Tfw browsing the internet via dial and one of your parents picks up the phone

>tfw browsing the internet via dial and one of your parents picks up the phone

Kids will never know this rage.

Other urls found in this thread:


>having more than one phone on the house
>not unplugging the phone before modem dial-in
Bitch, please.


>being rich enough BACK THEN to afford a computer
Why let the spoiled rich brats in?

>implying this was ever a problem
It was only annoying if you had a long download going, but if that was the case you should've been using a download manager that let you pause it (or later a P2P program).

We still had this problem with DSL and ADSL. Until the introduced ADSL2+. In Australia, of course

>mfw downloading songs off Kazaa at 3-5KB/s
>mfw downloading a 40MB game with 56k dial-up

>We still had this problem with DSL and ADSL.

DSL/ADSL/ADSL2 runs on a much higher frequency to voice and dialing.
With a good splitter, you wouldn't even notice that the phone was connected.

t. australianon who had DSL for a short while before getting cable

Better get your prime minister involved.

>$200 phone bill comes in
>parents cut modem privilege
the early days were such a pain in the ass

>in the middle of doom multiplayer
>dad orders pizza
>game cut off
>flip out run into living room jump on father
>fall to the floor and begin to slowly sink through it both unable to move
>blue freak outside eating trash

I used to get bitched at all the time.
>go downstairs and see what they want
>"I need to use the fucking phone!!!"

>download manager


Forgot about these

I always unplugged the phone

I miss playing halo

> playing star craft on after long day of bullshit at school.
> barely start and the damn phone ring.
> aunt yaks with my mom for hours about gossip.
> finally off the phone. Get ready to play.
> user! It's 10pm! Get your ass to bed! You have school tomorrow!

I don't know. Mum got me to set up the new DSL modem cause the dial up one just kept randomly cutting off. ADSL and DSL could support 4 computers playing (don't judge me) roblox together. But once the phone ran the internet went off. Didn't matter how many people were on it. The phone would always fuck up the internet

My name is Gus

You probably had a shitty splitter or something was misconfigured or noncompliant.
It is supposed to work simultaneously (and ADSL2 works in roughly the same space as DSL, just modulates differently).

Computers are as expensive now, as it was in the 90s.
Internet was expensive in the early 90s.
Was like 1.3 dollar per minute if i remember right.
I knew people who had unknowingly racked up a bill 2k dollars in one month.

Or maybe DSL is fuvking shit

>MFW having to wait minutes for flash objects to load

It's like saying that Macs are greater than PCs, and proving it by only plugging the Mac into the power socket.

It's a weakness that applies equally to both.

The main benefit of ADSL2 is slightly better tolerance to shitty copper and better download speeds (partly by sacrificing upload speeds).
It isn't any better (or different) at handling phone calls.

How's the phone ringing if you're already online?