, low paying job

>tfw i listed i have a CCNA
>nobody asks for proof
>have gotten multiple IT and engineering jobs because of it

Oh man,

I just had an interview today as well, and I pretty much started to fumble when they started to ask questions like "where do you see web development going in coming years?" or some bullshit. I pretty much dropped my spaghetti at that point.

this is easy. they are asking you to come up with your best bullshit. great screening to test your webdev proficiency.

>git is hard
Good luck getting a job without knowledge of source management tools like git.

One thing I did was made a simple weather app for android. I used the openweather api to query weather for any specified location.

I will not post my github here since I do not want to post my info on this site. But try making an app of something you use on a daily basis, it could be anything, even as simple as a notepad app.

It does not matter how dumb you think it is, it is a project and those look good.

First of all: it's normal to get rejected.
People often expect to get a job within the first 10 interviews, but this is rather an exception.

Also the answer is simple: just lurk more and make some "cool projects". Doesn't have to be the ultimate business idea, but maybe you want to relate it to your future job.

Wanna get WebDev? Put up a CMS system.
Wanna get JavaDev? Oh well, put up your own Tomcat server, put a website on it (of course with Java Backend). And create some frontend with Swing.
And so on.

Also: "fake it till you make it".
Don't tell them big lies, but small lies are OK.

Think about ti this way:
They will also lie to you, or do you expect somebody to say "oh well, your chief is a terrible person. And your coworker is the biggest asshat you'll ever met. An one mor thing: we pay a lot lee than company xyz.."

No, they won't.

Job interviews are like haveing a first date:
You don't want to make things up, but you also want the other person to think you're the coolest guy on this whole fucking planet..

Work with what you have!
did you study long? --> "yeah, I was always programming stuff here and there, could have been more focused. But I'm rather the worker, not the theoretical type"
only few projects in the subject you are appyling? --> "Back in the days I did a lot of frontend development. But recently I got into databases and found out, that's what I was made for!"
Too young? --> "Yeah, I'm young and hungry and I'm burning!"
Too old? --> "Yeah, I have pretty much experience. I can definately help the company."

You understand what I mean? You only need a story that sells. Everybody has flaws, but the important part is that you:

a) got the hard skills (you should REALLY have them)
b) sell yourself (your pros are better than your cons)
c) are an interesting, charming and uncomplicated person, the kind of guy you want in your team

Three parts of this question:

1) Stress test:
They want to put you under pressure and see if you manage to stay cool

2) "Working out of your comfort zone":
Can you still talk when you don't know much about the subject?

3) Factual knowledge:
Do you picked up WebDev because you are a lazy asshat or because you love this profession?
Of course it's answer nr. 1, but you should have at least some background nowledge. You can even bring up your own theories unless they are completely bullshit.

>if you aren't solving a real problem then you're just contributing discardable waste. how is developing shit like that good practice?

Nah it's exactly the other way arround..

You're contributing "discardable waste" when you are a beginner and try something out of your league.

First learn to walk, then learn to fly.

If you made some of those "trivial stuff" you will have picked up a lot of knowledge. You knwo what they do at code retreats? Solve a simple poblem (say: a doubly linked list). And then do it again, but with a differnt solution. And then another 2 different solutions.
Because that forces you to really get creative, to try out new things, to change your favorite programming style.

Trust me: when you look at your code 3 years from now, it will look fucking ugly to you. Because you will be on a differnt level.